to > ye 09 e % y :A 9 j « * ".f t | /o ' ' " 4 " ) 1 iA4, 3 2P s eptel 25\ //7. ,"" {* . S o9 4 submit to the examinatio: E i d on t o rop 1 ty o Board of Health a.nslytlisno(f,ftl:gewl:t:: ufl:(::: (' it would benefit the Counties of Bruce and " the Eropo,ed source of supply and show plans (Grey if the ports on Hyron and Georgla!i of the contemplated system, If the water Bay were connected. The Attorn.ey-lGel.wra does not meet the sanitary requirements it promised that the representations of the shall not be legal to establish 'such water-- deputation would _ receive careful con-- * works system without first obtaining from | %"'"0"' He _ intimated that the the Provincial Board of Health a certificate, |~ -- ,;P@Nicy of the Government, which some signed by the chairman and secretary, that years ago -- had -- been _ inost liberal it is the {es& obtainable. | to 1'&']""'1)' PrOJert'lB, 'lv"b in tre'i;'"(i' Boundary Bridge > | years thubvxelp should only be extende The representafiogmudegt,o'.the Govern: 'rmlw:xys in t,lm' newest districts of the ment by the large deputation from North-- | Province,. The Government had found the umberland and Durham on Thursday with House become reluctant to pass grants with | reference to the maintenance of the bridge . the former liberality. But, he °°".CI"ded' over the "Trent Narrows," near the bou%- as though not to send them away without a dary of Northumberland and Peterborough, | fi;':""'a:fis:flgfi' r:l:('l: :s:li:fill";:'e 3;;:"3121: are being followed up to the House. & AMex mp ' s s terday 'i)r. \\'illouglr:by int.rodu?:i?i a\l?isll ' wish is in regard to assistance to railways. i which will cover the case, although it is Amendments to th.e. Medical Act. | general in its terms. It provides that all A deputation representing the council of bridges within 80 chains or one mile | the College of Physicians and Surgeons of u%oundury line between counties shall be waited upon the Attorney--General and the held to be boundary bridges. Even if the Hon. G. W. Ross yesterday to urge some | rinciple of the bill meet the approval of the amendments to the Medical Act, which will | flouse the distance will likely be reduced, be--embodied in a bill which will be pre-- i But the members for Peterborough, Messrs, sented this session. The deputation was com-- | J. R. Stratton and Blezard, are vigor» posed of Dr. Thorburn, chairman of the | o:;s]y opposing the bill.> They wait-- -- {mgislut{}'e]'(Jtnnnicu;f ?f t?:ocouncil; Dr. i ed upon the members of the Gov-- . | Béexgin, M.P., Cornwall; Dr. zers, Ottawa, | ernmer:l.}, with the Northumberland a:d ~ n.iulg Dr. Pyne, registrar of &the council, | Durham deputation -- on §Thursday, and . Theg were accompanied by Mr. Wallace | talked in opposition to it. They pointed *'Nesbitt, solicitor for the council. There out then that legislation such as the deputa-- are said to be eleven members of the medi-- tion proposed would reoper settled dis-- cal profession in the House, and for the | " putes about bridges all over the Pro-- | few minutes after the House adjourned, :i'iml:e ¢;nd gil:f rise _ to _ a great | whcul the chm?'her {LS uiuul }becantxie uni; : eal of trouble and expense. _ No' mated as a market--place by the influx o e county in the Province has gro;:)ut,or reason i strangers to the floor, the members of the k to congratulate itself upon its representa-- | deputation _ talked with as many of 1 tives in the Legislature than Peterborough, !""' doctors as could be seen, bespeak-- f Messrs. Stratton and Blezard are among ing their hearty support of the proposed the most useful members of the House and legislation, -- Several amendments to the act | most faithul guardians of the interests are aimed at. It is sought to simplify the ' al of their constituents. mode (l)f registering in the college, and the i Col. Gillmor Entertains. council wants power to regulate the fees to Col. Gillmor, the clerk of the House be paid by members. Aygresent the statute | entertained the following gentlemen at din. | fixes the annual fees at $2, and the wish is ner last evening :--Mr. Speaker, Col. to give the regulation into the hands of the glarll:e'\l'\}l'})l"' Mr. Monk, M.PP., Mr. c"'"nclllt: when ]x;L Lls umlcrs:god lt,uwfll ll{)e ack, M. 'P., Mr. A. McKa , .\Il'l' Mr. raised to 35. setter machiner ) maAke J. R. Cartwright, Rev. Mr. Bl:)ughull. A\'Ia}:)r the members pay up is desircj. The pre-- Delamere, Mr. Sergeant--at--arms, Messrs. sent law with regard to people unregistered : L. K. Cameron, W. Houston, E. Holmes | practising healing is not satisfactory to the ' F. J. Joseph, R. A. Kent, A. M. J)ymond' council, and the bill to be brought in will J. G. Rosseau, S. J. Crosby, C. J. Notman, provide tor the more effectual squashing of | G. Warwick, (. Maclean Rose, A. p' | the faith cure healers and other classes of | Rutter, Horace Wallace, J. E. Atkinson. practitioners, who in the estimate of the ; '(r}fiorge Simpson, John S. Maclean, C. H. 'Pr"fvssfi"n pon» muder the comprehensive ompson, A. E. S. T hs term of quacks. Hurlbl:lrt, 'C W }('}ruhamusl'mz]l p};(i)-:,)g;;e((lfims. | lCompulsor R * , 5. J. Bs s y Education. _ A Railyvay Deputation. | _ Hon, G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, 6 | A railway project has for some time been | yesterday laid on the table of the House an e stirring the public mind of Owen Sound and ' iaportant report on compulsory education Grey County with its bright promises of in-- in Canada, Great Britain and the United creagenlprosperit_v. The scheme is to build States. This document will greatly assist a railway from Owen Sound to connect with in the discussion of the bill upon this sub-- the Strat{ord & Lake Huron Railway. The ject, and generally will be a most valuable comsmny.xs. incorporated and a promise of addition to the literature of education. The | the Dominion subsidy of $3,200 a mile has fact that so complete a report is thus timely .l{een obtained. Now the people of Owen | put before the House is evidence of the f ' Sound f"ud the county through which the ; devotion of the Minister to his duties and * | rou.d \':lll run are pushing to have the On-- | of his appreciation of intelligent discussion | tario (xoverumeu't give a subsidy of $27,000 l throughout the country of subjects relating A to the Yesterday the Government | to his department. Besides the facts re-- was waited upon by a deputation that | ported from the whole territory covered glrgeq the public value of the pro-- I there are some valuable tables. One of ;]t'rcted road _ and asked _ assistance. R these shows by reports from ten cities and The deputation consisted of _ Messrs. | 58 towns of the Province the extent of \y. A. Maclene, mayor of Owen Sound ; J. | truancy. The question is asked in each P. Raven, reeve ; Matthew Keunedy,' ease, **Would compulsory attendance u.t.[ «ll'eputy reeve, and B, Allan, ex--M.P.; John school in your opinion tend to the reduction | bl&rke,'ree_vc of the Township, of Kipple ; of juvenile offences?" and the answer in ' Alex. Garvie, deputy reeve of the Township every case is more or less strongly in the | of Derby. They were introduced by the affirmative. There are also tables showing | meml:er for l\o'r'th (-rey, Mr. Cleland, and the educational status of persons convicted T Mr. Conmee. The projected road is to run of crime in Canada, the percentage of * <« f west from Owen Sound thir.een miles and illiteracy, etc. | the estimated -- cost _of construction is R Notes,. 315,090. The 'lowush'lp of Sarawak would | Mr. R. J. Fleming visited the House yes-- give $5,000 and the Township of Kipple terday aftern | would be asked for $3,000. When those n n)' a; ols 'k: s i amounts and the Dominion Government's 'Mr. Tait presented a petition l}gned by subsidy were takenfrom the costof construc-- Thomas Mark:x and others to be incorpor-- I tion there was left an amount too large ated as the Port Arthur & Fort William for Owen Sound to shoulder even if an Railway Company. | indebteduess of $7,500 per mile were left Mr, James Sutherland, M.P. for North A upon the road. 'The deputation therefore Oxford, one of the most popular and one of 3 urged that the Government give the scheme the best known . members 0})"'3 Dominion l $27,000 of a grant. Th ay pointed out how Honme,l visited the Provincial law--makers yosterday. ( ( | t | %