The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Feb 1890, p. 2

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I' ' onl £ * k % nA g h« P qaily * nnasties tor ht dsA Inatt c * ran ce m npr 2t T F procéeded then -- ¥ cas...... . e0 .. 100 00 _ o deal with it at some . t ohowin{ con-- | | Sur e i ... 1,507 10 clusively that the annual under the On--; * < Jrivi urt .. .. .. »B2AL7 78 * tario systemm were tgm twonty to thirty Por s ' Re Titles O ex-- cent. higher than thoso uader the Dominion ' &:mdlwrc. 1888........ 1,108 40 sysiem, and thoe difference was more than ; Oflicial Gazette.......... 8530 23 | suflicient to counterbalanco the dilference in { Private Bills ...... ...... 4,339 79 the ground feat and the roi'nlty of flive per | SEILUECE.. ... «.«:ccbears»s AOOKOY cent, imposed by the Dominion Government, Consolidated lulos of 'Theo larger sums received b{ Ontario were due PEACHICG....«« is «:«x * 10000 to the botter management of the Crown Lands TIncidentais...... ...« .... > -- 140 99 by the Governmeut,. Large and handsome w----==------ -- 4440¢ 71 sums wore realised in consequence of the sys-- Insurance Companics' tetm pursued by the Province of disposing of Assessmeonts .... .. .... $2.999 95 the lauds at public auction and by open com-- Removal of Patients .... 8,905 78 -- petition, and the Domiuion Government would i 8,905 73 securo the same result if they adopted the London 1, A.--Capital Account.... 40 00 same policy. Doaf and Duamb institute--Capital Coming now to the next item, that of educa-- BCOOUNE: c resscrarticerarer rrsk+r 80 1¢ tion, the Hon, 'Freasurer showed that the Mercor ieformatory--Capital Ac-- estimated receipts of $22,000 had beon cxceeded COOUNMG: «1 rsccrrarikrsc es 111 +s +s * , ~AOLY 60 by $13,55971, the total receipts having been Drainage W orks Assessments...... 17,486 76 $55.359 71. This increase had been occasioned Municipal Loan Fund...... ........ 850 00 in this way. lLmst year the Minister of Educa~ Toronto L. A.--Sule of Lands .... .. 119,83l 20 tion had resoivod to transfer the non--profes-- New Parliament BHulldings Fund .. 315 14 sional examinationus to county Boards, which Sntabcarle ie Sitiecantcreas wouid have produced a falliug off in the s $3,499,395 25 rovenus of the Education Depariment, but he Drainage Debontures.......... .... _ $9,027 91 had thought it better to continue the old sys-- * i T MGessserssss 3,391 92 tem--henee the figures named. inomeupnremernturm mntine In law stamps the estimate of $75,000 had & $3.538,405 08 boen cxt'codod by189.841 :l lhefincronw twula)_dlue e pointed out that the to 'Ci to land taxes from the Master o Titles $3,499,385, not counting ",em}, ?ji;"',g';';':"'{;}: oflice, which amounted last yoear lo $10,118, | debentures, which brought them up to $3,53%,-- 'The noext iteim touched on was that of 405 08. Thefirst items, those of subsidy ud licenses. 'Tho cstimate was $260,000 ; receipts, specific grant, wore, of course, he pointed out $302.17354 44, an excess of $42,754 44. n muliing unchanged. The first item calling for romark the estimate, said Mr. Ross, he had taken into was that of * interest on capital held and debts account the probability of the Scott Act being due by the Dominion to Ontario and on invest-- repealed in some counties. He had not counted ments." The receipts under this head were on its being repealed in all, and had in fact $350.024, as against an estimate of $329,111, or oniy counted on its being repealed in ons-- an excess 0? $25,914. Now, continued Mr fourth of them, and had added $20,0C0 to the Ross, members of the Opposition and news-- estimaic on that account, It was alleged by paper critics, {apparently on their behalf, aro some friends of hon. gentlemon opposite that continually in lfio habit of pruclaiming' the in taking this probavility into account the surplus a myth, and declaring that the assots Government was -- prejudicing . the . voio were unreal and visionuary and the Province that was to (be faken . and | was . efn< could not realise upon them, could not, there-- deavoringy to make eapital out . of it fore, honestly count them as assets, To thogs While, of course, there was no truth in this, ho gentlemen and those crilies he would propound ; contonded that it was the duty of the financial