& 5 # $ / Te B L a .« * * '" f : t B r. / 2 : LEGISLATURE ~[y ow . d t , t«, «& B« 4 w s "' " insces envoccercemsrcemant ~% -:.' f . w Pe . * . PA § .:. Ing the Educathll 9(' ; | Government is not friendly to tfhehagrwug- £ g » $1 > turists and to the specialising of the teach-- i' _ Farmers Sons. o & [ Farmers Sons. lting of agricultnrse so € far _ as _ ib / e . * Edfl'.!g"" l nas the Follow:| |1S sible. _ The hon. member Was / e . m en | _ The next ordler 't"'!'f"'l"f wf"_",; i+ ie | socialistic in the tendency of | his 'M WLENAGHAN'S SOHEME. | Ing resolution by Mr: McLenaghan : remarks. -- Sometimes there arose agitations ' oi ivte P oiocda b'('f',it".'é: L'(}';-';",':,,gi?':f,',','; by various classes for specialised education; ¢ & 3 : : 8 five BP8 5 g s + A $# 'bo\:':l'!{:f'llx thg;' could secure a butwrti'ducaflo(lllin the hon. Minister said he did not ;:b-'ec.t.wtz 1 'hie --alling than is afforded them under the agitations se, but e e WIL. . * itural Schools Under ;}::-.h;)g'w,'?si(uan:; '0? tho !an:' as it now stands. to r:xguark";,lllmg)xemll.l b'ha': :;le: lyh';". member _@ Township Direction. Ou this motion . the member | for South | _ had said censorily with regard to the Gov-- 4 Lanark made his maiden speech, Some | _ ernment not undertaking» to specially train ------_'----_- k # » * .. references he made to. l':'{ ]U"}l'ff i'"f"f':'e"i' faimers would apply to all other classes. | d by Hon. G. W. Ross--Criticisms of the | lor Toronto in hl?(t),lpe"}l;"b Lixm'u ..~L ;:(litrna.btzd What bhad the Government done for the _ | * 1c : House b > ¢ j . . Agricultural College--Mr. Awrey Tells ;;]L:t:)'umnfzi"::z a:;d";;s f(:ll (las. 7 Daring the | lbalbolr(mg_ l(':laesel? It ha,dd not traimed. Wp¥---- What the Farmers Think, * £ hi h he occupied the I acksmiths, carpenters, omw | MR . greater part of Nis speco e P | stresses, and yet the arguments the hon. sys wemmeen mmz mt roll of censor while not }nakmg it clear member had used> could be usedby thems Y that there was anyF}'nu%'. fecs ":;'"s"{;" All were honorable callings and dye-ervod t ToroxTo, April 3. ]l"'?"' dw;': ;"L'l'l':':fi)fi"';':::m'lf&';'("lcg ':!.xuul dL training by the Government if the f 5 lesired that in c 8 s there s leonk .A The Legislature sat from 3 o'clock until 6 hfg'l':;m M veution to the science of agricul 'llx'un. 'men..bcr's principle -- be {Adoptod. | lock this afternoon. Almost ali that time | guyo,"' He acknowledged that the text book L;ne l»'S't'aLc :h guLyfoug:latfo'::ry o?hudfut':';: Was occupied with a debate that sprang UP | on agriculture just issued was a useful book, mcntatl') activity--to fteach . it to think | & , n a motion by Mr. McLenaghan, the mem-- ' Eut more oug_h:l to l:)c done. In t:h'l}' High This having been done, the work of the | @ AMBerfor South Lanark, declaring that bet-- | ;,ffzzogl:hg:nfilfi;r :h:l(:ro;t:fi;l:ebl;zt:bt'ici: specialist might begin. He declared his | --* | ter local facilities should be provided for ! sls no course to trxinl Hutlents as fatmers adherence to a principle which he said was I A f + + € PS 6° S » 6 is y :. Baching farmers' sons the scionce of 42"!~ -- and therefore for farmers the High Schools l.ugognn;t}:;l '3 aotlmdl edu lkl, . gulture. it was the hon. member's maiden -- were useless. '"The whole thing is rotten :':'it;:e' t;h""t :? (slc ooo s"m' t shoul . ort, and on his side he was followed by to the core," he declared, as a climax. _ In the luc; Wh;:'egilx(:s'w 1:' t;leoufoun.dn.v §f4 r. 0. Bush, who sits in the seat Mr. French talking for greater attention to agricalture | | fopy p(,f & ~ good-- En u{h education O3 3 ivision in /the C fative, 4 rural schools Mr. McLenaghan had a ' s & 8 s r 4 iMlled until the division in the Conservative good subject. It was surprising that in Respecting the plea that the education of family in Grenville cut him off last JUR® dealing with an_ educational matter wigy | [ tie «dostar sand lawyer was provided for mnd by Messrs. Wood, Gouw!in, Bart, -- which the whole House have so much sym-- | while that ?f the farmer was neglectedl--a "Whitney, Willoughby and Claucy. Hon. -- pathy he should have delivered a speech so Kloaj(\?rly 'z;':n 'h';cm";,lb"t:dl'::l? oftleni {.mre'd : w 3 h o ; A s k SNC r peounle w ¥ j crm-- | c w. k{oss and MNr. Awrey spoko from the | little acuapmbl?'