**His Honor the Lieuten®nt.--Governor doth thank Her Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, sccoYt their benevolonce and as-- sent to this bill in Hor Majesty's name," We, Her Majesty's most dutiful and faithful subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, in session ussembled, a p-- proach Your Honor at the closo of our iabors with sentiments of unfeigned devotion and loyalty to Har Majesty's person and Gorvernment, and humbly beg to present for Your HMonor's ac-- ceptance a bill intituled ** An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money to defray the expenses of civil government for the year 1890, and for other purposes therein mentioned," thus placing at the disposal of the Crown the means by which the Government can be made eflicient for the service and welfare of the Province. THE ROYAL AssEXT, To this bill the Royal assent was an-- nounced by the Clerk of the Legislative . Assombly, in the following words :-- To these bills the Roynl assent was an-- nounsed by the Clerk of the Legislative As-- sembly in the following words :-- (146) An Act to amend the Joint Stock Com-- panies Winding--up Act. (147) An Act respecting juvenile offenders, (148) The Municipal Amendment Act, 1890. (149) An Act respecting aid to certain rail-- ways. E ** In Her Majesty's name, His Honor the {.'.ileutonant-(iovernor doth assent to these ills." (140, An Act respecting sales for taxes in Muskoka and Parry Sound. (141) An Act respecting certain statistical re-- turns. (142) An Act to amend the Act respecting mortgages and sales of 'remnnl property. (145) An Act to amena the High Schools Act. (144) An Act respecting timber licenses affect-- ing registered land. (145) An Act respecting polling places in the District of Algomn. Mn EXPENSES OF CIVIL GOYVERNMEXT, Mr. Speaker then said :-- May it please Your Honor. (137) An Act to amend the Act respecting Conditional Sales of Chattels. (138) An Act relating to manhood suffrage vyoters. (130) An Act to protect persons acting as executors or administrators. (135) An Act to amend the Act respecting Snow Fences. (134) An Act to amend the Registry Act. Au&':» An Act to amend the Street Railway et. (156) An Act respecting the expenses of Coun-- ty Court Judges under the Ditches and Water-- courses Act. i132) An Act to amend the Timber Slides Compames' Act. (:9) An Act to amend the General Road Companies Act. ©i13) An Act to amend the Ontario 'Tree Pianting Act. (151) An Act to yvest certain portions of the former St, Catharines, Thorold and Niagara Falls Ioad, in the Town of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford. hublyteladhctyis it Aliecbatidmtaad -- Ld | .39& An Act to amend the Public Health Act | in reorot of the sale of meat or milk from animals affected with tuberculosis. A(lOO) An Act :o amend the General Mining et. (101) An Act to provide for security for costs in certain actions agzainst Justices of the Peace. | (102) An Act to provide for the vacating of | certificates of lis pendens. '__(1035) An Act to amend the Act for the protec-- tior of game and fur--bearing animals. #, (127) An Act to amend the Act to prevent the spread of noxious weedsand diseases affocting fruit trees. (128) An Act to simplify the proced ure for en-- forsing Mechanies' Liens. €° EDC ECOo®t ACEnOECCGORT aEoned exmn PAMIPY EHEVUTY (124) An Act respecting contracts of lifo in-- surance. (120) An Act respecting the culling and measurement of saw--logs cut upon Crown Lands, (126) An Act respecting the commitment of persons of tender years. _ (110) An Act to amend the Railway Act of Ontario. (120) An Act to amend the Partition Act. (121) An Act to provide means of extinguish-- ing forest fires, (122) An Act with respect to fines and costs of summary convictions. | (123) An Act to amend the Act respecting the establishment of Municipal Institutions in the Distriots of Algoma. Muskoka, Parry Sound, Nipissing, Thunder Bay and Rainy River. _ (118) Au Act respecting exemption from municipal assessments. _ _ _ _ , & Aql'l'i) An Act to amend the Trades Arbitration Ct. (116) An Act to amend the Publio and Separ-- ate Schools Act. (115) An Act respecting the profession of architects. (114) An Act to amend the Freoe Grants and Homesteads Act. C _ (112) An Act to amend the Act respecting private (unatic asylums. _ _ _ wew (111) An Act to confirm and establish a cer-- tain survey of the Township of Kennebec, in the County of Frontenac. _ (110) An Act to amend the Ditches and W ater-- courses Act. 