The Attorney-General replied that he Woo not aware that any ditijculty took place under the Act. Ho had never heard tho: the purport of the Act was tniauou-. uruod, consequently the, Government did not propane any legislation on the matter. SCHOOL TEXT-'UOOKS. Mr. [Preston asked for an order of the Homo for a return of copies of thy evidence "to: before the arbitrator: in the your 1839 on the price of school text-books, with the uni-d of the arbitrstors thereon. Also, w7 corrupondouco on the oubject of pro- iug or publishing school text-books, with xenon: of all it!!!" paid in Couttef2tion ~-_..u............................. 300 Council expeiiaoa................... 750 Footage. express, etc. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 s1,'rittiiu..vr...V.cT.y.'.y.y. .... 850 Fat rt.ovhty'ttyr.......ttC'.y. 800 Veterinary College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Plonghing lunches. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1,000 Mr. Ingram asked it the attention of the Government had been called to the double exprosned u to the rights of voters whose union appear on the voters' lists without the letter: " M. F." opposito them to vow. I: it the intention of the Government to propose on, legislation designed to remove Inch doubts? "_-- we __..,-.... Hon. Mr. Drury read in reply the fol. lowing minutes of the Agricultural and Arts Aucciution '.--. The Commitke on Finance beg leave to recommend that the Association apply to the Legitleture tor: the following sums to enable it to meet the expenditure for the year 1890 '.--- Prizeferme........................S 300 'tPie--...::.".".'.'.".".'.'.".'.'.'.'.'. 300'.r.' 750 Footage. expreaa. etc................ 300 a1,',rtytiiu:vr...C.t'.y.y.y.y.t 850 ',trtsrt.aks'tyvrrCC.'.'l.y.y. 800 Veterinary College.......... ...... 150 Ploughing matches............u , nnn The Question of the Price of School Text-Books [GAIN DISCUSSED IN THE HOUSE. QUESTIONS Ir; MEMBERS'. Mr. Proton asked whether the grunt for the Provincial Exhibition being abolished, what disposition is to be made of the $0,000 placed in the estimates for the Agrioulvuca! laid Arts Aaaociation, and who»: are the lessons why the Minister of Agriculture Ibglld not dei. with the subject. tho Government Policy Vigor- oualy Defended. MAacn 19, 1890. The plowed"! in the Assembly to-dny untrod on the educational policy of the Government regarding the authorisation of text-book. in use in High and Public Schools. the discussion being brought on by I motion oi Mr. Preston, :Mkiug tor a return of copies of the evidence taken before the arbitrators, in tho your 1889, on the price of school text-books, with the Mind of the arbitrators thereon. The chief attack was made by Mr. Creighton. who spokes before six o'otock recess and afterwards. Vigorous speeches ware made in defence of the policy of tho Government by the Minister or Education, Mr. Hur- court, Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Strattou. and Hon. Mr. Hardy. The motion of Mr. Pronton, as amended by Mr. Ross, carried, Ind the House adjourned at 11.40. Fms'r READINGS. The following bills were introduced Ind {out n fir-t time ..-.- To amend the Act respecting mow fences --Mr. Muster. To ennlila the Motropolitan Bishop of the Church of England, in the ecclmsituttioxl Province of Canada, to confer certain de- grid in divinity. - To amend anUct to incorporate Huron College. To amend the General Mining Act. To Amend the Registry Act-Hon. J. tM. Gibson. lights of Voters According to the Matt. hood Butrratro aot-msveral 13111: Advanced " Statttr- Post" ponement. or the Sop- u-tte Schools Debate. The following bills were read 5 third than "Layman-ed I--- fl ' iRANT FOR PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. THIRD REA DISCS. wan . Mr. Pgeatoet - " " Bl ' support of " mum; , ' _ ' V E thepoliey of the FU%.d V . "its since the appointment orrir"': MI .lirt I Minister. Be charged that tuifi7RtiFiii' frequent chenges in the use ot "3M3 in the schools. l 95555:, Hon. G. W. Ross, in prefeoing Mind's. dress, said that he had to reply annually to the resolution proposed by Mr. Preston. He explained that the policy during the Ryerson and Crooks regime was to provide the country with a. variety of text-books. The same system is in vogue in England, Ire. land and Scotland. Cshfornia is the only I State in the Union that could be quoted as havmg adopted the some policy as prevails Ontario. When he (Mr. Ross) assumed oilice he found that the country was op- posed to the policy of issuing aseries of: readers. Some ot the most prominent C educationists' in the Province favored a variety oi text-books. Mr. Preston did not tell the House the new policy introduced by himself (Mr. Ross). In fact, he was rather unfair in that respect. His policy [ wat, to give the country sucliasystem of text-books as would enable every Durant to _ provide his children with school books at: the lowest possible cost. The text-hooky (the readers) were so framed that they '; were generally adopted by all classes in the ' Province. The text-books had been pre- l pared with a view of assisting the teacher} to draw out the minds of the pupils without , imposing an undue mnennt of memory i, work.Thatwasparticulariy trueofthehistory I and geography text-hooks, and the result is l that the whole systmn of teaching these stub. l jects has been changed. The Department ', struck out on anew line. It was not true that the price oi text-books had been in- creased, as could be shown by reference to the report issued by the Department on the subject. The Ontario text.books ure much cheaper than those authorised in any oi the States of the Union. At this stage Mr. Ross explained to the House the plan adopt- ed by the Department in the preparation of text-books, and comparing that plan with that in vogue in California, where usiugle series oi renders was in vogue, he was able to show that the Ontario rersvlers, in style, iliuatrestiouts and general make-up, were superior and much cheaper than those issued by the Education Department of that 1 State. The arbitrators appointed by the! Department did not give it as their opinion l, that the Ontario text..books were too costly. T They examuied the leading publishers: in I the city, and after mature deliberation they [ were only able to recommend that the I dusting books should be reduced in price. ', Thesr unanimously declared. after hearing: expert evidence, that the price of the , text - books was as low as consistent ' with the protits of the publishers. % It would ho a mutter oi grstification to the l House to know that it large number of the Ontario Public School tebeoons were adopted by runny publishers in other t'0tut-- tries. Indeed the Education Department fre uently received commendations of their } bodlts from leading cducuionists in Eng? land cud from all over the American Cou. ' tin-ht. The publishers were responsible foe the taking of the evidence before the Board oi Arbitrators with closed doors. .. A ' A VI Jht "I9Weubv&- " IDII "IV V'\' _v, - Mr. Ross concluded by scaring that he had no objection to the first part of the motion, and he moved that the motion. us in that way constructed, be substituted for that of Mr. Preston. Mr. Creighton followed the Minister of Education. He quoted irons the journals of the Home to show that the Government were, previous to Mr. Ross' assumption of otiieo, in favor of a double set of school readers. Ho charged that the Minister of Education wns disingenuous in the com- parisons ha made It?! to the price of text- books. In his estimation, the retail price oi school books was not an low as the cir- cumstances of the country demanded. Mr. Creighton had an nrmiul of the text-books on tau, desk, and holding out one dramati- cally, he was silenced by a chorus of voices 1..........Ii.m him to road. It being 6 o'clock, P"'"""', LVLI. Ala-vuunv gll -'""'-1'P, . Respecting certain alIowancos for wards in the Township of Wiucissster--Mr. 3 Whitney. ' Respecting tho old cemetery and "is: Methodist cemetery in the Town of Sarina --hir. Mackenzie. _ _ - L. i 'ri,' Bohsolidaco the debt of Wallace-Mr. Hess, Respecting the City of Loudorv--Mr. Meredith. t To enable the City of Brantford to Issue debentures for dnmnge, water, school and park purpoyo--lur. Rudy. of the Township of Londou--Mr.