. And when he referred to tibmf_.il: Roo'iglunsi\'eruwa,gl c]ea:U;::& ;m- Government side. The NMinister of Edu, | the time when _alln.turmer had to do was )h"ftic~ 'Heg Je i"d ihe. 'atb t;'meut nd 'gation, speaking after Mr. McLenaghan-- | to _ stretch _ his brawny _ hand _ and }:.tli;: d the 4 "': ; E' aveni e it t pointed out the impracticability of the tickle the soil and gather a crop" there o Lll.;-' t,"'lfx'}" c?ll'\ rary, ;)xl)'u'xt.lmguou | i}(wciulisution which the member for South | WAS Mey, merciless laughter, in which 5 o ue ']ij o ooo L;"' dl"t'el".'ln% * ";('.( lu; yessyy s M anark sought to introduce into the Public | £91° members on his own side covéertly lh o aauin Aprecbrnere oo e nraihl I School system of the Province. Mr. Awrey joined. In the Public and High Schools he whereas in this Province an agricultural | [ ¥ t 1ce. r. AwrCY, , + A college as stabli 3 -- $ whose speeches are always marked by a contended that not nearly enough is being 1"'; "%; o o q ce lished for dthe ed'f"f"f""'f thoughtial grasp of the subject with which done for agriculture, in fact the science of (\:rl i1 * bxfwm.(}l.'. s&lpporte H pragtxga.&z*i he may be dealing, and are therefore al-- agriculture was . practically neglected, thl: yth Y p '}' n '\-Li'lte'l f lmsu ways listened to with interest and ploasure whereas it should occupy a foremost place beu 1 o _ Public . School , sb ock & by the House, presented the relation to in the school course. He went to the ex-- f 'ma.('c a place for the advantage public education which it is safe to say the tent of declaring 'hat', vhe "whole thing is II,I k l{? farmers more than of : other class. | great body of farmers of the Province feel rotten to the core." He had good words 2 Cif id not deny that the (-oven}lm:nt had That they Dear. for the work and management of the Agri-- departed somewhat from that principle by ' South Grey by Acclamation cultural Coliege at Guelph, but there should emphasisiny the situdy of commercial sub-- » ae+ 4 » 3 > 1 Mr. Speaker announced to the House the he, he conu:udtfd, A great many 'more such J\'L:lts lm :ihle ho mitomed o ofihe ubh'c . | election of Mr. McKechnie as member for cullc%es. Coming to what he had to sug-- T Nooss ALQ, o9 14 mlwduct_n.on of th_e P id South Ureys amicd atite applause of the Gor-- gest olxt the better education of farmers in '{';llmmlt text book as an OP"';""I "}l'bleff '; y k / ncate uata in!int e entrance cxaminations for the High erniment benches, agriculture, he advocated the establish-- ) aI+ I 8 I he Tobrens Spstem ment of schools in every township for Schools. 'These things were done because of § rre 9 e the training of farmers' children in the the commercial tendcncies of the peop!ls of When the order 'Questions by members" | science of tarmingy. Every tow !:h_m "l"' the Province and because of the great im Ww&s r Mr. 7 4 o t8 ny. % nship, he * atnbrept * nl?:c:;:c:;d!"\rh \}":zfid "5}::"5'}:"'{;"' l t';:e raid, had a town hall that might be ]ximod portance of the farming interest. He ex-- ooo Ne _ Mobe o ha« 'pat, the | up for the purpose of a school. -- The teacher pressed his appreciation of the favor with | _ questionson the order paper, asked :-- o § j ; ' ko it ehp iptrntion of tho o , t : might be a graduate of the Agricultural wwhich the agricaitural text book had been any steps for the ;m,-;'.(«y'\-.;o('.fm';';';:.:'('li'I':f,'*:"'lg ?olloge, properly qualified for his task. The received, and explained the precautions that benciits of the Torrens system of land transferp | 290 member believed that as the High had been taken by submitting advance :\" other *",}umh s of Ontario on the same terms | Schools are the feeders of the higher scats copies to members °ty"h° Council of the Ag-- a the syste us > ced intc Coker _raP f . j scats o ay 1 _ ne Cun systom yee introduetd into the City of | of learning, to such agricuttural schools us | | Luok uy compicty and. practical as porsible: Phe Attorney--General replied that the '\",)" ]lc -*ifgge'st(-d would be feeders for the 'I)"io al:i "'"l'nl'plc}u and pr".wncu.'