or otherwne in respect of the holding of the-aid new election,' and ifao, whether communications were verbal or in it" In reply to this Mr. Mowat ' that there might have been tt oonvemtion wi member: of ' Government, but nothing of import- -|.e. He propoeed to go on and give firth. information with re nrd to these election. but Mr. Meredith 'ie/lu' on the ground that on this order there would be no opportunity for arepl and hen-lied that the statement be made later. Mr. Mount nidhe could not proceed if the objection Nina-ted upon, but he had thought the information would be ot use if given ht this ' tin the said "ch cm 1lttly'. "In. Ct the Goo m. " Mr. quood Btskerd for information in relation to the North Perth election petition and enl-eqnent bye-election. Mr. Mowat Mated that the jud 'a report on the election tral wu dungeon 10th December, 1890,end we: received on the following day. There being no Speaker no warrant was issued for a new election. but the clerk issued the writ without a warrnnt. It was ai end completed the 13th December, lit, and Wu forwnrded to the returning other on 51st December. The question proceeded. "Whether my communication we: received by the Government, or any member thereof, " to the inane: of the writ or otherwise in . any" of tb, add new election,' and 1ttco,emg:iity.:F.ri' won " In Mn'ln .- AI i. , Tones-to, March 13. ' E The attttrttt of the Home of Assembly}? f day me brief, end little bunineee we: done. _ Toronto'- Petition. Mr. E. F. Clothe presented the petition' "on the City Council of Toronto tor An amendment to thulM anieipal Act to, nppoint joint permanent mason and toelivide the city into diatrieta for eminent; pur- Bills Introduced. Mr. farm, introduced e bill to match- date the debenture and iioatin debt of the Town of Milton at the sum of 540.000, and to empower the town to issue debenti tea to retire the outetanding debentures and pe off the Booting debt. LI Wotan introduced a hill to amend the Manet Act. it is intended to do ewey with the poll tax and the two'dnye' new" labor which in townehips is required to be given in lieu of it. Also it provides 7 for the exemption from tantion of imple- , ment- nnd mhiner used for the working iof fume. Thieie U. Watere' second'et- ', tempt to abolish the poll tax, and he ll new i Armed with tigunrs showing that the unonnt ,oollectod in a mere bagntelle and that in i my toxnnhipe .the tax it not regarded. l Mi. Water", introduced also "k bill to _ mend the 3l unicipul Act. It reduces the ' qatrlituation of municipal votere in villugeu _ end town- to (OOO, to correspond with the ! present township qualification', and in cities to m, one-he" of what it in st the resent time. Another clause of the same GI de. eleree that the moneys in municipel linking fund. eh." not he need for the payment of current expeneee under a penalty of the member: of the Municipal Council otfending being disqualified for tive yeurl from hold. ing othee and being personally responsible for the nmount Mt appropriated. The repre- Ientetive for North Middlesex is one of the meet industrious member: in the House. During the twelve yea: he has occupied a lest he he. brought forward many of the meet awful reforms wlnch have annuall'y been aiding to the completeness of the would? rig-um of the Province. Mr. . " Clarke presented 3 bill re. tteel?,tit_r Church: Toronto, provid- Some Queetionl Answered. In reply to Mr. H. E. Clerke, Mr. Mount Iteted that no comyumication, verbal or written, had taken place between the Gov- ernment of Ontario end the Government of Quebec with reference to any increase of or cheap in the method of firing the Amount ol_t_he _I'_rovinoiel subsidies. a v.27 Brief 3mm; of tho new Mm Daatul Wilson, B. Homer Dixon and Alchibuld mum-mu be binding on the ohamhwardena l it also talcum the Whom "Ability in connection with that unit, which they have now canned to must» Mr. Gib-on prenatal u bill respecting the 1iytilitimraGrctoru. It follows the recent English "atttte making directors of com- mie. responsible for "memento made in Plumb" by them or with their author. my. ',fh',ltii ail lesion of had: -oi that. GGG, P) ters. keggumlde _by the trustees, ,VV r--rva-uvua. : What Sndbury Am For. The following statement. 1|!!de to the Premier and Commissioner of ('rown Lands, , Ind algnod by Mr. Fournleru chairman was 1 given to the Ministers '.