Yesterday afternoon " two o'clock. Mr. J.B. Freonmn. M. P P..Whip ofthe Liberal party of the Ontario ieeirislature. was taken by the was by two or three ot hie more intimate friende among the members and rushed upstairs to mom No. 16. What he may have attenuated is neither here nor there. Whtst he know w" " solutely nottung so far as the forthcoming occa- sion had bun concerned. The secret had been well kept. On entering the room he found him- self surrounded try A full Cabinet. and almost e full lunuMr-tull, certninly. so tar n the Liner-i side was concerned. while there was 3 fair wrinkling of Conwrvntiu-e on bend. chornl indie " (on, were preeent. among them Mrs. Mowat. Mrs. Biggnr, Mrs. Baxter Mrs back. Mm. Pucaud. am. G. B. Smith mi Mpg. 'i'gos. Murrav. Mr. Freaman'e Remark. in Reply-A Few Words from the Attorney- General. the Con-ervenve Whip and Other Friends of Mr. Freeman. A Highly Complimentary Address Read Him. EQUALLY (l()hI?Llg'rih'ThItT SPEECHES; Mr. Freeman was the hero or the hour. tha ocuuiou being. as will have been already gath- ered, that of a presentation to him on behalf of that tide of the "oust; for which he but BO Iona. so sucmufuny and so "uni-Hy partorumd such vulxmblu services in hm capacitf u Whim The f1voipyyt,iitlot than regurd took! go Ihnpe qt BY THE LIBERAL MEMBERS. A HandsOme Testimonial to Mr. Freeman. M, PP., "The remainder of the debate in held over. i NOTES. , Mr. Thomas Blcznrd. MPH. and Mr. J. R. I Stratton. M.PP., address the Emu. Puterboro' Convention ot [About]: at. Norwood this "my. i noon. The ttutttiuutiott in :cndercd to Mr. I BL-znrd, and it it is perfectly unanimous no i probably accept. . I Jlll-l tl W fl ll? TH It LII) a u J .tttatrvcllouslr handsome onergmmml 0115:un- ly hundwmo silver tun qrvluc. Au illutuitratr.d uldrcsi had hoe:- promrotl tonccnmpunv the 'silt, and this \vu lead to Mr. Frucnmn and the gathcrmx generallv by Dr. Gilmour. the popu- lar nriuubur for West York and one ot tho mainstays of West Toronto Junction. The address read as follows i-- To J. B. Freeman. KSU.., M. PP., Liberal Whip, Legisluuvu Awnubly of Outario: Dru: Sm, In " row days' the but sea-ion of the prowl-l. Parlimnenl will close. and your labor» us Liberal Winn will temporarily ceaatr. Before ths Lowdown: mussel-mics. a general aloeuuu will have been held. und some now no loclntcd with you may not suck or desire m- eucuon,wuuio retire into private life. Un. tyyytstt f1ttuyePu.cer. the bond which jun _ 7 Hum..." .... ..., .. At much a tuna. it sauna but "Hung that they who have cordially worked with you durinf the present and previou. Parruurusut shoal; . lake Opportunity to unnodly recognise your valuable servircs in tho common can". and acknuwledge their lndcbloducu to you A. than my; counsellor, guide and Mend. -. -___ --.... _'".._-.. u... hvid yourself and Tellowmtrpubera Lemma during {our yeuru will have been broken for I lime. und nun-nub it will almost. curtain! be re-uuited. it will exist to some "xteut at {out betwaon ylrurseltaud some who huvo not pro vlguoly pen-u Imagined with you. T'iv(Guttorue.rt' anal-a] resumed " lent amid ttttrites/try. nppmnsopt the Mon": - - Mr. Whitcey continued the debate and twit. ted Mr. Fraser with having beau smrcualio at the oxponse of Urunuomcu without vetgnrd to the Dungemeu who sat lwhiml him and who voted for the Government through the coun- try. . . .-. .. A .. .. l Mr. Monk WIS then onlied up and he ex- pressed his regard for his brother Whip an.d his tsatisfaction at, the handmmm manner In which ho was now being nomad. The" tho Premier cume forward and, amid l renewed applautits,csx unused his full and heart] But. sir, my frictttltshuro resorted to the tao. tire stttitetitueBttised by an enemy. that in to lny in ambush and surprise their victim. " this was one alum-L nought tor. you have been successlul. ior the surprise is comment. Th. tune of your very kind address in tar too gon- t-rtms. I wil that l DOhBPSned in a limited degree our tithe ot the many good qualities you hare seen lit. in your C,lmritabionetm of health to endow me with. It I have been of any union to the Government or my tellow. nn-mhern, that service has been loyally and faithfully given. l have only received kindneu ttout my feiloxv-u1otrtbttrcR, und that, continual- ly. thave formed frienthhips here that will riulure, us lone; us life endures. and when I leave public life and develop into the old mull smttcd in the cnittutcviuptwr or Making in tho 311ml will ttretort of the (in 's that'ure mist and spring up and fam'y that f1'k,'/,' heard the old "nu-hwerd of "(lull in the mmnbcrs." Tant pleura to have my brother Whip, Mr. H Ink. with me on this Vow-3.- pleasant oat-Minn. Mr. Monk and myself exchange contidrrnces, and we huvc'it in our power at times to defeat both the Government Mid the Opposition. Our re- lations have been .'ory plenum. and l luvs formed tor Mr. Monk nu warm n friendship 25 tor any member in the House. 