l, I Illll lllllllllPl t I I!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. _ I t J "I": s---' -t _ Ch, = " , " "py ' _ q . _ _ Tr F.siiiiriqri or they had with who" Iner-nqyattittir as "not that '0 - yrqti there was on 'hand and with asrapldly ruins 'lt debt. Wo Would. "blunts ,., what they expected to receive deg-in the forced to admit. t at a wooden» or extrava- year saint-lent to make up 'mstJ'll'lf. "N 2 . once had been made out against us. Lot nsseo take from that their estimated ex diture, , ii',',',') their expenditure for civil goz'ernment I it would leave . balance ot .M'WBM. as c, stands. In 1870 it was 8750 874: in 1808 it was 1 he had mentioned before. there w." "min 81,258,t08, an increase of850MM, or at Ker cent., expenditures outside the Supga am... They . against Ontario's let per cent. Now, on. 800' l had railway ctrrtitittattstr, 0247. and ennui. tleinen will hardly claim that the increase of ties, 352.2(1), or in those two "I... together the population ot the whole Dominion has been i 3.500.182. That would still leave a balance 1. ' greater relatively than the troptthttion ot the banks of 8134.248 t1napprqpr1ateu. But ' Uiitai'lO. and tho titrur.ert I have quoted 'sh.ott they had expenditure to provide for on the "s that the inciease in expenditure tor civil Parliament building]. He wished to sell at? _,". government in the Dominion has been about motion to this. Every year during the past three timetsaattrottt astlie increase in popula~ tour years their estiumted reueipU had ex- tion. while the "10me in Ontario is COME!!!" cecded their expenditure. on an average. ably less than the increase in population. by 3194.572. That is, that, takin their m. 'i'luuttutain, we can guano our expenditure" creased receipts and their reduceg expendi- a further test by similar expenditure in the titre every year. they haul been inn better po, neighboring Province ot Quebec. Tttttt Pro. anion " the end of the year-than they kad vim-e has been mainly under Conservative estimated at the start. In 1880 their receipts management. and we tind that civil govern- excocded their expenditures by $360,088: in mcnt hue increased from 8155.106 in 1873 to 1887, by $576,144 ; in 1808. by 8206.678. and in 1889. swirl" .in one. or " per cent. When a uov- by $345,728. Therefore he could say that their arm-tent does not increase its expenses tor ad- estimates ot receipts Were not exagger. ministration such as those embraced under ated and their estimate-i of ex endi. civil Koveruutentirragresuttrr degree thauthe three were not unduly curtailed. 'Fhere- increase in the population of tlis country under fore he thought the cash they had on its administration it cannot . be truthfully hand and all the receipts they estimated would charged with being unnecessarily extravagant. meet all the expenditures under the Supply lsnpposo municipal government may be c.0u- Mill. Now. it never had been expected that sidered the most economical government by the Parliament Buildings would be construct- public bodies. because municipal expenditure ed almost entirely out of annual revenue. and is so closely and continuously under the eye of yet so tar they had been built, with the excep- _ the public. Yet a glance at tho municipal tlon oi what they had received from thesale of statistics will show that municipal taxation. a portion of the lands set apart for that pur- expenditure and debt has increased far more pose. out ot the annual revenue-thear, hear, rapidly than i-'rot'incinl expenditure. Maui. and cheursp-tuitt they were still holding thirty cipnl taxation in Untmio has inctcared from acres or the property originally set apart to be $5,003,779 in 1872 to '3i95,011 in liiW. The rate used iul' that purpose which was steadily in- "Human our head of the population hesm- creasiugiu value c\'cr_v your, and ho did not creased from Co 86 in 1372 to $505 in 1387. The think he was too sanguine in believing that total municipal expenditure has increased m those lands, With the amount they were deriv- the same period trout 80.140512 to "1.849.828. ing from annual revenue. would complete the and municipal debt: or liabilities