r * _ ducéted, is handed over to the municipalitios -- of ts "",','}&pfintl%: "J",'.';,'i',fl.': without their doing anything, with the power ol cts M tnt, The atponses, mouered .. | {¢sorved 10 Chem 10 MIKC Ts parpone, -- ie > | by passing y--laws f burse the I ival and wm";fl?{u&fs 2,';?0:: | municipalfiics aro receiving increased reve-- in ""."u,é" gaols to our in nucs, while the Province defrays the wholo oi cost of regulating the traffic and of proseci . ng formatorics F & & Liquor License °08. © for iMlicit sale. Under the local olpt.lon clauses ved last yOar from liquor licenses of our last statute amending our license Jaw We recei this is {ho largost sum ever re-- soventecen clections have been held. I.pc:l '3}3&"& fl::e year by flzlho rc{'sti)';'énc'?"fiom this option has vlvox:_tho dn'i:l in fltlwi{no :Huzb ?,tu t.rt:ocgat ce imate :e $300, seventecn clections. iose cloc B f ??"3:} bgull;sl?r'vsting to the "0"!";50 d'fi however, in municipalities in whilch Lh(taro Chanthe 25 0h,0hdle "vntiomen, kpper . afectcony 2o fteomen | i: tha Heonse yenr, Sute Fropnses for of May,. Sale of Asylum Lands. Our receipts from UQ 16,455 The item of $32,976 under the hoad of Toronta 19567 worg...... ... silnnaks*@tir!n1"! ""'2201 612 Lunatic Asylum sale of lands represents tho T U oo eeanaanbentnadntienans ot. * ~/--_| value of certain mortgages taken as part pay» |QG@@Q A .ccsccsc ser ns g on id a nds .k6+t 307'281 ment on the occasion of the «ale of a portion of o h se h s t n t n o ie Aanton me 4 hnd the asy!um lands in 1887, for the purpose of 'The number of licenses granted dufl"%ghc"e piocuring funds with which to erect cottages | years respoctively were :--2,000, 1,885, 2,485 and at Mimico. | if,og The Scott Act was in force in 0 districts Mr. Moredith--Does that mcan that the in 12856, in 215 difgggtgfi in'li("llfib-? &{\'(\1 inléfiag")"%;? mortgages were p\lxlt in the mn.rll(('ut, an(ll s?ldfi | 17 districts in 1888--9,, while in the [A * Mr. Harcourt--They were sold at their face | %hut is in 1889--90, our license laws were in force value without comumission or any charge of | in the whole Province, 'The oy}rlcrutu.)ns of the that kind. ! Seott Act then, togother with the legislation of 'Thore are now sevon of theso cotfagos com-- | 1886 under which a considerable increase in the ploted, and we have expended upon them up to | lcense fees resulted to the Province. fully the close of lasi year $443,9935. _ At the end of account for the considerable variation in our last yoar thore were 170 inmates cared for in license revenues from year to year. It is thoso cottages. _The erection of another cot-- worthy of remark that although there was no tago is contemplated, and altogetheor they will part of the Province under the Scott Act in accommodate 440 patients. _ (On the one hand 1881--2, the total number of licensos issued dur-- the Province has sold at a high price some of ing that year was 4,163, while last year (1889--90) the land adjoining the old .usylu"]' which was the total number was only 3,608, a decrease of by far too valuable to retain tor more garden-- §54 licenses in cight years. ing purposes, and in its place it will have an A Timely Explanation. m;mi-t of m't;utg\'ulu& i'l\'ll 1t|'|lx(i' :)lu(utw"(l)'l)'dz};:ag cigt:: Hon. members may havye noticed that som6e asylum c0o% agos D i. 20, O es municipalitios have recently passed resolutions woll C'{ml'l"fd and in every way perfectly complaining that the Government has appro« adapted to moet the purposes for which they priated for Provincial purposes an unjust share woere designed. -- Thero was an urgent ('lcmnnd of tho liconse feos. An examination of the for }ncrwmvd accommodation ; the time for question will convince every one that there is selling the land was fortunately chosen, and no good ground whatever for this «-.uli;plxii)nt.. cv:rytolnc ml;h't' ]'-mlt? omt,mllxlt pl;l:'(l')dm(l)(f:%?f] 'i(x)x tt,}llxlg While it is true, as 1 have said, that the 1'ro. extent has been most happily soly vincial revenue has been increasing tor the way I have indiecated, reasons given, it is equally true that the muni-- Thus far, briefly sir, h""." explained, as cipal revonue has shared in pari passu this im« fully as would seem to bo necessary, the reve-- provement. if we take the last f ur years for nuo side of our finances for the cxample, we find that the payments to the past year, Let -- mo repoat that while municipalities have been from license re our total_ _ estimated _ receipts . for 1890 venue :-- were $3,337,222, our actual rccelyps (not in-- In 1886--7 $155.71¢ cluding drainage debentures for w iich wo do In 1887--8 [ it dinbbkt t onb idtratiart 156.979 not estimate) haveo l_;umn $3,381',969. and that in 16489 190'297 thereforec on the year's transactions our total Amdbin 1880.90;................ iess 297. 