1 Nah I but) 1'00 ceived aome intimation ot what you hut! I: store for me. so that l might nuve presented my aim-ore and hunt felt thanks in tttore tittittq terms, but oi one thing l reassure you. that tho impulses of my heart could not be wurmcr. I again thank you tor your kind words both to Mrs. Freeman and myself. We will ever trenstirc them. Let me any in conclusion that to each one ot you may them come more sun- is?!" than cloud in both political and private 1 u. Thai-ending of the when was concluded amid an on: burst or enthusiastic I?,!.")',':,',' from all the gamut-mg" which undo l r. Freeman look happier even than the very 'e1igeg,',"'1tt'ir, --but, not too cotnplunontarr-O ms: me]! had done. lt remains now but to express the have that In the. elevtion which will be held before the termination of tiuscutrreut, yeaxrund in many succeeding contests. "Glorious Old Norfolk " will rennin true w her Iona record. and send back 10 ll": Luv.iulutive Assembly of Ontario. again and Again. tho Freeman who has an {lawfully and pull'iotlculli rcpresentm'. her since l879. 'And for yoursal . while we wish to you mul Fdurs every oilmr blessing which llfo can alchot us desire that you may in the future. as new, be ever able to any _ Friends; have made. whom envy must com. nmnd. V _ if H ___ Butuot one too whom I would wish a. friend. "Radiative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto, 189i). Nr. Freeman made the following reply both. mull-cs: _ ulJu. GILMOI'R. LADIES aNDTrr:srr.EMEN:--it is titling that you lmvc placed me. in the hatulsof a medicalgentleman. for 1 need bin services. as! have a Isvvorc attack of palpita- tionot walnut. Did I um. not: that I w" surrcundcd by friends: I might have mid, with gm-otold. "!iyat ftl. enemy hall} don? thu." A nimple u~surnnca of the value which " place upon your devotion to the popular cause. would. we know, be accepted by you us umpie racrguition of yuur years ot "il'ort, to advance the interests of true Lite-11mm. but we have thought it propu'v--mituMcciuato form. it may be-ti, seul our words with n more tangible ox- hibition of our warm regard for you.nml to put in mom prrmannut form than more lunguuga can vxprms the pronto!" our deep esteem. We ask yum to accept. for yourself and Mrs Freeman. this teal lawman or our gratitude. and trust that she will uvur regard it as an "vidoneq of the tact that you hnvc. during your public lite, won the fullest. t.voutidertcte and highust "P. probation ot "10:31: with whom you have been associated. ami tind in it some slight consul-- tion fortho sacs-mu: which she [unmade In submitting patiently to your enforced absence. during xnnny your.» trom llem'ih and home" r _ ,V". H___-.- -v- v.-'.- ..-_..... - "al.- are. it has not been your ambition to awoytho Home with isjlror.tunsruod oloqucnce. to take it part more than ordinarily prominent in the introduction of new measures. or to crowd the .. Notices of Motion" with a "ttti-weekly do- mnnd for returns. but you have, noverthelom. in your nuoswntaxiou- fashion. left your in. delible mark upon the whole course of on! legislation. and exerted an ittiluesnee which, if unacnn by tho public. is. nevertheless, ducply appratciatod by all who have boon acquainted with your'r'ouiiuzncnmrycareer. And it would 1nsdourgyou injustice, did we not. add IML, while; you have won ttuxatrectiouaP.d rospoct of ttvcrr folio 'v-tttout) of yourown politicaituitu, you wind equally high in the estimation of those who, although in opp mite ranks. have bucn imbued wit h your friendly bpirit and won by your cxmnpln, um! thus Luuuht to fuel that when tho armor of the orutoriunl combatant is thrown insular. tho representatives ot the people. whether Refornu-rs or Comiervntivrts. nre niixet'uuwdian. and cm freely internist on common 310mm. - _ v_ _ lu y0y,torIuuately, n have met with one pro-eminently canal-i ousin the nonunion of these "minim good qualities. From the be. filming to the end 0 every session, your lobar: mo. quietly yet unceuiugly. been directed to tho furtherance of tho principles which we have been elected to promote. You have tteveratrtmdouod your poor, while youhavo been ituletatuublv, in tho discharge of a [Mk nuolwa.vsutmronlsle. Your. intercourse with uur opponent.» has tended to minimise the cCouts of that inc-lion which unuvoidnbly exists between men or contiiulink political views, and. us it rcuult. the present Parliament has been ditstaiitut'rsited from some or its pro. doccusurs by an absence of the bitterness and ty..iPosits which too often mark Inutr war- - "m"' -v w"-- --w- "I" A. la seldom found. It Minimal & iE'.'itiiiiiii. to whluh tow men are wllllnu to " tit, to un- swerring loyalty to putty. an ablllty to quickly and unfailingly mnllcuauxethudonixns of oppon- ents, . an aplmztle for business, tho tact of a Prowler. a clear cmnprehousion at public quest-ions. u genial disposition, a. courteous manner. nu unwavering patience. a w?rrn 110591 and u lovoUwud.