the simple problem as to where all this inter-- ofticer of the Governmeunt to take all contingen-- est comes from if the Province had no real ces into account in making his estimale. HMe assets. Itseomod to him tha. there must be had only counted a smail proportion of what it somo substance where there was so palpable a was not unroasonabie to expoct might have shadow, The interest countsd¢ among the been received, jJudging by the votes of the pro-- assets would represent, at five per cent., a vious year, HMe had stated last year that if capital of about seven millions of doll;;r'x. the Seott Act were repeal¢d in all the counties Moreover, the interest roceived this year was in which it then prevailed, and the same liconses not an isolated instance. it was an item that were to issue as in 1685, the additional revenue ligured every year. In 1886 it amounted to would be $78,004. The Scolt Act was repealed #535,004; in 1387 to $324,856;, in 1888 to 3334' 443 in ali the countios, but the additional revenue and in 1899 to $355,025, a total for the four years was only $62,75¢, 'This was because in 1886 the of $1,349,528, and an average of $337,53%2, repre-- licguse tees were imcreaged and the return of sonting, at tive per cent., a capital of 50'745 000. licenses issued showed that the high licenses W hen, therefore, Mr. | Ioss urged, Upposi-- had had the effect of reducing the number con tionists claimed there was no capital, the re-- siderably. In thirty--six districts in which the sponsibility rested upon these same gentiemen Scotrt Act had boen repealed the Agures for to show where thero largo sums of interost licenses issued in 1883 und 1889 respectively, ca'}g}o fron'ng. h C were :-- en the hon. Treasurer dealt with the 1885, 1889. Loss. Ltl?'?)s l?"'lh'n Crown Lands _Departmont, which Hotels........ 1,019 Hote!ls.... 932 117 imounted in total to $1,196,455, as against an Shops......... _ 134 Shops..... 92 40 esltimate of $1.100,000, beoing an excess of the samoms meu< nes t{?:;ntg:l:u':)flsl%.i;ua. Iln t1861 he said, the first 1,181 1,024 157 ye 'hich he undertook i i that the rovenue from the (ZrE;owl:ofiill;?:g \f':.{ Tt being s cardinal bolict with Temperante ravidly diminishing, and that the GU\'('Z'"IIIQ;II pt.!u'pll: Hg e sae seu cire Toen che nmounedt would suon be browght face to face with direct which NHqUOr Wns sold the losy the amount of taxation, he had given figures for eleven years liquor \\'ua"ct)xwlxllle:l. it would be scen that the prior to the date named, showing the falsity of n difeer Afldende u is Ufrosuce "of Temgat: that ery. The amount collecited from that :,',"rw" influence in the direction of Temper-- source in 1883 waus $635,447, k SHowsty 'but a Touy u?)uJ'r'Qj' 8;3&":(}3':'\' Now ho came to the next item, that of pub-- average for the eleven yours ho had then lie lnuhln'\g.-}. The estimatle was $97,250 ; re-- quoted. Ho had then argued that the ceipts, $35,wi9 in excess ofi that figure, This Province might confidently look forward to a was inainiy occasioned by the change in the continuance of the revonue from Crown Lands p)rnsun labor regulations, whereby the Central with a certainty that it would not be dimin. Prison had manufactured $30,000 worth of ished. It might not be uninicresting to con-- bricks for the new Parliament buildings. The tinue thesge figures and seo if there was m;w 4 esiimated receipts from all the other institu-- any evidence of ruin and decay in respect to | u:»'nu had becn vory closoly yorified. this source of revenuo. In 1834 the receints | Thero was little calling for comment under were $570,5065; in 1838, $736.004; in 1986. gola.ste :. | | thiw "The 'ectimate of 450000 had 'heol on in 1887, $1115142 ; in 1879. $1.430,4005 in 10800, | [ Sitlea 6y $10,004. . This wak aue co an Iioreagd $1,196.455, or an average of $979,000, the averago | cceded by $10,404. 'This was due to an increase of the previouns cleven years being $651,038 "h | in a number ot small items, chicfly on ac-- mighi, hbhowever, be urged by crities that | gounfifes "ll" Ne buis Division Conrciorke bonuses were included in thess figures: goi m."