'AQltIS) An Act to amend the Ontario Insurance Ct. _ (106) An Act for the suppession of foul brood among boog. A(lO'l) An Act to amend the Division Courts et. (108) An Act to further facilitate proceedings under the Land Titles Act. ; e mg _ (105) An Act "l:é;";(;gfi;;é" assignments and preferences by insolvent persons. _ _ _ ; _ _ _(109) An Act to provide for holding Winter Assizes in the County of Carleton. i _(104) An Act to amend the law respecting powers of sale in mortgages. _ ana g THE ROYAL ASSEXNT, The public measures wald having for their object the i municipal law, the botter justice, the simplification ol respect of mechanies' liens, avricultural interost8, the able live stock; and the amet istey laws and the im'mrnw F P OaFe n on en o utd t 2OR EEEOTEE PRA N 1 canrmot dismiss the subject of education without referring to the excellent impression made everywhere by the intimation that a sister Provinece hha ; donated to the University of 'Foronto a substantial sum 10 assist in re-- building that institution,. L am pleased to noto that the measure which you hbave adopted providing mining regula« fions has moet with the general approval of I have, with much satisfaction, observed your efforts to make more adequate the pro-- visions of the law having for their object the proper care of persons of tender years com-- mitted as offenders under any of the statutes in force in this Province; and I regard as a most salutary provision your enactmert that children under the age of thirteen years shall | be sent, not io penal institutions, but, where | practicable, to duly certified Industrial Schools, | where they may receive a training calcuiated | to make them useful citizens. | I trust it will be found that the abolition of certain exemptions from municipal assessment has been in the Public interest, your action having been largely, if not wholl{. based upon communications to my advisers from the var« ious Municipal Councils in the Province, which had been consulted with a view to ascertaining the extent to which public opinion would con-- cur in changes to be made. is * I have assented with pleasure to the amend-- ments made in the Liquor Jsiconse Law. 'Thoy appear to be in consonance with the growth of public sentiment upon the Temperance quos: tion, and to have received general sympathy and approval. I have nodoubt experience will show that the measure on this subject has been conceived in the public interest and will prove eminently benetficial;. P ids ++ © thoso engaged in mining operations,. The Act ' will doubtless be of <~rvice in promoling the eafety, health and comfort of the operauvee* and gives asgurance that work in the mines of ; the l'r(:viuce will be carried on upon improved methods. 1 notice that the private legislation this ses-- sgion has been unprecedentedly large, a fact which marks the ever--increasing wants of an active population, These measures, some of which are of a very important character, bear evidence of having received careful considera« tion. 'The measure amending the General Mining Act will afford those desirous of purchminii mining lands facilities for lran'snc,ting{mch 0 their business in the localities in which the lands lie, and for obtaining the information necessary to applications for purchasing. ____ _ EEVRAGHesNIZ CC DPPIUGIUMCMW MUN P MDCNDCCCMT 4 The amendments made to the Free Grants and Homestead Act will, I trust, beneficiully' affect, not only those who may be within its immediate operation, but the Free Grant Dis-- | tricts generally.. e Yops: 2. .c t | It is with much gratification that I give my sanction to the Act passed for the purpose of encouraging County Councils in the laudable work of erecting Houses of Refuge in connec-- tion with Industrial Farms, and thereby reliev-- ing gaols of the care and support of aged, help-- less and poor persons not belonging to the criminal classes, I trust the Councils will avail themselves of the provisions of the Act, and thus give effect to your timely legislation in this respect. V Jt se * A I thank you for the liberal appropriations which you have made tor the public service. The supplies which you have granted will be expended with care and in the public in-- terest. 1t now dovolves upon me to bring to a close this the last session of the sixth Legislature of Ontario. -- In doing so I wish to assure you that ltake leave of you with a due sense of the wisdom and patriotism which bhave guided your deliberations. _My hope is, that your sue-- eessors will be found to be not less earnest in fulfilling their duty to our common country, and that, like you, they will at all times show a just appreciation of the high trust which as representatives of the Eeople will have been committed to their safe--keeping. J63