The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1890, p. 2

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n ' C w. 'ititdrEiii,tttt,Eurie!digfiE I may only at. without either proper Ittttmitaiia or mtieetion noon the eutdeet. Irenember quite well Iomo tive or eix year- it). when the lake Superior Gogeolc Iron lulu" Compaq. an American institution which operattstrentirttl.v in Michigan and Win- t'onrtlu. were Itruggling almost for an exist- encm In tho your 1884 they only produced shout 1.000 Ions of iron ore, but I see that last your. according to reliahlo mining authority. they produced and ehippod to the markets of the world 'd.260.00tnoG, n marvellous showing when compared with etrorta or tivo yours ago. The evidence of careful examination reveals the fact that we Itavo much richer mines. and that all that. is requirod to mulco thcm n eource of tinhneini strength to this country Are the fucilltiel um] putttrpritse to inim.r about their devaluation". Purim-r than the special Phone of tho question to whivh l ltavo just al. Would Be wcllrorthc, "9usut9eirurturis 'tonttidttr tho vuluu to this Proviuco ot tho largo tract. of union" ural lands that Will no oncncd up by the huildim: of the- Proposed road. i thin»; it of oomidomblo importance to tho future weltaroor Oillll'lt) that we, indum as tinny of our young won '15 passiplo to bottle in tho now portions of this Province] It certainly is much more tit-nirablo than IO Lave them go to tho Unltnd States. when: so many of them have already taken up homes and settled. Tuc only way to avoid an exodus of this kind is to give some anh'otnntlul C'tccottt'tutctttot'. to tho young men to remain in Ontario, and this can only he achieved by opotting no for colonisa- tion the vast agricultural sections that tire to be found in tho district which in part i lmvc tho honor to rcprom-ut. in addition to the brief statement which i ha vo out-red in regard to mining and utsricuil urn and the hcnciits consequent upon t to adomion of tiloiinu ot acaion that I advocate, it would rot do to over. look tho important timber intercom wltivrU, will be brought to the notice of thc public by tile building of tlu-Sault 'eite. Marin it lludanu Buy 1tuilwuf. By roscnt oxpiorauil n ot tho lino of this {and Ibetwecu Sault Sir. Mario and the I ...rwi. L... I, .541! I: ., -. When Mr. Meredith's bill concerning the cur at Mum came up the uuvormnw: asked that it Bland. but Mr. Meredith inti. mnu-d titat it mu under-u by the opponents of the hi2] t.hnt the tight we ml take mm c; nu tlic third feuding. mm. nu this undcrsttoiiug, the hill was read . smoud time. 7 7 . Ur. Medehmn's bill to amend the Act respect- xngmortgngu and sullen of ersolml properly pruposedto mum the fee ft) mm: chattel mortgages any com. Instead ot twenty-tivo cents. Mr. Hardy pointed out that it was but two year: sinco the roowm raised from twenty- tive cents to llhy veins. and he now no reason why the old charge should be revunell to. Mr. Macho"), he thought. had not shown good mounds tor u change. A consularublo diseus. sion took place ml the bill. Mr. Gibson. of Hamilton. Ihowod that the fee ot titty emu was very small for the amount ot work done tor it. and was too little rather than too much. Mr. Moaclmm pieaded that it might no to Committee. and thetiovttrnttttrnt "he thatit might be withdrawn. A com. promise was enacted and the bill was declarod lea; on adirtalou. _ _ _ - .. . . l 'l'huro was a good deal of discussion by the representatives of country constituttnctctt on Mr. Allan's bilitu Amend the Act respecting wow knees. The bill was criticised with some severity. though there seemed aitsu to to: ngeuerol fuming in favor of name chant") in the law as it now exists. Mr. Alan wanted it legato Committee. but Mr. Hard: penile} out that much time had been spent. last year by the Municipal Commiuco in oti,,eusaiug the triII,wiutt.hcrUultthat it was thrown out. He inked Mr. Allan Io withdraw it. but Mr. Allan demurre-i so much that it was finally re- ferred to the Committee. Mr. Hudson's bill to amend tho Manhood Siamese Act, which acci- 'lir"."fluit', the name of Mr. Hardy instead ot Mr. Mu eon on the back. came up for second reading. and having and it Mr. Hudoon we: .naritsesd to wuhdraw To amend tho Assessment Act-Mr. Clarke (Wellington). 