-- "At o public meeting called In the Town Sonata?! Sgdtburg , 's'ftt,1hi,fti,iyiiiiiiiiii, of , o. d c an e or n no T on the 29th: ot Novamhgu- In" -r..h-l__. pamied t _ - _ -v- r""ebmr""w. ll mun or experience in mining matters. The delegates were received by Hon. Oliver Mownt. J.HeirusscutiiG/ar, Mon. A, s. Hardy, Commis- lioner of Crown lands. in whom special charge this matter of mining regulnuonu rests; Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary: Hon. John Dryden. Minister of Agricul- ture. and "on. E. ii. Bronson. The discussion was brief and to the point, and the tgt hr'ought. oat mad agiiniuns 'lxl'rt'fgi, Ci enty mum-ed t e nisbem new for the member: of the depnution a careful trontsituratidii of their propositions. m-A - -- _u -"s'_." ' In. "I hell ot Mutant, a prominent. prospecloq J. C. Ryan of Saginaw, Mich, who considerable interest in the dis The deputation was introduced by Loughrun. M.PP. for Nipissing. which Sudbury is situated. and WM Bi panic-d by Mr. Comnee, M.PP. for Also]: man of experience in mining nmttcrs. delegates wore received b Hod. "liver MI Attorney~Ueneral; lion. I s. Hardy. Con aloner of Crown 1...... G, n-L-w I ityap, I Yesterday afternoon n deputation ho the Sudbury region waited upon the Provincial i Ministers to present to than: some suggestions I reapectinq the new mining policy of the; Government in respect to the " nickel belt," the section of territory which has been withdrawn from location and ; Inio pending new regulations yet to I be made. Tho deputation consisted of I Stephen b'ournier. roove of McKim Township I (in which Sudbury Village is situated); Jamel Stable. tho well-known prospector and mine. owuer; Dan. O'Connor of Sudbuty. proprietor of some valuable mining loeations . ll. McCon- hell ot Matiaan Anmnnlnnn0 ._-.-wi__., - A School of Minn and Exporlmonul Nqettett --rhe Prospector and Hi. Work. ) Mr. slv2,1it,',tgTz',Pmur mMrt-Biil to amend the Munlolpn Act. ' Mr. 2urr--Tuestrdtw nmrt--imi to umond the , Awsmwt Act; aiio bill to amend the Public Suho OIFACL The Government Policy Hither- to Commended. ILIPORTAN T SUGGESTIONS THE NEW MINING POLIE A Sudbury Deputation Before the Government the Muuicivlll Acid "iiiiiiiiii.ai5iiiS'"'Jjh, and would be broughi' , wing the pension, away when" he could- not my. He named the Home, however, that tho preparation .o.f the book we: being pushed forward with diliience.' Al e Hahn edjourned It 3.50 o'clock. .' V Notices of Motion. .Mr. water-Inquiry-ld it the intention of the Government during this or- any future IInewton ot thin Parliament. to bring in a bill to enema women to vote for members of the -:nturel Also." tt the intention of the vcrument during this or any future session o this Parliament to introduce any bill or measure for the conside.rarlon of thus Mou e having rorits object the borrowing of money from ritiah capitalists and the loanqu or the same to farmers who may have the r farms mortgaged. said money to be loaned at a rate of_intcrcst as nearly up may; be to the rate that ge money can be had for in the English m my market! Mm, ts it the intention o the Government. to formula» or ruinous any other mode or Rem-me ot obtain lag and lowing money to trtauerytwhomarlmve their forum mer/hit,') It. a. low rate of interAit Mr. A onk-1nuu rr--m When mm Mr. Monk--inuu rr--m When wan Thom" Murray. hut., apvointed to the ottict, of uhorltf nun. County of Itontrewt (2) boon he still hold the elm-of a; It not, when And how did he, IMttltHt to, have It t, "Mr. A.). Cannibal! (E. t,.t,o'ge,-i,yiterg chewing the amounts in your-y aggregate of (1)4";me received from pale: of lands for _ 'rgulfgml urposon in Alumna But. from y/def y l, " to December 31. 1590. Co All eums received from the sole of minor.) lands in Algomn Km. for tho some period. (3; All sums revolved tor harm on! ground rams or timbor dues. or in lea-(Era! ram the solo of timber in Angora: Faust or the some period. (4! Allsums received from the collection: of Jaxrs upon Made in Alumna East for the "In. period. (in All sums received from the issue of llq'uor "(semen in Alumna but for the some period M'All sums expended by the Govermiterttin the mid oloclorul distrkt of Algom. East for collimation roads or other public purposes [Lulu the lst January. 1871, to 51st. December. 1850. tty1't-ro,iat--'I'ues.dar next-Bill manond not. and the order 1tf?o".iaiii"pCfi'il,'d' of November last withdnwlnn cal- um by HE. ijjssing, in uit ,_ Ema}? was Becom- , L'IKOIJNSL . 'Vlil cer- Why has Smelter