from 'ld," Parliament buildings a iihout drawing adollar 595.587 to 837.65thti37. trom the surplus. (Urea: cllcoi'sl. - i-norosico nxrssnrri'nl. Now. Mr. Speaker. said Mr. lines in conclu- Comingto the question of proprsed expendi- _ triun.1 may. f thunk. fairly claim that the tum for 1893. the hon. gentleman said that, as Ilall'rmi'ut I have, been Ptrlyileirtn.t to present to copies oi the estimates were in the hands of the Houso tN Otto eminently satiisbustory. The i members and of the press. he would only briefly otdy "We; tliatmay cent F, shadow over the i refer to one or two of them. They had to pro. uv!tyr.wirt' 'ttuuslyuttr "Milli." " that Ontario's . ride for an int-reuse of 297 of an asylum popular satinlnctory tinanciul p"ytiott when contrasted lion. and that involved an] expenditure of Willi that of other Proviucnns may HOW. as in something upward ot 87.585. which they had to the out. awe-rise to thebelwl' in those other iake irttu"hccotutt this year. Then an increase Pros "If"! that Outer"). in financial arrange- wuuld be noticed in connection with the ('en- Illt'lllls. has profited more by Confederation iral Prison industries. That would be more than they. lult nothing could he more falla- fully discussed again. but he might coy now Nous. Ulnarios more eatiefactory poettionuie that as they Were growrng they had to provide " boon ll'UllUL'HUI pointed out. 19 d1.se, tirtstly. for additional supervision and expense» of torc. to the lact that t.hu people? .ot ontario. tinder men. Thet: they had taken up one or two now our "yn,pytrtursive tnuniyipal "Stein. have Lulu-tries. 'l'he We". Itoiutt to manufacture chccrt'uily borne u allure oi the burdens of self- blunlcctstortno public inrubittttioms-1ttpplatttro) KOVcrumunt whiclt the people of other Pro. --and all the irotrucdstcads necessary for three. '/,'..'lu.'"..'.' "D" thrown almost eutirclr upon the and in that \vaytliey had to lay in a certain Proxiticiul "WNW": and. secondly. to the amount of material which would consequently more careful and economical administration of entail an incrmcecd expenditure. which would. her iItt',",ifiy.t).tyl l Hunk that at We close of the howevcr,cotne back again from the dill'crcnt EMU! Pyrliayte.nt. live of which have been institttturas Then there were sums to pro. MN»? thutultnittstrtuiott9t the Psut'ornt NHL , ride tor additional collagen at Mimit'o thi- .t.i.ovcrrtr"ertt, can confidently leave it to the I aud. for tho completion ot the ' intelligent people of t min-no to any that in on. 'tlriilin Asylum. lie did not think there was Ircutstintttht' luuuuuelnent at their tinauciai I anything further he iitiloidiui '",'tti, to 1iii cot: Te.",'.?.":")":"-"..:":."::',"::":"::"-,::-, ------- '_-_--- - - - _-7_- motion witnilie expel! tare. '" cir est mate i ' ___ "' , t t . ' ' , c "airs to the Mount Gqverttruont, that (10'- oxpet"i'"ur.'.o..ely.te.t.l1'.r,Cr, fdffdli.f moment has adminlatvred the trust judici- l EesTiMArb'." I'.r.iF.iPTt5, "" ounly. economically and Ittuum.ly. .. Subsidy" .. .. ss......-". 31.190373 80 (more. Mr. Speaker. that you do new leave interiors tll. cannot bald the chair. "ttt V ts "U y "' . Mt', it a CLARKE. )(nuinioulolliit.il'lll . 256,000 00 , - . . . lnltcrcet on ittvctttttttttttq 60.000 00 - 4" H. E. Clarke. lu'. rising to reply. was ------_ 316." 00 warmly 1Iwl,,',tydttl by his friends. He at once Crown Lands "esptsrttnunc-- {incurred tlyt.'I'roasurer of leaving tho Province Crown lands . .... 33,300 00 in blieetul ignorant. of the true state of its l "or," iiiiii,C.y..y.y. b.thl'0 no finances. lie went on to any that the incotne l t'ouimon School lauds 10,000 00 "lily"! 82.000,000 l '4,.000.00.0 a your: part of Woods and iorcsts. . . .1.COJ.000 00 , w nth is llxcd and cc'r.t?iy and part 1".fhht,t.i.ey, i -t-.t-l.q-- 1.1m tm 00 but the truth is. he said, that our expenditure Public Institutions-- ' giggled: income by from 550.000 to 340mm per 'y/J',,".? Lunatic Asy. 38 000 W Uh ! Oh.' from Ministerial benches. ', _ I "'1" V iariiicyAis'r: ' Mr. Clarke then entered upon an argument l "L"/f.'.' "m " " 10.000 N and calculations to show that the ltte,etC, I Kingston Lunatic le! no surplus to boast ot. Ho maintained& I . . ' that the expenditure in l883 exceeded the love- Ao.x1lu'nt.... .... "'; 3.is00 W title by 8400.000. The Treasurer did not at that d Ituusiltutt Lunatie, 8.00000 time know how to make a surplus grow ti'tyh' '.:.'di.'."Ci,C . in spite, of an over expenditure. (Laughterl. , O'.sill a Lunatic Ata. 2 000 W in lou, the expenditure was 81.000.000 over the , luiu.... .... .... .... ' income. but the i'reasuror still claimed usur- ltciormatory tot' te. pine. Mr. Clarke proeecded to tell the House .Imu's'm /k .... 'd 4'998 tl that the extret"titttre frciu l882 to 1856 amount- 1.'.ry.ey11..tt?, 1lr boys 65 {in 00 ed to $12,322,747. and tittriiuuuut, to "1.415.076. Hamel I'rit,un ....... ' thu0ravittgatotttl deficit for their" years of ""5" and "um" lu. 150 00 . seamen. lie claimed that there should be SUWW-n- .... .... .. 131 350 '00 added to this the sums borrowed. Tire, 8655.694. " . D . t t 55000 (ft) which would raise the doiicit to 81.t)63.g65. in 51yiHi..t?. cpar men ............ Tia) 00 this way Mr. Clarke Went onto roll up detieita, ""9"""iW'""""""""""" ...... ac,7,'c"G5 00 warning the Treasurer that it was wronzto 'AWVIIM" ..'.... .......... ......'... £5,000 00 hide them. He tixcd the total delicil in 1887 " l lmw "ve."P:'"c-- .............. ii.aii oo 81.935.802. but when he came to 1888ho admit-. I t)lg'nui/ taxe8. . ---; .. 'dd,' v'"""".," .. ' ted the receipts exceeded tho expenditure. and i Frout "WWW" Lompanies retire so he reduced the deficit to 51.882.089. The "tias"duuAsyluut.... ._.. ...... 17300000 . favorable state of ail'airs in 1886 he at- 'iaeyyyfcY.tr.f.t'/.'e"',.e; ............ $38133 tributed to successful Crown Land sales. lul'uniu Asylum "eeccc:crc, 5000 00 Mr. Clarke then left ofriittuo to say that he insartutctt communes assessments ' was not a pessimist. He would not any that Assam-nerd ot,Uountiee re roinoVai 6.000 00 the Province was tptimt to the dose. because he E of lunatic-......... .. .. .. . . .... --M_Hr-r-9r- l 21,u,ht,",gtiehfhiilt, i3". Tursiul'f to "(3.0118 , ' "r.7T,T; f _ tannin. in sun tint to iscovcl'r t can. lit e ' l i'otttl. ....'....... ........ 'T.' .... '3,537.222 80 I public accounts especially. on item under an- " Then coming to the question of how they ttuitimrotottntitut to 8844.712.'whieh Wins paid , .', were g0lllg to provide tor that expenditure. by borrowed lunacy. lie remembered when he . From interest they esstimatetithoy would rc- wasnboy (Mr. Hardy-us 1tiuI--ilatuthtcrl, how ' V ccive $516,000; from UrownLaruis 31.100000" his teeth watered on entering a groccr's l 7 the some amount as last your: from Public i store and looking up at. sugarloovea on the institutions SlSl.530. which we., larger than I shelf. he was disappointed in ttuding out they they had last year. From the itduoation tto. were wooucn. (Laughton) In the name way purrutent they estimated the same amount Its _ the Treasurer kept on his shelf wooden Stu"; rctwwcd inst your -t'Si,00ik 'r!yyt1rrry/ licenses pluses. (Opposition laughter.) He charged that _ they estimated only 8500.000- '1 hey might have the $4,000,000 surplus lett by John h'ondt1eld l csumiucd. perhaps. 5500.000. because license Maedonatit vanished with thoadvent ol gent I, fees would come in from counties which had men opposite to power. " was sometimes ' formerly been under the Scott Act;ltyt,yusho l hy occupant. of the Treasury bon now the Temperance peohle were agitating to _ 'it we have no Illrpius where d , l l'ndlli'o the number of icenaes in a.itt'Ye.nt get our interest." Mr. Clarke ex . 1 places. the smaller estimate was put in to be that tho interest was received tram t a Do- I safe. provided that contingency ehould happen. iumion subsidy. a statement which otuttyrd a. ' Altogether the estimate ot revenue lronitheso general laugh. He maintained that the trust ' ', and various other sources was 80.351222 80. funds in the hands of tho Dominion Govern- Tleo" Inc-v had in the bonito credit balances. meat are not assets.on the ground that when _ they were realised they would have to pay ii . them out to those for whom the trusts was l created. 1 I {I g