-' flnes, & they were in thoso givon for the previous The ouly other item calling for attention un-- years, so that the comparison was mado der the head of receipts was tnat of 'Toronto under similar_ conditions, But, dednucting Lunatic Asylum sale of lands, 'Theo estimate the bonuses, the averago was .8724 000. -- a§ oi $185,000 had not been reachod by $65,149, the agnainst $651,038 for previous years, so that the receipts being but $119,851. 'This was because ! revenue had beon more than maintlained under the mortgages which it had been intended to 7 i dispose of had not been soid, but were still held | the same tariff. In 1883 thero went into force by the Government and were included among & new tariff of a aollar instend of 75 cents, but the interest--bearing assots, as the dues were collected on the cut of the The total estimated receipts for the year had previous year, the effect of this increased tariif therefore been $35,332,0835. as awainst a sum was not visible in the accounts till 1899, when aclually received of $5,499,385 25, exclusive of ' out of a total receipt of $1,190,455 only $66,053 §39,019 35 on uccount of drainago aud tile de-- | was (or bonuses, or the revonue was $1.130.397, bentures, or the estimate haq been exceed exel -- & eeded by (?f):l.'.txsx"\o !;n bvnulsvs. l'lho,-ru was, moreover, $167,302 25. nothing abnormal in the receipts Crown A & Y lands during the past )'cnr.Le'lE(lihr:iu'lf:}'-'cnll(':) a L".%T Yuank BAPENEHIEEUINEC § from the same s0urco could be--eounted on The hon. Treasurer then proceeded to discuss tor: L i the expendiiure of the past year, and d for the years to comos, subject only to s 4 + calt incidences of trade, and (to the cliimatic with the items in the following table :-- fncilities and other counditions that might be exprexopirurR®k, 1889 found to exist for manufacturing, etc. Itought,, Civil Government.................. §211,761 63 | Ulm!um('«l Mr. ltoss, to be superfinous to ex-- LOgISIMEHOIL: . ... ... .« +,rssr«@rcrrcere " "Al0WMOOiko | ;:A.un fromm what sources our principal revenuo Administration of Justice,.......... _ 506,252 24 _ connection with Urown Lands aro de« WKUCALIOH:....: 1.«* acrirrir--marcer BORGSS 98 51\'0(1. The common source of revenue was Public lustitutions Maintenuance.. _ 728,909.61 from dues collected upon timber cut uponlands IMMIQTIALIOH .: +1 «+ 6666 exariiiss . s+4% 6:849 90 or territory under license for a term of years. AGFICUILUEO:.«« «+ 1+1+1+ ..+s +11+:«+2%!~"£00,787 98 This ought to be known to everybody, yot, liospitals and Charities...... ...... -- 120,402 48 from criticiams he had seen in nuwdpu%cm of liepairs and Maintenance P.B..., 64,132 60 lf;!u regarding the amounts received by the Public Buildiugs...... ...... ...... §18,407. 30 Province under its plan of public anction and Public WOrkS.... :«ss«ssssiriscrtks 25,071 bo onen competition, and comvaring them with Colonisation Roads.... ............ _ 103,006 63 | the amounts receiyed by the Dominion Govern-- Charges on Crown Lands.........; _ 101,775 68 ' ment under its plan of dealing with Crown Consolidation of Statutes.......... '781 97 | Lands, it would seem that these eritics are MISCOHLGHCOUS+: + sres si5ss) 3xr«i+i¥ks 60,013 63 | either without any knowledge of what the ROLUDCG.+««ss 1111 s¥¥rsrssit¥¥iei 1135 18,024 87 | actual conditions are, or elso they were pur-- ninnonrnkmimaget posely muking misleading statements, W hoen Ordinary Expenditureo under comparison was made between the large , Supply Bill................... . §$3,181,614 93 amounts received under the Ontario system Drainage Debentures.... ......... 17.727 88 and the inaignificant amounts received under Tile *¥ irssr¥esris%s 8.900 00 tho Dominion aystem, the critics of the Onta: bo luilway Aid Certificates ........., -- 247.982 14 Government sought to break the force of the Annuity Certificates................-- 82,200 00 comparison by argunmn; that the Dominion Widows' Ponsl0ng.;...,......:.621s 1.164 07 Government collected a royalty every yoar New Parliament Buildings........ 143.167 35 M irom those who were working its limits, and jesirrorse Vn haws un they tried to make out that that was fully equal $5,055,306 37 to odr system end productive 6f an equai On the item for civil governmont, the esti-- revenue. Mr, Ross urged that there was no mate had been $1,583 3¢ in excess of the sum ce hoii in ... i ks

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