. as possible, Corms ato the saine now for the whols Prs. '.Fl.luu .tufa.. Coliege, and the number of ap-- 2 1')((;}1g~ u',u(n()l'lsrf(l only six months, a.lrea.(:{ TCt as lrhey sre with reference to Toronto | ))' 1.',1;,(!(\ who \y'Ulllti as a result "l['l)ly to take ® ?L'\r])l(:xlla}(IQX'cll sold. He went,ontnspe | and the County of York. 'The same ques-- | :flf' igher college course would be so lurge d NOL mtl the CGovernment had donge to pro-- ) tion had come up last year and had lbe| n (!l,dt.,l '1"0"' ic oe pamne similar to that a4 [ | hCle a knowletige of agrioulbure, mentigns answered, but there seomed still to be 1;:::;.1" would be required to accommodate ltr')g "xl:;' io faftecs nmands sive tolinet misapprehension with regard to the matter. .\\'ll-w Te ipr e 'niigg ')t, the farmers had not %;ven to that ' ¥ BRe read from section 132 of the Land down t" 1C 'flx4:xxxl{¢'r for South Lanark sat '""i'i @11:' support which had been ex-- . Witles Act to show that the system may | few "";'Il; f"JF"i_'l'"{": over the House for a Etf'" 'f't't'""'"'. and this he thought might be introdfced iuto any county, city or | and Mr mi'll b-l;lr.'.'\peaker put the motion, e PNWeL lb'"}u' in part to the destructive & town which passes. a by--law providing men{lif'u.' --).le"ku asked the Govern-- criticism of the Opposition. _ Of late years proper fire--proof aud other accommodation | Mr. He r']l y w«llxle going to let it page. Hon. | | the response had been more cordial, and To" an office of land titles." The system had |. ber wo;xld) "f."!{. 1" expected the hon. mem-- | | though the college had not been the success rot been imposed upon other counties | portunity t',(l;l ",l{l'",/ it. He had had an op-- it might have been, that it was a success i istiout their passing a by daw 1 it had been | Snd e 2.0 ) lay his views before the House | | N48 C¢ttain. -- The establishment of a special f mposed upon Toronto and the County of | fore ' N"buil,;lhl)\..mnl his purpose was there. | | J°©Rartmeat of Government to look after York because the Government wERLEd io P 6 y served. -'&gnculmx:ul interests was also an important -- '!how how the act woiuld wo* The act had The Minister of Education. step which had had good results. He spoke ( been passed in 1885 and opePated to a limit-- 'gho Hon. Mr. Ross addressed the House 'TlS(.) pf the furmt':ys' institutes, the large 1 ed extent that year, During the eariy m'!'ilm a tore of indulgent remonstrance and sums granted to Electoral Division Socie-- \ _ |f. years the fees were not suflicient to pay its with _ a gentle manner very different tics, the grants to such associations j : working, but later there had been surpluses Iilom his usual vigorous style referred to s the _ Entomological _ Society, e ' -- that wil_l wipe out the deficiency. In 1985 1 f'ln))sury:n.mn:s of NMr. McLenaghan. BHe h'm.t' Gurow ""'S. Asociation, the Dairy-- ) ' the deficiency was $1,000 ; in 1886 about said he did not think the hon. member de-- men's _ Associations, the _ Experimental | ' $600, and in 1887 and 1883 less than $1,009 :lrad to leave the impression on the House Union and others. When _ complaint j in cach year,. But in 1889 over $1,000 |* nd on the country that be believes the was made that the Government. was not ; more than the expenses had been collected, domg, enough for agriculture its critic J \ and in 1890 the surplus was $1,200. The should be frank enough to give eredit for --| system had been introduced into Muskoka, what it was doing. He did not want Mr f Parry Sound, East Algoma and other new M('l{;'ll}lghan witer what had been said about fistricts. There seemed to be a mistaken the Public Schools to run away with the idea throughout the Province, he said, that idea that in the High Schools agrieul 2 * gricuiture the system was an expensive one ; this im-- # pression he hoped to see removed. & j