,_._ -- 'll' [I'll ltll'w U; Catraditutts, maintaining that the present "nth crntiououtrht to hand it down to succeeding generatiuns to pra-uurvo Intact tho liberty which all Canndiuns enjoy. Mr. Frank Suuwrs saltltlmt he noticed while visiting in the Emma that tho nullunnl ttug of that country was in every school. Col. Donlson pointed out thnt it would lend to inculcate " national sentlmont if the teaohurs. on the 'iayts above. t'pcciflcd, were to Rive their pupils f,'l'l1e,'tie,"te, uslulho cause why each day hml .Ntn set anart tor diminmam. " uuuulllu sentiment " the teachers. on the days above, t'pvuitlcal, were to give their pupils ex lanations nululhe (mum why each day lttut Econ set apart tur distinction. in conclusion. no said that Canada was a bet. ter cunnuy than the United Status. and It the Greeks we": Jutsutied in looking back with pride to Trteioprue, Canadians ought. to be cununendcd tor commemorating the names of Chrysler; Farm, Uttocattstoei Height- and Cantu-mun. when" Arid .'enmrku We"! made by Mela". J. W. tuner. 'i. i . liorerley, - Hender-unJ'. O'Con- 'lgicyu. tt' mic. J. M. Cluko 3nd John A It . _ _ V. --e_ »-I~-n"o luv llllwrllll Foam-anion League. which prompted the object. or the summing. mu well represeuwd. u. J. Wickham, as the titst speuke ' dwelt on the gmnous tradition which in the harm-go of Canadians, maintaining that the present gum crntionought to hand it down to succeeding 'iy/'iy,,t".'I',ns/e ply-servo Intact gm liberty w II'I " '-..... 1-" ' - ' panama" "as should be placed above the louchcr'sdeuk in tho Public Schools throuuti. cut the whole your and hoisted over the 3""th on tho following commemorative an; ..-. April ii, 1499-(lanutln Discovered. Mn)! ill, 1tio7--Coutederation I'.rttciamation. May 24, I1irttt?'ovcrcin'.s Birtiuluy. June a 18.15- Smuuy Creek Battle. July 1. 186r-Dotuitiion Day. Aug. At, 1612-4 Capture ot' "etroit. saw. 17, rtyd-Fiétst Canadian Parliament. "on. is. 18i2-uuevnston Heights "Milo. 0:1. 25. 1tuS--liattlo of !npyteauquar. Nov. ll. 1rs3--Ultrrttluru Farm Battle. The (allowing. among o!hers. nppctred in support. of the '.TrTyttuernotivu:-l'ot." G. T. lieuisun. Ald. Ritchie. AM. Bell, Frank some", U. M. Nubian. ex-Ald. Druylon. John Nuun, C. ll. Wilton, James Gibb, F. Hrown, Major Dunn. John Carter. Richard lvnnu. J. it. "calm". J. A. Worrell, Juhr. lioldxnio. Trustee lioudoruun. H. J. Wickhnm, T. E. Bloberly. W. lt. Macpherson. J. M. Clarke. The imperial Faiirraiinn tst".,.".. " |.:..I. _-.--,----" . -. _ . ""'"'cuu""""t.-................... 65.0mm LOYALTY IN SCHOOL-s. In the rocoptlon room Mayor Clarke intro.. duced to the Minister ot lulucatimi a large de. puutiou of leading citizens. public 0mm: and numbers of national and bonuvolont Asao. ciatiuna in tho city. 'l'hmr niiarlon mun loyal one. and before they wens through with whnt they had to tell Mr. 1toss' ltyuity was over- rowing and enthusiasm row to a high pitch. 'rney desired that the Minister would make a aoparttueutal regulntion enjoining thnt the Janudinn ling should be pun-ed above the tomcltcr'stlesk in tho Public. Schools through- o:it the: whole your and hoisted over the building on the lollowing commemorative days _ Amounted expended to 30th June. 138?, on account of Jtluloxient La. bumtory building (not Including mungsnnd y.u.t.tius..............r.' Estimated Liability for new Mmeulu building " per tenders Mot iucluu. in: tueiiuutisut.........'