® M s ud ecrrarorny wareccagemanttie '...,.. _n R F R * 7 y Te dieciiege mh utss tont he nhs P emeomattegesiannmmmmm. / // commended to tho position wm'fio":'.'.'i . The Minister of. tfon announced that | ~~ -- wee® . ho those who had been in a position he would t ) 3. Ms * oo his o to move the plution to aid the Uni-- h :louufloa ns Then again it was ' ver--ity 'u'chorltiu to the extent of $160,000 to-- necessary , |t hh". an officer ~appointed morrow afternoon, when s hopod to be abio / A e fact that Mr. Lount, the Stipen-- to give them a full statement o?the fAinancial | y aal e ic srarch.cte, bed suecieg | . | o Ahie House adjourned n Te i f( ge an e 1w e House a w ::"" ning townehipe." The Stipondiary u.'"? d ciOck. djourned a few minutesaftor six Tard .fiu an old man and he did not desire the TREASURER ROSS' * o Heud p of l.rlnvclllng involved in hearing o9 f ippalatmnt | | M g. r c;",_" n reference to Mr. Marter's H he following is the,full statement made by ,3. t ;1" 'i'ls'"'"'" was not fit for his on. A. M. Ross in refly to the criticisms of t.p(lmu' gn'h vr. Hardy said that was the first the Opposition on the finances of the Province | e he heard such a thing. He (Mr. Hardy) at the close of the debate on Tuosday night :-- | llnt(l"f nothing 9'50'" Mr. Spencer but what was Hon. A. M. Ross said he had not usually | 8 ai(:cm"' The salary was a mere pittance availed hbimself of the privilege usually ac-- ott,l'l" .liitnfi[the arduous duties attached to the | corded to the mover of a motion, of closing the 9 ce. r. Spencer} talked politics in bar-- | debate, @nd at this late hour he would not w?:a":;" wn,guir to assume that Mr. Marter j have interveneod now but for the purpose of conun::;:iu?\(r"li'{:'\k?;lgmg{') L':MA' :u events," . So::rcc{mlg 'nno or two very misleading and. in-- Mr. o r. [Marter's wh sorrect statemonts, both by the g'l.-u"}' is summed up in the disclosure that l\gl: l for Torouto and the "O"y- '""':'e'g:o;':"ol?"'t:&r * a?fé'&?Lr'tlr:f,"::&:.g:fi""}'. Convention, and 1 ltll:'c:'hon. lnember for Toronto has labored to s required some-- e out a case of mismanage : * zg%oflw;e"ho?'e\'er. to 'substantinte _ the | travagance against . the uugst":'l:'?":;"""dae':(d $ t nco." 'i'«\i,piafife'?"' was not a good Mag-- ' mttz;'l)r'l'st fl"{zeer for falsely picturing the con-- w7 C¥ s 0 e Province as fAnanci y gelg:;_.k'l;ovr;c[::"::og;n:g:t:(;rg?yte"ely upon the | :J::'le. n('pfil'ding to his at.mel:ngx(;;:"yw:o:;'lé t t ointment of Poli grapidly to the dogs, and ruin ai Miagistrales, and thought it a olice | gs, and ruin and direct s, mMaALtEE fOr regr | raxation will shortly be th :;lf):hlha! could only be removed at the plou'ng: ._ _ ppafore the House p°°'i"' Ait il"'e'%':'l'f-'"gg"':'?'fggs' Mre\X:r'Fdri'::enit& ' that he hbas discovered and is informing the C hs Nerec io entd it was againet the apteit or | . | SoéOiTie yortnlace Ritvour wxperaiture should receive a salary from th (."'5° officials has been nore than. our P escigie mind that o horeas the CIOVernont had)e dsovernmum. Maro 1 méno than our receipts and that we this official was paid by the G admitteq that con drawing upon our surplus, and the : q iovernment. _ H gravamen of his charge is t = ifoyaserasten) t rieituenorn - class of cases, or that any offici ohear a certain w y, in every year in which an i + rlal of the Govern-- expenditure over receipts w ici 2}(';','3'.,?""