J » # f * :» ""'. h rtmonnng td ; to hold the said election, in taking and %xt- ing the votes of the electors of the said 'clec-- toral district at polling s bdivision No. T of the Township of Thurlow, in the said electoral district, at which polling subdivision the said 1. lt. Learens ncted s deputy returuin}g oitl-- cer, and that grave irregularities and frauds were committed by i James McCready, deputy ret.urninq ofticer at polling sundivision N. , in the said Township of Phurlow, and that other grave irregularitivs and frauds were commit-- ted by other deputy returning oflicers at and ' during the said election, all of which said ir-- | regularities and frauds wore committed to the | prejudice of the rights of the clectors of the \ said electoral district, and of thesaid Hudson, | as und being a candidate therest ; be it there-- fore resolved, that the matier of che said com-- plaint and of the conductof the said clection and of the said returning ofticer and his deputies theroat and in referenceo thereto be referred to the Committee on Privileges and Klections for inquiry and report,and that the said committee have power to send for persons, paper and documents. Mr. White--Bill to encourage the breeding and improvement of trottring and pacing horses and for the provenm im of fraudulent entries and practicos in contusts of syocd. Mr. Bronson--Bill to amend the «ct respect: ing cometery companies. T Mr. Ross--Bill to amend the act relating to the federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other universities and colches. Also--1BBill to amend the Dentistry Act. Mr. Davis--Bill respecting the use of bicy-- cles on the vublic highwo ys. Mr. Smiti (York)--Bi respecting assign-- | ments and preferences by insolvent persons. Mr. McMahon--Order of the House showing the names, places of residence at the time of appointment, date of appointmert, nature of employment and salary or other emolument of all permanent oflicers or employces in any of the public institutions of the Province since the ist day of January, 1979, down to the present time, and whether they still hold : office, and, if not, giving the reasons as near as may be for resignation, dismissa) or otherwiso. Mir. Gut.hr_ic- lill to amend the Municipal Act. Also bill to amend the Assessment Act. : WBA NUE rGrecerseres se tss intcom mt | pesereret inemninen en cmnnenmeaprentninice <