'ronutend the Munich-u! Act-Mr. Stratton. 'll,' amend the, Muniv'uzml Act -3lv. O'Connor. a um and tho Act .asptwtitttt snow teuc'ea- Mr. mum. to amend the Mun'cipul Act-Mr. McKay. To xlnlond the Liviaiun Courts Act-Mr. Guthri-~. . In amend the "canary Act-Mr. Clark" (\Voiliuglon). To amend tho Manhood tSutrraps Att-Mr. Hudson. 'ro amend the Municipal Act-- Mr. Bronson. To amend the Act rcsuucl inc nrhilrmions uml rv-furcuceuv Mr. E. F. Clarke. - me TGia/ut hm Act, to prevent the sprawl of noxious wards and at dUcaamt nth-Ming fruit -___ _e_9'."- ,........ mu... ......w, oak. hemlock and lmnarnc. The latter kinds otiitubotutronot ttoatahio, and consequently cannot. be [Man to marker. without n railway. There will be Ian-gr quuntlllts of pulp wood. cedar and tnnbark to go over this road. which will tind a ouuly nmrkuz. at Sallll Ste. Marin In conclusion hermit inn to any Ihnl the. in. "rentte in population and the tuettlcttusnt and dorelopnwnl ot the district hnvo been very rapid within the Inst tew years. but in no sec- tion ofthe (Kismet. has this been so noticuuhiu arrin Snull Ste. Marie. The population four years ago was only 903. "nd nuw it in n Drusper- mm town of nearly 4.C00. Saul! tttv. Mario. with its mum-n1 resources and immense Water-powermn l situated on tho grout high- "my between the Western Shuts and Tcrri. tones and the great Nurlhwehl um] tho aca- board, 14 dustiuurt to became one of (In) maul. itttporuutt manufacturing and shipping cities in lhu Dominion. tr'" B. 7 To amend (mu-kc. sI-mnxn READINGS. The following public tnlla were read I mom} time:- -"_-"V -v.-- ----..,'u uuuu. nuc.'uurlu ullu "It: ('rnnullun Pacific. Ruilwuy. a sliamnco of about 100 miles. it ts lm-ortuinud that tltty milue of the territory this line of Mad inn-x- uch is thickly 'oxered with white pin!) timber. anal the other tifty milnnlia heavily luytrtCtti,tt blm-x nnd yellow birch, maple, an. "-... A- . ..._l. _ _ .... . _ - _ 7 To Simona Clurkc. - '1 i, muond {Yuk}. THE PU BLIC HILLS. tho tho tho Municipal Aet--N r. ll Municipal Act-Mr. Smith Aucssumnt Act --hlr. E. F. m. Hum' 'haxuod. However. that it might 30 to Committee. whereuuon Mr. Hardy ruthlessly availed himself of the ad. wuuugo given him by tho printer's error and withdrew it himself, to the amusement of the {Langmaud the cousutpuation of the father' or e 1 . 't'hisisthofulltext ot the clause which Mr. Chime. of Wellington, proposes to add to the Registry Act ..-" Where tho copy or will or of letters of probate or letters of administration hns attached to it, when left or oti'urcd for rcuintry. anattidavit or stutuory declaration try the executor or administrator to the client that utter making the will tho tustntor convey- ed or parted with lands in the will described by local description. and thut it was not intend- ed or desired that the re istration of the will should ntl'ect such lands, the Registrar slinll not register, copy or enter the will as an instru- ment affecting such lands. nor shall ho be (H- titled to nnytees tor registering nnd lllllKlIIK entries and certiticates in respect thereof. but shallot-ly be entitled to tho same tees in re- speet of the registry of such will as he would havo been entitled to hml the Will not contain- ed any devisenr zittntor reference to such lands by local description." The Attorney-Generaldid not disapprove of the object of tho bid. but thought the machinery suggested not suitable. The Legal Committee. to which the