. W.........., duo.. "o.'".............. Rents.u... ...... ....... Bank "Commerce stock Rents Univualt)' Purl: City of Toronto grant tormaintcnanc. of two chairs m the Unhursi- ty ot Toronto, tirst quarterly instalnwm, payable lst July. 1888.. cstaue./.5..C.T..y.".'." Sales of itutd-baiati/G I2ebenturei.............. Finn mortgages on real [NVES'I'MENTS AND meant: Tho following statemeuL shows inv and income derivable then-chum as at 1889 _ Library.................. Bursur's 0mm. . .... .... . 1rtoloiticw Laboratory . . Other oxpouditure.. . . . .. Salaries of Teaching .'itafrr-- Professors. Lecturers and Follows.. ................846.833 33 Other "lttritm..........C 0.36 67 'a)tsridr.'........... uilsrtttr.......C.C.' Uthor expenditure Total ........... 1888. Solution ............ LilrrRrr......l..C. Ulhor expenditure. Total "o........., t3tuariGir............. Library......... ..... Electrical uppurntul. Other oxpwdllure .. Total ............. -- _ 1867. o..va.".1.'u:l " 1r!tittmtsdineome 1889M....'. .... To which add use: from siudenu (amount received 1888-9, $12,764 21t In? Tho following memorandum shown tho re- coipls and trxpettdituro of the University for the you" c-uding June 30th, 1886. 1887. 1888 and 1889. on inc clue and account _ Total....... BECK! ITS AND EXPENDITURE. rks Were made by Mean. J. W. Kimberley. - Humor-on, P. U'Con. ' 'mic, J. M. Clarke and John EXPENDITURE. 'o.............. 10,00000 _ _ iaTiiEi 82,059,929 (1 .............. 2.30240 ..... ........ 5.47891 "..'.......... 40.051 55 .............. 28.607 01 .............8127,85222 Invent- nu-ms. Income. 3410.121 93 $24,161 62 687.663 54 56.612 36 17.794 00 1.067 64 24,000 LO 2.27:: co 350 00 24 50 ........ 8.47400 Br..... 6,00000 ........374,54121 ........ 8l,69909 .... ... 81.70441 ........ 33.76766 I invostmema as at Juno go, t40gul 85 378.635 12 853232 00 342.532 66 . 2,719 36 . 5.500 00 . 30 MO 22 380.882 32 370.149 82 850,033 83 2,678 24 28.168 iei 879,701 24 845.807 Mt 2.530 Mi 25.7% 79 ViULilu or the practical Joker ot the may. who hnd t'cprost-ntcd to lhehutcl [nonlethal Mr. i-rcomnn WM no [can u per-onngc than Lord Hurtingmu quietly unveiling for hmhenlth. Those, who know Mr. Ftectttkn's inclinations forjokes of this kind played upon others will appreciate this. Archibald Thomson. Reeve of Orillia Town. ship I William 'i'rcnoulh. Reeve of Rama Township: and John Adams, of Rama. Waited on Hun. Mr. Hardy and naked that the Govern. ment should reimburse thew municipalities to tho r'xlenl. of one-third of the thirtecn hundred doliur,, which it mat to build a bridge new" the Severn immi- at the Junction of Morriaon. Urihin and Rama Townships. Mr. Guthrie introduced n bill to amend tho County ('onrls Act. by limiting the amount of security which may bu required of an appel- lant tor cowl-of tho C'uurt of Appeal. 3102' br bond. or $50 by deposit or money. At present Imlinut iullxcd br statute of tite amount at the security which may be required. sums. Thu innny friends of Mr. ".Freetomtrrothsr of MrJuhn B. Freemaut, the popular (iovornmont Whip, will be pleased to know that ha ha reached home in safety utter atrip ot scum months' duration in Europe. At one place ho was myatitled by being addressed as "My Lord." but he soon knew that ho WM the, 'victim of the prgclicnl Joker pt the puny. who The uymentu to Ctse tttunicuaulties are shown if, the sumo Ichudulo to naive boon _ luh-7............ ...'.................. 3153.716 59 i87-8......................C..C. ..... 156.579 83 1i,'tara........ """'w'.............r.. 190.297 79 The increase In the number of tit-onus issued and in the revenue "ullected and diliributui between the municipalities And the Province is tturilrutublo. Mr the most part to tho repeal ofthe tannin 'lutupernueo Act in the Counties of iiruco, Dutrcritl, Hutton. Huron. Norfolk, Henri-cw. Simone and the United Counties ot l Ytormunt, Dunner; nnd Giengarrr, uni licenm tmvitu been issued in those counties in necurd- in? with the provisions of the Liquor License " . The lines collected during the par your. an 1 shown, nnmuntcd: to 318.433 b3, as computed I with $15.99.) Ib in 18N. This sum docs nut inctudc um tine- collccted in uillu'iutl in which i "y,Wapeda. 'i'ottipcrarteet Act is in force. 'i'hernjGiViirt'liit';'a' emu-53 in 1889 was 4.797. in 1888 by 346. Tho report of lino Provincial Secretary (In tho working of tho Ta Vern and Shop License- Acts for tho your 3889 has noun tiitstrlttuted among the ttteutbers. During tho your 2.019 ordinary "some: hurl been issued ; " boar and wine, M ordinary licenses tor mix months. 6 beer and wine iiconsr-s fur six months, 316 shop lirenses, 20 wholotmlo. licenses. 9 ordinary licenses for vessels and 8 Door and Wino for Vcsmis. T'urro has been an increase in the number of licenses issued, comparing 1888.9 will: tho proceding your. of 570 tavttrtt and 11 shops. Th" rovonuo derived by the Province from liventictsaurl lines during tho last three years was as follows:-. i 1880~7...................................1216.455 78 _lrrs'r3......................._.r.r.i, 2'1.b52 45 1tHc'-9...... ""....-................... 252.511 55 The amounts collected on licenses and linen. imalulinu the sums imposmi by municipal laws, during the Roma "so" were _ _rt)he?.................................. 3401.626 M, "dr-r...................:...:..'.".." J93,9CO 17 1ccr9...-...................C.i. 470.835 50,i I "any. c.oyyenlemuy or" legs")! curried Jdi%Gi; l no Would hue no obJocuon to musing "no. (Cheere.) "U'trhnve." ho width youmr)' and u Ilugund We pciiuicin bnlh._ Ringers.) 7 I Thi/ AviGliiitiGrihrii" iiviiirt1iiiiiii,iiiit de. lighted mm tho remarks ot the Min ter of Education. leaching ot Canadian the High and Public lime-u as much rum)" schools to Cumu um ld lion. Mr. Pugulcy. Solicitor-General of tho GovermuenL of Now Brunswick, who mu pro- scant. was called on by Mayor Clarke to addrm Mr. "use and the deputation. The 'llatin. guished visitor was cordially received. a. warmly connncnded the proposal to encourage tluulervtrlopuwnt of n nullolml sentiment. He was glad to uhsorvo that a nullounl sentiment was growing in strength in this country. Cun- mln mm all the clmncnls museum-y tor a gut: nation, and he Wm; quite crrlnln that bufuro nulny war» we would rank among the great lulllllllb of tho Ulll'lll. C0 l' .NTY co V w"; LIQUOR LICENSE REPORT. "(animated in nimriuu it; Which mpcmnco Act is Jn force. of pawns committed for drunk. ..,.._ A "A" - .. _ 'u udy of Canadian "cdnutiriiriaii way u healthy t.entitttont WM In cumclueion he said that if t,ly.' dopuugiou could not be a sr--'.,.-,. -- . ', exceeding iGU%iG A'YI'