554 receipts havo oxceeded the estimate of $44,747 It will thus be seen that whilo the increase of y The Expenditums. the Provigcial revenue during those four years I will now consider the expenditure of 1890, amounted to 42 per cent., that of the reovenug of which has been as follows:-- the municipalitios amounted to. 934 per cent. In the first place we will compare the actual The municipalities then have not uu{y sharcd expenditure of last year with the ost,mmg.ed in the increase; their percentage of the in-- expenditure to which the House last session crease these four years has been more than gave its assont, The gross_ total of the appro-- twice as large as that of the Province. priations for 1890 was $35,515,503, while our ac* Lot me remind the House that in the absence tual ordinary expenditure has beon $3,367,443, of municipal by--laws increasing them the total 0 that of the money voted last year there re-- statutory fees to be collected for retail licenses mained unexpended the sum of $178,149, Our are, for cities, according to. t: eir populatior ordinary receipts, as 1 have already stated, $250 or $200: for towns, $150; f r incorpomtck amounted to $3,331,3$9. so that for the year just villages, $120, and for townships, $90 Muni-- closed our ordinary receipts have exceeded our ('ipi;]l ('oun(gls amay, huwa-fw;r. l')ly by-lm:':l gr;d ordxnal')'doflltv'»":l':loilll\'lilt"ua;3 rl))r{csi":;ilbt.he T&?eplr':)rgei" without taking a vote of the clectors, 0 unexpenaed i 'erns the appropria-- these statutory fees a maximum amount of tion for public buildings, as to which it is evi-- $100 inl (7iLlilc>'. swoi:; tov.'ua.luind slgvtintglncogé dgnn mt)l'\utm::(r:tor(;l:g{:_\ cgfi\ixg:sta:%?d m:g_ porated villages and townships, e t t 6 tC : | municipalities which have sent in the resolu-- tard tho completion of contemplated works, | tions of complaint to which I have referred, There remained unoxpen_dnd last year of the only four have passed by--iaws exacting this sum voted for public buildings $104,661. This maximum amount ; six of them have not avail-- | is in part explain~d by the fact that the works od themselves of the right to pass the by--Jaw, | at the London, Hamilton and Orillia asylums and the remaining ninetoen hivoe by their by-- | and also at the Mimico cottages are not yet laws added various amounts, all of them con-- | completed. 'The School of Practical Science in siderably and the majority of them much under some respects has not yet been fully equippeod, this maximum. Aliof the revenue accruing | and the sum of $3,000 voted for Govern-- undor these by--laws, we must remember, re-- mont house was not rcqnh"cd. Ie--votes for verts to the municipalities. 'These 29 petition-- some of these unexpended items will, I o4 ing municipalities it they wore to pass by--laws sume, be taken, _ The sum actually expended exncting this maximum increase would add to for public buidings was $453,183, an amount their license receipts in the aggregate in & larger than that :pont in any previous_ year, <1nglhr year fihc llzu':o sun; olf' $12,700. . 'l'hoyt (Xu;l{)'t' LI:I(; ))l:'»xr";LI:{)J: 1:'tmlinlgagi'ut?glt£%'l(')lngmi neglect to take advantage of the provisions 0 8 n alone we spe We h , *4 4& the law passed for ihcir';pc(:iul bcnl:cllt. and yet at the ClU*QOf the year it contained 311 in-- they complain that the lP'rovince appropriates mates. _ We spent on public works $16,577 less to itself an unjust share of the revenue from than was voted. _ Some of the contemplated licenses. works wore not procecded with, for example But furth@s, sir, any municipality may im the Ottawa River bridgo ; other works are not ao:;; Pt.?lll Llu",wlll' liflinso bl'ccs.bini nddit','i|on to {clt', z-::mplctcd, and for these re--votes will be 10s¢ already alluded to, by obtaining the as-- aken. | ;;::flu{ (:ll'ut-lvicctor-; 1|u i by-hu\;l 'ifi'ubmi:wd ttg Public Institutions. \ for this special purpose, 'The exttA 10 We expended $33,52% less t, in our estimate (é}:'t::'":;,(\lw:'i(:"';"m" 'i',' such by'g"'rl 'sn""'l:'i'ég uwpon public institutions waintenance. | Our *' pmmamaan uen a * 4 sectes the rery farge 'somat $10000e boing is W¥urect eache ie ve P % y ml:\:li i{"m\bxpvc_(')( Q\lx'chcc u{xdgr}fhc !lC{a)g: $40,746 more than was ever. expended under license law" l"','l'- mhn it 'l'?,""'".'.'l _b 'i] Q""d o this head during any previous y ar in the seyy oo 1t NA MANRIGITAL UOAUnCD 48 M owo history of the Province. 'This expenditure is A * rom holders ot licenses any tax, impost growing rapidly year by year :---- or duty excocdirg $50 in any year, while che mr'm of duties ou licenses for Provincial pur-- 1887 . . .. . . c mm vk e e k k k 4* '8650'1?2 poses under the same law is applicable to the lfui"g. e vavias is¥ rar L ev sn s hnb s i by noe n i we en ;%&909 Tx.no\ of Montreal and Quobec is very much 1800, . . . i . 1 1 «i s i o h ui yon s male me n o uin snn i o e ie I\l',:hvr than our Ontario tariff, More than 18900...........ri1¥rsutrrxre«¥s rr s ues 6445548 769,6$ A"\"{uf the total number of licenses, hotel, re-- being an increaso of $118,912, or more than 18 lail and shop, in all the Province of Quebec are ¥or cent. in the course of a smlfilo Parliament. ":\:y't'mu :lnl' C'u'uls.» of Montreal and Quebec. t w';ll lfxi'nol,icedbltihui.t, tt,'l{otic cien}t.'i l;mnagcfi 'uobec then the municipalitieos derive no ment 0 iese public institutions, which on & :lc'l_'tiylnm from liqnor liccnscsp save through the aidus) aro admtted to be highly creditable to Prov :'lm of their own by--laws, while in this the Province, requires us to spend each year Apuo Sige in the first instance a very considor more than 64 por cent. of the annual subsidy 0i 'lt'n_num of revenue, namely, two--thirds of we receive from the Dominion Government, ce imposed, expenses having been ftirst de-- and that this one service exhausts more than one--lifth of the total expenditure under our Supply Bill, Iregret that I am compelled tc announce that the number of patients in our