?1'3 IL :rn x:::"t]% «ts:imllnfi,hepd"'{f' requi;'::l :it':o";\ b:.:ldly i:;formcd uig l[ous:):afloil'l 3&??33?3"{ £ N. | ractice of th I on, gontleman will find mt }'.I?';.l:;\rx:::;t&! appointing as ordinary l'ollcg that effect in the offlcialre ?)rtltl)]tyul.;'fi:tlgl::'r:g('m pormtod und olse who had been spocially ap-- , My first warning to the F{uuso was in 1884 in Theo Attior?rot 'a '?COlt Act. my first financial statemmont, in connection wiéln j quainted witt y--General said he was not ac our proposed renewal of rail way aid certificat y | hich Mr. M:rkz.::.:- {:;;;ubxrnwn::t particular case | l';f,",i"lg d'uo' by annuity certificates--a scfignf: ;'suy othing Of it ot as (bo ;'[:p'no he would | b iich the hon, gou}lemuu condemns to--day | ' K * o remark | but which he highly a r $ mittlmbemird -- Asessighaiedit | Wwould say that such an occur' nat the Act, he i iat approval in this House, (Hear, hear.) | y thi & > rence was ve wet me quote what 1 did 1--* ) p l i :::umigg)g:t / ::; g:«.i' é:_o:;ul': t:;;;ihr,,l,:;,,,,ber :{ lul;nel we mustl recogni;eml'fio m&ttmfi ;())x:: g';;t € e nd. T ','Al' iture and rece c *A \ ' ffi?'i"n?s lfx:l(li ilt'llroisd'.i:-'tr(';:':fyg: nmlli' ofticial w};: {)l')l?ro mluy be nu'c'mf.'fifiu:ffo.fib;';ir otnollygz:. | had no county organisatio 4 district which we have arrived at the point at which the | fore of paying the salary n.and no monns thare-- expenditure under our Supply Bill fully caual s y otthe Magistrate. ' our receipts. It i P i M i proper Attorney--Goneral explained the c ate. The TUA pts. s therefore wiso and proper [ i e «[PMex t wo should mak i under which Police Mngistrageuuum't"nces Ll:n f j o lia pqovmion to defer a por-- o pointed to carry ut Tiie %0"3 Ac,,.mo o be i of our railway liabilities, and the Govern-- x & t. It w ment therefore pro exprossly provided by the stututc l iv P no rake hn the cerithvats 0 give thein the power i J appointment was not to remain i To o Aftes . | that power to take up the certilicates the Scott Act had ceased to n I0r00 after | rop dA ing 4 issued as they fall d I s provail. The offi-- | and to issue now c unni f i :\l-;'l::l\';l'xiul-"]?l]'-".or'w" cases b--en renppolmxild poriod of years." '(g::\r}'cnl::;r :'unmug C always boen(;lm-u'}hm'"'"es- but there had | would have preferred in this, my first fir * always pecial reasons for such appoint-- | cial statement, to present to the Hlous 'tflflnnn' Mr. Armstrong testifl | which would show a handsome bal ce of ro-- WilicArmntronge testined to spe high stendare | . | Poresr t anr ns mde thi ind U Temperance iman, he said, a as a strong | fore, we haye now reached that in 1 c ¥ , anu had be * | | which our recei 3 ctuves" abe pointed by the Government my th cst of | 1 io. "oo Aaponipuios Ate the Temperance peop!e of ti t the request of | | nearly balanced, and we must expect tl ! °M a > ie district. from year to year, 11 i iL chks mincs 1 | n\ot!x"}n'\{»:f\:;:l made a fow remarks, and the ! : :,h'"" "'"i'"'"'"' our "'l::':::"l'i?:lla"';nbi'll'tt?:!l(:rlill'l'n'\:: | ssed. _ _ ur receipts. B ince i j Ks ll;E.