THE LEGISLATUREK semmmmmemmesssoosmmmmmase Reassembled After the Domin ion Elections. \ DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS | Mess | Moved by Mr. Tait, Seconded| by Mr. Garrow. ion Leader --nd the €peeches by the Opposition Premier--The Government Very Lightly Criticised. Toroxto, March 10. The Legislature reassembled to--day 'a.f.ter the recess made necessary by the Dominion glectoral campaign. The day was given up to the debate on the address. The SP"ech?s of the mover and seconder were equul'm ability to those of any former year. The Opposition leader criticised but briefly and not very severely, so that the debate was brought to an early close. Petitions, The following petitions were preseut-- ed :-- From the Town Council of Alliston, f)ray- ing that an act may pass to consol:date their debt--Mr. Wylie. i From William B. C. Barclay of Arnmprior, raying for an act to change his name to g\'illium Barclay Craig--Mr. Awrey. From the Town Council of Cornwall, pray-- ing for an act to consolidate the debt--Mr. Mack, From the Fort Erie Ferry Railway Com-- r«ny, praying that an act may pass to egalise cortain bonds and for power to ex-- tend their line--Mr. Baxter. From the Town Council of Gananogue, praying that an act may pass to authorise the issue of certain -- debentures--Mr. Preston. From George Macgregor Gardner of To-- ronto, praying that an act may pass to authorise the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario to admit him to practise therein . as a solicitor--Mr. Tait. f From the Grand Legion of Ontario Select | Knights of Canada, for an act to enable | them to acquire, hold and convey real ' estate,. From the incorporated synod of the Diocese of Huron, for an act to consolidate the various trust funds under their control | --Mr. Meredith. | From Millbrook Town Council, for an act to consolidate thetown debt--Mr. Kerns. From Orillia Town Council, for an act to authorise the purchase of a postoffice site-- Mr. Miscampbell. From Ottawa City Council, for an act to empower the issue of debent@ires to defray the city's share of sidewalks constructed as local improvements. From Ottawa St. Andrew's Society, for an act to amend its act of incorporation-- Mr. Bronsoun. From the Ottawa, Arnprior & Renfrew Railway Company, for an act to amend its charter--Mr. Monck, From the Town Council of Port Artbhur, for an act to consolidate their debt--Mr. Conmee. From the Port Arthur Town Council, for an act to authorise the construction of an electric street railway--Mr. Conmee. From the Prescott and Russell Counties Council and others, for an act to confirm a certain by--law relating to the Village of Casselman--Mr. Evanturel. From the Municipality of Shuniah, for an act to consolidate the law relating to the municipality--Mr. Conmee.