' , ' . == _ 'il 1'1T, l 4...: " Jr', " Talll " . tN w" La . , !SlRi$.i's1 .'. =.. ' . .. LTCN a. .mas IFR, . .: '..T, 5-1. ' 1Mlqtl 313v P.) f ( s, "Md pg , ' I , . ! LI r' '? "iglx'w B. f I" U 3 - - _ . . . idE5llll8 Y. .A'. ' a: bo _ ' ' .. . Bitll - " i 'n 'CA).": "ri. .a 'NPT . N {.i'.'.e,' c'? P, '. )V_t " .5" - mi .,' Wh. C I Wt .' i. , "'*" "- ME, . . . r» -u , . Bi new" 33' e " 2 " Ai. - - _ '58, v. Saab - yoneslle' '-'l"e'.' " A H: 'J .1 _ _ lr' . h . mg. i F Provincial Legisletm' . . 'IIN .. g,- ~i . .9utrr, , , "s, ' . . Ihevespecielss [If n " , , C?, G----. . .' . . ing you on the '-o!' so may the _ l '1 . t T . E. _ lmperisll'arliement,sinoeyonrleet i' , . OPEN Or lt titmst confirming andgivi eleet 'ttt . . ' .5 . , . of Her Majesty's iw, Goon " , ' ------ I 1884, respecting the - hhn " U . _ ' ' the Province. and finally settling . . Matter for Reflection ' in thb. northerly boundary as well rtf?"c.'1'tt,rai, . ' insubstantial accordance wit e award] . Speech Fro? Iles Throne. of the Arbitrators in 1878. The people of) . . ..______ ' Ontario cannot but experience a feel ggts, . relief that we have at est rash? the,_ bi ' ' sis e of this ion ~protree leaner _ PROPOSIMN 8 ll t Tlit COVER" I"" hs 'tle,,",, the 'l'l'u1','l'i'lfl the Dominion. end , . --:--- - k that the territorial limits cleimed by the l'rovinw have been ilefinRety secured for Some Lenten and Gentlemen he Wit. (s,, ell time. ' I , l ' t nessed the Opening Proceeding. I regret unnerving to the ettitudeof the t -11.. Pormat Business of 's, Dominion with respect to the question of; the Pt t D . interest, there new appearslittle probability " ey. of e settlement of accounts between the two -'--_- Governments being arrived at through no- , . . " "N gotiation, and proposals heve - ingly ', January ahh, 1890. ty been mud. .on the part of the lfrovinee to l The Ontario Legislature wee opened this refer to arbi.tmtion the Pom" .m dispute. . 'lhe correspondence on the subject Will be afternoon tor the despatch of business on the a . laid before you. l democratic lines laid down by His Hanoi It is also a matter of disep intnseut that Sir Alexander Campbell when he assumed _ the Quebec Government docifi'iies to concur the high otliee.oi Lieutenaiitlilovernor of in any s',"irgt',"t',i,'rr, settling on: f/et . . . , t the ProVince. dudging from the immense "Ni, ',i',',ff'ltll', ZEUS" 'JfadJfl2t,'lt'att'ft, - throng of prominent ladies and gentlemen , have them "med through the Courts. I' who took up every corner of the Chamber irogret that the egrieul rel industry, end the galleries, the Legislature of Ontario the most important in the gvince, is still and its Important functions are respected m , depressed touditiott..', . ntoweed oil- and prized irrespective of any show or glit- "um? eott.d,i.tuy" m "mm"! "on. of the . . . . _ , Province blighted the ho wereenter- _ tering utilitaristu. For years there has not tained in the 1mrly portion o a. "" of en been seen such a line turn-nut of spectators abundant harvest. 1hia, MI.tA the continued as graced the proceedings ot the opening at . low prices oi cereals en " causes, hes the last session oi the Sixth Parliament of tended to prevent that ' vement in the Ontario. condition of those on age in this induitry At 2.30 p. m. the Speaker took the chair. which had been 'll',,',',',' _ " is pleasingto Iylr.edter prayers, he announced to the Mote, however. thutii ¢ 'tntutuhsoturd of Hunt's the election ot Charles Mackenzie to chi-om, our great Agri " Wr represent West Lanibtou in the stead of tax-lo holds a foremost p at!» pr_ , 'ef the late Hon. T. B. Pardee, Commissioner Ontario ranking in point of whim " ' of Crown Lands. The general public were the best oil'ered on tt','iiiiiil'i'i',s'ii't'il' Hid then admitted, and, in the course of ten the Dominion trade; in a {thetthe minutes, scarcely standing room could be yearly value of cheese ",, . . 