\llT'l ED FINES AND PENALTIE®, ! } still, neither cm:x:':.l:eur':xx:';'nx;%:iuot Snd ie of ll"'cal;t',;till: n'lvoh\'lc:(lll for an address for a return | | _ In 1885 I said : Now it will b Oy any e gurt hav'é bggssx'-:arxr?i';?u&"cs imposed x}r'eniiletn,on who have the esuu(;xusto:sn it:y Lllm"" ings for the recovery of themm h ed or proceed-- hands that this estimate of receipts d 'es not by the action of the Exect n have beon stayed cover our estimated expendi in ine Executive Goveramer statement 1 pendi(ute,. . In, the any member thereof, and of all cases i hich also, | . maile last year thore was a deficiency gcrsnnsli:\b'.» Pon x:ovogniuux\-("t{"bm which | "'"';"'"d it may be as well to acknowler;(') feen released from Labimity of ({;m.o ?ll have | wl!h we have now arrived at that point ul M against them have beon sta 1e proceedings | e cannot expect to meet all the d ( that ai t yed by the hh at0 Made i he demands that action, with the reasons for the acti 'he ' the 1 pon the Government, and conti each case, and also for copies of nfi" taken in e liberal relief we have been x nE Lo Lho ' T . Order municipaliti n extending to the I '("olu(ll((rl: an;f 1-?'rrespondonce reélating tolh%I:u;:i ' the c(?:vl::';:x?«';lftd onl onl hnry ofent®. l" teocle Aotaren io enttenat d | . un Mifeer of hests thh bretinn 85, 1886, y nd so much of th al _ source y addition-- g's( 1.:1,153\1)&"(; shall have expired when the wtmlg l wro winsg 'in . pl:p'lflt::icc;n TheEvProvincc o { i mavitst theore aro new de 6 it PE T A vvdl C EOAE ner--Generel seid, he, hnd hedore, | -- Boiip en pedreantigth RQErRITE i wi y n use a return municipalities or iations, re c ick yiving much of the information k 3 ho oo ela onl l aiiay Asked Mr. EFrenth t0 consent asked. HMe are made to the Government ations $ oh .i to its beit show that 1. onpenditures aBgran amended so as to include years back * | int Lhe, Proposed expenditur i clusive ; also, as the corrcs'poudel:nc s roul be as Y\!blwmteresx,me Gover "ought to AiF volumii ce would be | be in a positi Them. We hats very voiuminous and not of any great use es at progent nnving a soud A vjBABimpvrearva rey" * , that | thought that § 1 We have {ic'f:.'feuw to it might be struck out of the mo-- surplus on l\:thnx?;:amé!lxl(;llrlir;mt{'kcoumd""bl" $¢. French consented. , g}}o;lg}e;:r%)ouhe surplus rntl?erotl?:l{ 3§i'§£ hx;\llrfio?%fgt:xlltgl:v}'i:',t':,':'lf i,t) * iDity this power | We t.horafor: os"!:u'tlcr ?;:ntutll': mt e ls ce to the Exocutive. Theo %Cx':yguctii.v? 'o?t.ct:'r}umlia?& exlc;'e?;&f: ie M iny over mce;ic;"'wii'lllwgg n itsel{ open to the charge of being influenced in ponditure %Ve':' ":-:::1%3";:?1 a': oxcess of ox-- | | ie decisions by political motives. . He thought . us out Op ie murght h 'htt overespond | the Government should bring down every year surplus in pref iJ | at the commencen iei let o proposal of the hon. ference to the | the cases in which i'f',"'cl';in;',;*;;@;;:;»wnlxe«;g the Government ahomfi"fi?