THE LEGISLATURE. , A Brief and Featureless Sitting | of the House. THE EDUCATIONAL BILLS. Some Account of Measures to Be Taken Up. Public Works Report--Personai Notes--Chair-- men of Committees Elected--Press Qaliery Organisation. Toroxto, March 12. l In the Logislature to--day the following peti | tions were presented :-- l Mr. Bigzar--From the Mid|and Railway of | Canada, that an act be J)nsscd to ratify an ' agreement with the Grand Trunk Railway. Mr. McColl--IFrom the Council of the County of Elgin, for the appointment of milk in-- spectors, s Mr. Monk--From the County Council of Carleton, praying that no alteration be made in the law respocting the control of county gaols by County Councils. Mr, Rayside--From the Roman Catholic bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria, for an act to incorporate the ltoman Catholic bishop of Alexondria in Ontario as a corporation sole. Mr. Biggar--From the Town of Midland, for an act to ratify an agreement with the Midland & Grand Tronk Railway. Mr. 6. F. Clarko--From St. George's Society, Toronto, for an act to empower the society to acquire shwres in the capital stock of the St. George's Hall Company. | Mr. MceKay (Victoria)--From the Town of | Lindsay, that an act be passed to authorise the | issue of debentures to pay off the tioating debt. | Mr. Mack--From the Ixnights of labor, Town of Cornwa 1, No. 6,583, for an act regulating the construction of scaifolds. JFrom the same body, for in amendment to the Municipal Act to tax land held for speculative purposes to its full value. From the same body, for an amendment to the School Act. -- From the same body, pray-- ing that all persons having charge of stationary engines should umlcrgo an ecxamination. And another for an amendment to the Municipal Act to allow the whole electorate to vote on money by--laws. Mr. Cmnqi --From the Kont and Essex Mutual Fire Insurance Co., for certain amend-- ments to the law for greater ¥r0toctl0n against fires arising from the use of steam engines. Also from the Council of the County of q(unl. for legislation to authorise the o.puu{ntmcnt of milk ins?cctors. Mr. Alian--From the Council of the County of Wellington, asking for enlarged grants to Public and High Schools. Hon. Mr. Bronson--From the Church of St. ' John the Evangeiist, Ottawa, for an act to enable tho churchwardens to borrow money | {or the erection of a rectory and other build- ngs. "i'he House adjourned at 3.25 p.m. Public Works Department. The report of H n. C. F. Frasor, Comimission-- er of Public Works, has been distributed. Respecting the new Parliament buildings, the report shows that, the masonry and brick work of the woestern wing 'are nearly completed and ready for the roof, the work on the central portion and -- east-- ern wing is also in a forward state, and the whole building will be roofed in beforc the close of the building season of 1891. 'The expenditures last year on the new building aggregated about 814%000. and the total ex-- ppndituruw the end of the {eur was $572,050, whe work in connection with the cottages at Mimico was continued during the year, and the grounds round the four northern cottages gradeod and lovelled. Five of the cottages are now occu?iod by about 300 patients, 'I'Eo sixth cot,t.afio will be occupied on the 3rd of Februar 7 and the sevonth about the end of that mont.){. The romainiog cighth cottage will be com--; pleted before the Ist of May next, at which time the whole institution will ti)o in | working order. _ These buildings will .m mitnfoninte mitht tetictet o nocossiey e other public institutions paue hMite hean, kent utand improvemonts + Cx ure ment for the vear w.-p:oaaon depart: