& O THE LEGISLATURE 4 + 4o e ----v';"'-_"-- Discussing the Bye--Election in North Perth. MR MEREDITH'S CHARGES, Answer by Hon. Mr. Hardy and Hon. Mr. Mowat. Many Bills Introduced--More Deputations and More Petitions--Report on Compul-- sory Education--Personal, pAawr2.--0 A great many bills were introduced and rdvanced the first stage in the Legislature yesterday, The tide of petitions still con-- tinues strong. The galleries have been thronged every day since the opening, but until yesterday the visitors saw little more than formal business transacted. A motion respecting the North Perth bye--election brought out excellent spceches by Mr. Meredith and Mr. Hardy which were listen-- ed to with interest. When Mr. White's proposed motion ask-- ing for papers respecting the withdrawal from sale and location of mining lands was calied, Mr. Meredith said he understood that this would stand until next week at l the request of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Mr. Hardy nodded. Mr. H. E. Clarke moved without com-- ment the resolution, of which he had given notice, asking for correspondence not already brought down with refer-- ence to matters in dispute between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. In reply to Mr. Meredith the Attorney--Gen-- eral was understood to say that he believed vhese documents could be laid before the House before the bill on the subject of these disputes came up for a second reading. North Perth Bye--Election. The principal trouble of the day arose over this resolution:-- Mr, Magwood--Order of the House for a return showing the dute of the certificate of the judges ulgpoiuwu to try the election peti-- tion in the North Perth election case. The date when the certificate was received by the clerk of the House. Copy of the warrant for the issue of the new writ for holding an elec-- tion for the said riding to fill the vxum.n%y croat-- ed by the decision of the judges. Copy of thenew writ for holding thesaid election. Copies of all correspondence between the members of the Government, or any of them, or any de-- partmental ofiicer or oflicers of the House, or with any person or persons with reference to the issue of the said writ for the holding of the said new clection. In presenting this resolution Mr. Mag-- wood made no statement, but Mr. Meredith suggested that the Attorney--General might muke now the statement respecting bye-- elections which, it will be remembered, he was not allowed to make when Mr. Mag-- : wood put a question regardiufi this same matter. Mr. Mowat said he had not thel ;mpers with him, but he woulid state the acts generally from memory. Some of the elections had been delayed in order that they might all be held on the same day. As soon as a vacancy occurred the writ was prepared to be forwarded, but the last could not be issued before December 21. There were four elections fixed for the same day, and Hamilton and North Bruce , might have been included but for delay in ziving judgment in those cases. It was leemed advisable to go on with the four n which there were vacancies so that there might be representatives of those ridings in the House at its opening.