f (\:\"'I' & '(' h'" /'k ra ,/ fag s icorge Hoenry Cowan, London, Solicitor;, |-- -- to be a Notary Public. » v _ Henry Mevcalf, of the Town of Bowman-- ho. to be Baililf® of the First Division ' of the United Counties of Northum-- |. d and Durham, in the room and stegd |. ohn McDongall, deceased. S _Joseph Bowman, of the Town of Bund r..':' Iuspector of Lisenses in and for nse District of North Wentwo ' «. the room and stead of W. B. Williams, de 4 ceased. A I; NOTICES OF MoTIO®, | 1 ! Mr. Marter--That in the fon of ,this ! s House it is expedient thw$) G'we;nmenie. 4 should take into c th8 propriety i ot further e grauts to (the poor se 0 a change in the work ' g the legislative school grants it may affect thinly and epursely } «districts. _ Mr, Leys--A bill entitled The Companies | Short Form Mortgage Act. f Mr. Allen--A bill entitled an Act to amend an Act respecting snow fences. ' The Attorney--Generai--A bill to provide } 'for the vacaucy of certificates of lis peu-- } dense. | Mr. Balfour----Bill to amend the Municipal | Act. ) _ Mr. Blyth--That there be laid before the l \House a statement showing in detail the | amount of any monrey paid out by the | i», Crown on behaif of lots 83 and 84 in the * 3rd.concession of Southwoest Toronto and . Sydenhbam, the said lots being & portion of * " the Mercer estato, »nd also si owing the 4 amounts received for the sale of the same, * together with the correspondence relating ~., thereto.