Lug d ~fl /¥ A 4 B2 iA ar(MaNaa C1 ~ / B id P given the power of changing time pf holi-- days to suit local sonditious, and attention | was promised to this also. | A LABOR DEPUTATION. & A deputation composed of Messre. T. J. Carey and (G. W. Dower, President aud Secretary, respectively, of the Dominion Trades and Lubor Council, asked the Gov-- ernment to enact a Workshops Regulation | Act, and also to amend the lien law in res-- | pect to its effect on the wages of the work-- ing classes. The deputation was accompan-- ied by Mr. A.F.Jury and Mr.Garson, M. PP., and attention to the matter was promised by the Attorney--General. xorks, h The following were invited to dine with Colonel Gilimor, Clerk of the Assembly, in the evening :--Mr. Speaker Baxter, Mr. Monk, M.PP., Mr. Freeman, M.PP., Mr. Harcourt, M. PP., Major Dela-- mere, Mr. Broughal!, Mr. Holmes, the Sergeant--at--Arms, Mr. Joseph, Mr. Kent, ; Mr. Rousseau, Mr. Crosby, Mr. C. M. | Thompson, Mr. A,. Thompson, Mr. Cart. | wright, Mr. Halbert, Mr. Stiver, Mr. A. B. | McCalium, Mr. F. McKenzie, Mr. A. i Fraser, Mr. W. Taylor. | _ Mr. Whitney, M.PP., represented Dun-- | das Electoral District in the interview with | HHon. Mr, Drury on Thursday, and Colonel | Morin, M.PP., and Mr. Harcourt, M.PP., | represonted Welland District. + | XuTICEs or MoTioN. | | _ Mr. Waters--Bill to amend the Munici-- | pal Act. _ Mr. Guthrie--Bili to amend the County Courts Act. : ' Mr. Stratton--Bill to amend the Muni-- > cipal Act. | Mr. Ostrom--Bill to amend the Munici-- ' pal Act. } Mr. Ostrom--Bill to amend the Act re-- | | specting the driving of sawlogs and other . timber in lakes, rivers, creeks and streams, LICENSE COMMISSIONTERs, The following _ License Commissioners have been appointed :-- Elgin East--Asa Miller, John Ogilvie, Geo. North. | _ Waterloo North--Chas. Noecker, James | Potter, J. H. Campheil, Kingston--J. McKelvey, R. Crawford, T. Hanley. Victoria West--William Needler, P. Cur. tain, D. Jackson. Haldimand--James Mitchell, K. Buckley, | J. Lynch. | Cardweil--T. Brown, G. Jones, A. Doig. , Huron _ West--Samuel -- Sloan, Myles ! Young, James Stevens. { Bruce North--John Ashcroft, W. Van-- dusen, Daniel McTavish. Haliburton--C,. D. Curry, M.D., W. Fielding, W. Pricat, Wellington West -- Thomas Hargourt, Arthur ; John Paterson, Hollin ; John | Oliver, Palmerston. | OTHER APPOINTMEXNTS, The following appointments will appear in to--morrow's Gazeite :-- William John Frame, of Collingwood, to be Police Magistrate in Collingwood, with-- out salary. Charles Marcus Sanford, of Brighton, M.D., to be an Associate Coroner within and for the United Counties of Northumber-- land and Durham. RKobert Elliott Fair, of Collingwood, bar-- rister--at--law, to be a Notary Public. Eigin Birdsall, of Canboro', to be Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of the County of | Haldimand, in the room of Seth K. Sinith, resigned. Amos Hughes Wilson, of Newmarket, to be a Bailiif of the Fourth Division Court of the County of York. James {) Paxton, of Port Perry, to be Bailiff of the Third Division Court of the County of Ontario (re--appointed). Ne errentaneneaemamemints |