e 'at the °_ museum, , of Priacti=" «! Hardy, Mr. M . ~C "a e Science, etc.. %uz in their firat attendance of. thgesesston (7, '_,_ UNIVERSITY sTtATISTTCS, ofrexnrei[ _R:u is usually the ropresentative The 'Provincial Secretary presented a | _ °u l'"d':;"' and the O&Mm is |. retien showing the total attendance of | &?h""' y io | y Mr. (}lancy or Mr, French..| .. students,matriculated andnon--matricuiated, ( :':'"" or the increased attendance | *'at the University anil other particnlars. | / ':' at Mr., Aubrey White, Deputy Com-- The return was asked for by Mr. A. F. | missioner of Crown Lands, was to be ex-- Wood. The Residence Board account for 3"'{";"' as to what he kuew concerning the 1887--8 showed an expenditure of $4,107 77, le ul cations of A. F. Dulmage, whose _ mis-- ' or a deficiency of $165 O1, and for 18889 deeds have already been pretty ext'swely an' expenditure of $3,994 56, showing a referred to ou the floor oi the House® The | : ©1G examination of the witness was conducted | °_ FUTP!uS of $199 84. On room account for} by Mr. Meredith. A large portion of the the corresponding years the figures were t=«l : two hours during which the Com-- Expenditure, $1,103 65, showing a surplus * mittee sat was -- taken up with the of 5296 34, g and -'1,720 16, showmg , perusal of documents which Mr. White deficiency of £592 42. 'The number ¢ put in, according to the request made by students in residence Inst year was 47, N x\'lr. French at the preceding meeting of the 1t "i"'"'" but little ~since 1880, when ég. Committee. -- Theso consisted chielly of number was the same. _ During 1887¢~ various statements sent by Dulmage to the three graduates bad retained their rooms Crown Lands Departmen} relating to the in residence ; during 1808, vo. and monies collected by him. A statement 'the same u:nng«z;fl during 1889; Puc was put in also showing that the firm of | in the case of 1089 two of the tive, Cameron & Kenuedy, of Norman, near Rat | although graduates in aris, were still Portage, had altogether paid Duilmage undergracuates in law, _ Unfortunately, j $30,174 99, of which Duimage only ac-- the destruction of the (,'(';!loge minute boqks counted for three items, respectively, as prevented the production 'nf_the precise follows:--$4,909, $4,487 14 and $4,905 86, terms of the original resolutions tor the leaving a deficit of about $15,700, this be-- ndunns.wn of graduates into residence ; but ing the amount in which he defaulted. _ Mr. the object was to secure the presence of a W hite said an investigation into Dulmage's few of the best men, whose diligence would accounts was first ordered by Hon. Mr have a beneficial eflect on the under: Fraser, who acted as Commissioner of graduates, | 'The attendance of matriculated Crown Lands during the illness of Mr Hl'ulleuts at l_m:tun-s during '88--89 was Pardee. This was in October, 1888. In-- 356 male and 33 female ; nom-- matriculated, + + t 4 R ao vestigations had been made by Mr. Taylor, | 41 l!)tll" m'd_ _8 female, 1'!_1 1389--"90, of the Crown Lands Department, and writ.-- matricalated, 373 male and 58 female ; ten reports had been handed in by him. non--matriculated, 56 male and two female, The investigations had covered the books of NoTICES OF MOTION. Cameron & Kennedy 'afso. and had excul-- Mr. Rorke--Has the Government decided pated them. _ Mr. White admitted that to increase the annual grant this session to the collection of moneys by Duilmage was | the electoral division Agricultural Socie-- irregular, and that the o_nly excusoe that | ties? lf so, to what extent and upon what could be urged for the irregularity was | conditions ? that things generally in connection \vith] Mr, Chisholm--Biil to amend the Muni-- the Department were in such a ohaotic | cipal Aect. condition,. -- He had no knecwledge now of Mr, Hardy--Bill to amend the Timber whgro Duilmage is, and had no reason to Slide Companies Act. | believe there was any coll'un.wn between Mr. Gibson (Hamilton--DBill respecting him and 'the~ Ra.\t l'ur_mge bhllef of Police. contracts of life insurance. lfulmngen 'l'u.nnly still _remm'n'ed atb Rat , Mr, MeLlaughiin--Bill respecting the | .lurtuga. -- The report of Mr. Taylor's two University of Toronto. | investigations are as follows :-- yOrES l Toroxto, April 24, 1889, 1 t ieY A Str,--In accordance with instructions re-- A ,""- Luke Montreuil, President of "'OI peivu;l. l:c!: 'l'lt:mmu on the night of the 1ith North Essex Liberal Association, was on inst. for Ra ortage, to make a demand of ] ing Woud--ranger A. F. Duimage of all moneys col-- the floor of the Ho use (hun'b the day. ' lected by hnim on account of the Crown Lands *ommetgerecesmmeyzeammneqenezccame Department and not pl:fd over by him. At Port Ag hur I was joined by Mr. A. K. Lewis, Crown Attorney (who, I had been informed, was to accompany me to Rat Portage in con-- nection with the case), to whom 1 delivered the instructions entrusted to me for him. On arriving at lat Portage we found that both the members of the ftirm of Cameron & | wenanedy were absent from home, and as it was necessary to examinetheir books again before l making the demand of Dulmage, we were obliged to wait one day for their return before we could move in the matter. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Margach and I visited Cameron & Kennedy's office on Monday and Tuesday, the 15th and loth inst., and again went through their cash stsiement of moneys paid to Dulmage, and conpared it with the vouchers, On returning tu fiat Portage that afternoon Mr. Margach and I visited Dulmage at his house, and I mado a demand of him of the moneys owing by him to the Deparitment. HMe admitted having col-- t lected more money than he had remitted to the \| Department, but said he had spent it or lost it, | and at that time he was literally without any | and therefore unable to pay any back,. | 1 then, with Mr. Leowis, went to Judge | Lyons' office and swore ouut an information | against Dulmage for appropriating moneys of ' the Department to his own use, upon which a | warrant was issued for him, and placed in Con-- stable Redden's hands for execution, The next morning 1 was informed that Dulmage had avoided arrest, and in dne course I return-- ed to Toronto, Your obedient servant, » TuEo. 0. Tayro®R. Hon. Commissioner Crown Lands, ToroNnto, March 16, 1839, Str,--In accordance with instructions con-- trained in departmental letter dated the 4th March, 1889, I visited tho offtice of Messrs, Cameron & Kennedy, at Norman, on Lake of the Woods, and examined their books and papers as to the saw--logs, ote., they bad takon oiF Ontario lands during the past three sea-- sons. I took statements of the quantities taken out by them during the seasons of '85--'86, '8687 aund 's7--38 (subject to dues to this Crown Lands Department}, which were sworn to by Mr. W, H. Konnedy, one of the firm, and which are herewith enclosed. I also had their book-- kecpors make from their books a statement of all moneys paid by thein to Wood--ranger A. E. Duimage on account of timber dues during the seasons above mentioned, which I also beg to enclose herewith. I checked the statement of eansh said to have been paid to Duimage with the vrouechers, cheques, drafts, etc., " now can-- celled," which had beon given, and which I fourd in every instance endorsed by A. F. Dulmage, and found the amounts agreed very nearly. & > I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, Tnxzo. C. Tay1roR. Hon, Commissioner Crown Lands, DR. M'LAUGHLIN'S UNIVERSITY BILL D'r. McLaughlin has shown his affection for alma mater by giving notice of a bill,the object of which is to give power to munici-- palities to grant aid to the University of Toronto for the renewal of the library,