whim" to the nppolntnom otturtmsuee" ' indium by the Council, and. the presenta- tion of an annual audited lawman: to the ratepayers previous to the . nomination, ttttttusd of tho tiutuurial statement now pub. lisyed by the Council. . , , Wafer. nud'Mr. "ha (of _._..-._ -. -._- -__'_-i_-'"_ The Committee unanimously neented to the principle of both these bills, end there in everv probability that they will 'beooine law during the teeeiou. tMMMMtAYt0N REPORT. In hie annual report for 1889 the Com. mienioner of Immigration spake of farm leborore at iollowe ".-- AI in the previous year. there won a great demand for this class from the tlrst of April till the coil of October, and the tallingott'iu the supply caused no atnnll inconvenience to the farmers. who. in some district... could not Procure an adequate number of laborers. '1 has on to en increase in Wages. which ranged dur. inttttwltarvost months from tWo to " per month with maintenance. The system at yearly engagements. though slowly making its way among the hotter clues ot farmers. "sutlit etii:. it is believed. be extended with great advantage both to the employer and employed. There nre instances of young men who. having event the summer and harvest month, on the farm, rome into the cities in the tail ill search of employ- ment forth" winter. This not only abstracts from the [arm the labor which even to winter might be pnrtitablr employed upon it, but nine unduly swells the number of the unemployed in the centres ot population. it is to be hoped that the ayetolnoi annual engagements. and the employment. when: t'i"f,.'h?Pg of married men to whom homes an: garden plots may be allowed. will come more and more into iatror amongst our (urine-re. thereby ensuring a llxc.l population of farm laborer-i null rendering I'armcre less dependent on the chance or hiring tellworury help. _ - - . _ . The immigrnion of [undo domestic Ber-- vants has been falling all gradually since the year 1885, when 2,500 settled in the Province of Ontario. Tho demand during the past year could not be nuppliedmlthough "ZS" were largely increased. Captain Charles Ureville Heretone han been appointed aide-de-camp to Ilia Honor the Lit,atetusut.Govt" nor. Norm. Mr. French's bill, introduced to-dny, provides for an amendment to action 68. to do away with the annual publication of a etetement of the funds to the credit of the estates where tho estatu are small and the expense would econ consume the funds. ' The Inspector of Legal Ollicee in to direct I when such protection shall take place. Col. Clarke's bill for preventing the killing ot quail caused quite a little discus.. l eien. but the tone of it, on the whole, was l favorable. It was referred to a special Committee. thTO settled in" the Province during 1889 15,387, representing 9,028 English, 2,347 Search, 2,2681rish, 779 Gallium md 965 "pun other coumriu. The number was 5,145 loss in 1889 than APPOINTMENTS. The Government have made the follow. irtcappoittty..t""ttt' ..-- in Thanh- Henry Mott, of Mount Pleasant, M. D., 0.51.. to be an associate Coroner in tutyl for 'ho_Countr, 9f limit. _ _ - Frederic Luruarit F'eatheratonhtuuth, To. ronto, barrister-at-law, to be a notary pub. tie. Henry PnriorrThomais, Berluville,solici tor, to perm notary pt!blift -- .. .. . John Gordan-(Mum, Hamilton, solicitor, tolse tb My! Puhliy. "d .. -- ... June: Nova-Ii. Walden. Hamilton, so. licitor, to by}! _t"rtary Rubi}; _ _ - -- unho- Eddington? 'uurkhoxdu. ot 1Gav- iltun. solicitor, to be s notary puyylc, - R. U. BicP'Inohon, barriasasr', Toronto, to uttyotary pubiia - _ - ..... Hinrr Goethe Lindsay, oftiu, Village of Menu: Byytlgga, to bt a "putty public. William Carin. of the Town of Thorold, to be Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of tho County of Welland, in the room and stead of John J. limsrin, deceased. This is the proposed amendment of Mr. G. B. Smith to the Act respecting landlord and tenant. which came up for second read- ing yesteruuy. and WM withdrawn tlust the author may modify it by removing the last sentence in the clause c-- In case ot an assignment for the general honetit of creditors, lino proforcnllal claim of the landlord for rout, notwilnunnding any provision to tho comrnry in tho louse or othcr instrument. under which such landlord claims. shall be reetrictud to rout fur u pnriod not. ex- cceding six months in tho whole. and Inch reforcnllul claim uhnll in no cant» be nlloweil a)! a Iona cr period Mlcr tho date of tho assign» mull. than three months. IN msin provisions of Mr. Lays' bill re. treung oxocations again". lands is that "No writ of tieri inc-ins, or other procou against buds, slum luvs any force and ef. feet after one you from the issue thereof as against n bonn tide purchaser or mortgagee for value, without actual notice of much writ, unless the aid writ Ilnnll luve been registered in the proper Registry (Mice again" the land. intended to be 'ttuid by such writ." The remainder of the bill pro- "Tuving' "munch: '89 'tllBlRlrPqtlttillliltilr'tiii.iltti of Glir write. no. Mr. French thought the machinery proposed w" too cumbersome. though he admitted the grievnnco Mr. Loy. wu trying to tuned, in range" to expense was a Dori- ous one. Mr. only did not altogether approve of the bill, hut ho thought it might be trusted in the hands of the Legal Com- mittee. The dual language agitation hes invaded the sacred precincts even of the Muncipsl Committee. Father Phelps had introduced a bill in which appeared the mysterious phrase pro tunto. Father Teoley demanded its mesumg. Somebody said " potato," but Mr. Phelps, who is an excellent linguist. stated that it meant "one after mother." and added that they believed in the dual language in his district. This interpretation received no cotttrao'iction, and the proceed- ings terminated in the usuel manner. _ "tid part of Mr. Waters' bill in to make provision whereby minor municipalities, such an towns, townships and incorporated villages, may receive assistance from the county towards the erection of bridges of 100 feet or more in length within "id minor municipalities. If the Council of the county and the Council ot any of the minor mu- nicipalities cannot agree on to the propor- tion of the cost that the county should be liable for, tho matter in dispute shall be referred to arbitration. The other part of the bill gives power to Municipal Council: to regulate hoists. cranes and elevators.