'tts,. wliid are found. In Ottawa they open Parliament chiefly from Ontario, is . 1xgt,u2tg, with the booming of cannon, gentlemen of aggregate value of all tht enui es the army lend gorgeoushess to the scene. exported by the Dotninio'i. 1 rejoice he Ministers ilit about in Windsor uniforms, know that in every branch of grie ' with clashing swords; and, indeed, every- our farmers nre evineing a; mini: 3p a-. thingis done to impress the hoi polloi, ciation of intelligent methods. The Tmfr'. es Burke has it, with the dignity and tinned success of Ferment Institutes is one majesty of the law. in the Untario Legis- at.tho evidences of a stroneg prevailing Intiire most of these incidental, have been desire to profit by precticel information on banished. The ladies were there, however, economic husbandry. in numbers almost unprecedented, end " it having been alleged that the 'regule. I tired handsomely. All the Ministers were tions oi the Education Department, mquir. ,5 present, except Col. Uibson, Ihovinciat ing instruction in English to be given in all _ Secretery, who was absent owing to the the Public Schools of the Provitie, were funeral of his sister-in-lew, Mrs. Mallet-h, not observed in certain localities in which of Hamilton. the French language prevails, Commis- There were noticed on the floor of the sinners were appointed to whit these t House, besides the members, Mr. Justice schools, to report the facts end toeonsidel' t Maciennen and Mrs. 1laclenmut, Mr.Jastice in what way the study of English may be b Robertson, Mrs. Mowat, Misti 3lowar,tiheriff most successfully promoted among the d Mowat, Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, Very Rev. pupils whose mother-tongue is French. The t \'icer General Lsurent,Mrts. G.W. lioss,l\liss same Commissioners were siterwards : Ross,Mr. T. C. living, Rev. Chancellor Mac. directed to visit the German Schools of the I' Vicar; Kev. Dr.h'heldon, Principal oi'()sWego Province, and to ( report in like manner ' Normal School: Rev. He. House, Principal regarding them. Their reports will be , of Courtland Normal 'ichool l Dr. and Mrs. submitted to you, " well es certain regule- 2-5 Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. M. u. Cameron, tious for giving practical effect to the ' Mr. and Mrs. Avern Purdue, Rev. LeRoy T----'"-'." . _ _ - ".-, . . T Hooker, Rev. J. Muuroe,Mrs. hr. Gilmour, l recommendations of the commissioners, " _ the Misses Notman, Rev. C. E. Thomson, , i Gr " this could le done by immediate Dr. Perfect, in. A. F. Jury. Mr. G. Men '0 "WW" actton. Y.ou. will l" "kerd to ' oer Adam. Aid. John Halleiii and Mrs. A Imake in grant yhich " P'F'su'iy tor the i 1lallaut, Miss Meredith, Mrs. D. F.. thun. i establishment. o. a Training helical in own. Hon. James Young, ex-Ald. Walker, ii'; (,lf:,t,t,gictt,,te1.r,i.o, as recorumenad by the . 11rf. .11 ".lk.T.r and in". " tikerrr, l'?: let: Ttc," I it ntiords me pleasure to state that the Principal liirkUnd, the Muses Ross; Git"? _ . , . . . ui - l . u," 1uttullo, Woodstock; Mr. H. H. . 1,rl,'yel'itfffr,"C'/ tram tie timber dues and Dewart, Mr. and Mrs Armstrong, oil-Aid. '5 the ttut' "MVP lands considerably "- . Baxter, Mr. ii. B. Hughes. etc. Ili?. lends t e estimate submitted to the. His Honor was received n the Front Assembly last session. I street entrance by atruurd of honor fio_m "C" School of Infantry, oomprUing58 Ir. otiicsrts nud men, and commended by ' l' Major Tidal, Captein Evans and a. I captain Lauder. The regiment's bend, . 2? strong, were also in attendance. _ The Goeei.uor-who was accompanied by " eide-dewemn, Commander Law: Lieut.-Col. Dewson, GommanGnt of the Royal G'-- tliers ; bison-Col. Hamilton, Commandant of the Queen's Own Ritus t LieuL-Col. Otter, Lieut...Col. Ale-r. Capt. Miohle and LitutMkl.Gmr--xr" escorted to the throne and reed the following address '.-- . _ 1 . _ ,