&rggfi tL %"don' fier. | ciged during the year. i. B the municipaliti fon'ue the cbst of the lfl&lntenancg t les a portion of the cost | Mr. Cl "':: UsTEES AND THE BALLOT. oX he has repsated to-'cll:;"cs' A 'PropOSifIOH 4 Mr. Clarke, of Wellington, moved for an Mr. Meredith--No ; that is | :i'u}:l;"'((_): ll'lll'('l 153:;[;'0" f:)lr & rfctgrln sluiwing the onjt-l:'irf{f;;o--t;vh'!y. he.re igtullsynlo)flg?i:l;f:;' refor | The cites, fowne and fncorpors 1001 Bo&ards in cors i 1b to his proposal, which he has h 1 | ties, to: corporated villages i m for threo years, o peat. | 8*?1'1'"1".,» which have adoptod the uso lo,i thl(; od?to"ncelhavebcen maslc"iinl{)h:ll;k:h o Since, | 105 of :'1'1'?;'))&"':"4!,."3:1'0(;'1. e(l)ccli.ms under section :l;"he has never before denied Nlelgu?:?)fl'ggf' ' C apter 225, It, 8. 0., with the number | p i i\5\';]1((:'2)1' hla:(:'t:;"i)so"l'l (fillus. towns :uu!' x\'lillfilg:::' mfi:{ofi:"d"h_"" is merely your state » | * p"\rllma%-. adopted the ballot for such | Onvio denyyisroposit.ion. 1 was not called up-- Mr. Ross (Middlesex) said th 31 | ve Rivesmgih's . hos L ore were 231 | all, I have no r\'\!iu'".ll' ipalities entitled to use the ballot and 2} | the debates, but 1 am snusn;dh:lrl:tul'empo" y \1:«1 A'l'l'u(lkud%plcd it. | ih:rgofl- n;entleman's own words malgi"u"gsghm['; Mir. Clarke, however, said ho would like th | posal, and his pro i pr ?fi:'fs 1'" the different places. Mr. Ross nalg ' imme direction, H°w°':'°r??la:rle ;?;ed?y T aine ull returns should be brought down. | enx;l)?:?&;)tl:xowm'dlh" C nm!cipatgg ;g":)';"':'s i SECOND READINGS | ure, and that it was to be of ME Ahrers h k surplus, in prefer mot out . of Wr}tr:u.'\' aters' bill to amend the Ditches and hon. Remlfilgu'l'lm?'rlwfl :o'the pnobeeal of M# ! » courses Act was read a second tir d have giv ill bri uk these fixures that 1 referred to the Munici C C me an iven will bring up the a MF. Feeacive unicipal Committee. exceptional oxpendituro to $4 c000, "of" he4 CourisA.'c i's bill to amend the Surrogate about the amount of th ecisaoy thad 44| 10A solr'ot{lcv;:?nl;'f&d a second time and referred "'f'°i°"~°- Now, on a %élre;::g:engg fxica"{1 .A select Committeo. ointed out to D is im onainis. | Act'm "';'l:lti:;:\ tbl!l to amend the Municipa f°" the Go'el'llltl\hoen?oge Ll:l'::r,nxlfi o vrowige | was read a 5._°lhe appointment of nuditors wants of the Province upo sintlonary | | Municipal Cttol\gi time and referred to the reyenue. There are aevlernlp us of which. | C iiscussed ~L ommittee, The bill was briefly l when a deficiency occurs, tI "z"Ii'"" (Phor imat | | Halfour, Phci Messrs. A. F. Wood, Meredith, be met. --Onoe may bo to sook new sourzes. of | loss. 'The lnar:s' Armstrong, Fell and A. M. | income open to us under the OL!V Bfour::'vs.ot l | tion of some st--named gentloman said legisla-- Act,. Another might be 10-- Feluee ho sunsval | tainly "t't'ussur' in this connection was cer-- °h'"'i° on revesue by withholdin t.h° raned | sufficiently well Auditors generally were not which we now make to many de irving Andor t schomue of P ell paid. He rather favored a I takings, or by transferring t o muniorcett. | rovincial inspection. | ties a ?ortlon of our exgen(:iim':-om"mmp'"' | :'i,on b': t}: ublic institutions. a[;:onggfi- / . member orBondon. the seader of the Opposi-- CAz . |