bill was referred. would, he intimated. be able to remedy t Int. Mr. Balfour's bill to amend the Act for the Protection of Game and Fursbearing Animals managed to repeat sub-section 't ot section 2 ot that Act Ind Itibuitute therefor the tollowing, which prevents the killing ot "duck of all! kinds. except wood duck. canvas P.ttrt,ry,1,; neck. black neck. blue bill and pin tail, and all other water-fowl. between the first day ot Jan- . nurynnd the tirtrt day ot September; wood g duel: between Ihe first. day of nnunry and the titteuntn tin; of August; ducks known as cnn- l Tas mink. red neck. black net-k. blue bill and l pin tail. between the tirst day qt. May and the tirat day ot September." The objections to the I bill were numerous, and Mr.Hardy pointed out that it had been very fully considered it few yours ago. when deputations from all parts ot the country had quenred and had been heard, And it had eon then decided not to open up this eluuse. He asked that in any case the bill might be withdrawn for the year nnd reintroduced early next session, when it might be sent to in Committee and duly eon- sidered. Mr. Balfour. in his remarks. was very severe upon tho American sportsmen who come across the river nt Detroit nnd shoot whatever comes in their Way. The bill was tlnnlly read a wound time and referred to it special Committee consisting ot Messrs. Clancy. Willoughby. Hudson, Sprngue. Prow' ton. Whitney, Morgan. Wood (Brant). Morin, liurcourt, Gibson (Hannilton), he", Guthrie. Phelps, Cruenunnd Boljonr. . _ . _ __ Mr. iGriG proposed to plnco the following claut,e in tho Hailway Act, of Ontario. instead of uub-soctiou l of sectiunszi: -." Every share- holder shall be individually Ithbie to the cred. horn of the Ummmny to an unuunt over and abuvouuy amount not paid upon his shares equal to the mnount of such shares; but shall not be liable to an action therefor before an execution atraistt" tho Company had been rc- turuuu uttsntttithul in whole or in part: and the amount due on Mich execution' shall be the amount rccovemblo with costs against. such tsltarnhoider." The obioctions were 'general, and Mr. Hurdy and Mr. Mero- dith contain-rod in objecting to it ms a measure torimpouing a double liauiiitr.wuich opposition inqucod Mr. l'holps to withdrnw it. . Mr. Waters tried hard to get his bill ta tttttend the Ditches und Watevcoarsea Act re- ferred to the Municipal Committee. bat the feeling awainst it was too strong. and he hml to withdraw it. The main point ot tho bill mm the uppoi-umont of two Inspectors by ' y Municipal Council no "in-pectors of Drums and hitches." lousaist the Engineer in carry. ittf.ou.tytt' provimotrs.ot the. Act. . - .. . The Attorney-General at n quarter past six anicl ho thought the House had sent to the Municipal Committee more work than it could possihiy get through with before it received still liluro,uli(l us he understood it would be nu- pusqihlo to work succmlfuliy on the evening of the 17th of March. he moved tho adjournment of the House. DEI'UTATIONS. A deputation composed of Messrs. ROM, A. F. Jury. George Chamberlain. tg.'l'. Wood, Stewart, Lyon and Harry Lloyd. representing a public mummy; held in Toronto some limo ago to consider the subject ot local taxation. waned upon the (iovurnlucnc yesterday and urged them to procure legislation giving munici- palities option bo abolish LI a taxation of por- smmlxy and incomes. 'l'lu Inemboru of the (luvernmnnt present were Hun. A. M. 11050. Hon. t'haries Drury and Hon. ,1. M. giibson. ' Alunlurr deputation wunud on the Govern- mom to as}: assistance lor the Indust rial School at. Miutico. This was hcaded by Mr. Beverley Jon-cu. who placed the tmsition of the S houl and us vlnims for support before Lhu Govern. taunt wry clearly and cxplicirly. The Govern- munl. promised a eotssideratiun of tho manor.

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