southwest counties than that of drainage. mor.rocad the Arurrney-ci.eerriuent,ei, He hoped there would be no furthersthanges that he miglttutrtittic tttat Hon. .M r. Roz; of the law until it was thoroughly over- iegislsiion with regard to education wou hauled. m hoped the whole question be taken Up. . , I k would be dealt with by the Government. The House adjourned at 6 o e no . ' l The present system W Mt At'"."" t.htt Bula Introduced._ I i the people were almost afraid of gotng Pt.? Mr. Meredith introduced a bill to amend _ drainage because the! 'tetrer knew what tt the Judicature Act so as to provnde that in was going to cost. There was the heavy ' Att action to recover damages or, com- bill of the arbitrators, SlOOadsy perhaps, pensation for bodily humus the of counsels' fees, appeal from arbitrators to the court in which the action is pending or judge and from one court to another. He any other person chosen by consent of the had in his mind . case where the coals 'paitics may'ordcr that the person injured arising out of a ditch which cost from ahall, be "winged by aduly qualified medi- 82,000 to $2,500liad been almost the some . cal practitioner. As the act stands a plain- amount. At the last session there had been till cannot be compelled to submit to a promise! that the Govemment were con- medical examination. _ ,idering th, yh.o.le qt.yyt.ifn and would I The bill to amend the special act under bring in . ll!" dealing will if. Ha tyryrcrl which the municipality of Neebing (which , the suggestion of a commission, but did not l is a union of six townships) is formed was Utiuk there should be .any delay about doing 3 gins its tirst reading to-day. It consoli- 'li'2.r with the expensive tterm of arbitra- , ', duus and amends the act so as to bring it ion. . . more in harmony with the owers granted MFG: Mackenzie endorsed the idea of a l by the Municipal Act. W,', rueve of commissmn Hut. urged upon the House the _ Necbing. Mr. John McKellar, was about importance of the matter to the peorde of the House to-day. One of the municipality the ir'i,','lu, M.r. \Voodf of Hastings, too, disabilities, he says, is that it has not the 'att,1nti,,','2, "1 favor o the tqop'atnottnt of machinery to grant a bonus, whi author- e',',' . ' . _ iscd so to do by its special act. X I 1" " will," At.tomey-G.tnert.1 ""1"" matter had l The law regulating traction engines on n "git tc,",',,",','),'),','",),",'"',,) yhulil, ("wit-w public highways is extended in its operation ,'.',','i'eaif "t'l'.,',",,", fll 'lf, It. ti sscx "fa l by a bill introduced by Dr. Spriigue to-day. repea . y rang t 8 "u" ion to we The law now declares thata messenger shall attention of the Government andlmd spoken no before uverv traction engine while it is 0181)th urn It, t' he "lty/' did upon "lily traversing a puiie highway in any city, 1utl,1.c,' C, "fl 3?"! th Yl'le L"c'ei"""'d IL' town or village. He shall go at least 15 t . omey- ,"u"/r"s, I".' l tome: 'l "oil" rods and not more than 30 rods in advance, 'l,')'?",',', Tdf, t".l','2" " Ji?. 0d llc' carrying" rod ling by day nnd a red light l2'il, It,',',',,) I'd,iutl Ion. '"hi'luj(r1it',h'"i1. 'Y by night. Dr. Spruguc's bill extends the So if , l I' ouse. " ny""! T'" act to make these precautions necessary on at Lascx pu suggested is substitution "my public hi hwu in townshi " and fo.r.the expensive and (history method of couuties g y l arbitration. He had Ixse.n waited upon by. Mr. ll. ll. Smith to-day introduced a bill ': td/iT/ttig,', of 503'" genilmnc" f,vo,ttt L hat. to cmcud the law respecting assignments i ti'llule, ['32de iglisdblmdbiimil rt.tfit:.iet minis by insolvent persons. It provides this setnrion p y n ro uce i that all gifts and conveyances made by any ' '_ . person who is in insolvent circumstances or gd/it/lt/gr, gnu] l'tL,",rf gull"? hope 'd I who knows he is insolvent, no matter with that the order be iliscliai-"ed ','v'lld"'rJ,'fav,fii1 ii lint intent the gifts may be made, if they 3 iingI that he did not see in" the bill could r ',',e"teuv')i'/,'f.efer'"""t of any creditor, shall , it , ' . ' o/ttills',','.'."),':';"!?,.:"',,)',;"",':,,.,,,, the mom_ i I .31.r. Conutee's billfor the establishment of hers to carry away the impression that the l l "1|"ng schools, uhich was introduced in appointment of a commission would solve the flint" a" ll" .ameuthncnt to the M uni- the ditlicultiem surrounding the drainage "if," /it',thlr' u tta appearance to-day as an system. He said the ditiieultics were in- M o ude . lierent; it would be impossible by any bill , Notices or. Motion. . . to remove " the dissatisfaction which Mr. Conmeu--1ntiairy ot Ministry-is now arises out of the working of the pre- tl f"i1vTe"ttieir, aware thst there are set- sent law. era in t " :uny iver istrict who took The order was discharged. than lailids 1t,o/a'ti'g'l'I,"rt,ttfee,. made by l Mr. Buck's Bills. an um or rcgii a ions o t e oiniiiiou Gov. I _ crnmeut by which such settlers were t b. si.'.""',,':',',?, or tg was the second reading (ff tain grants of two hundred acres? Is l' the hal'th; ' that Tim"! the ;i.'u..r'l.i.u.'! intcntion of the Government to grant such be tried b f r so. , 1t,'i1"d'," under ll {WY settlers the two-hundrcd-acre lots they then M M ' PP' Justice o , " pence. y uutt i located, and will the Government amend _ r. ' creditli asked the Government if they ' the Rainy River Act this session iinec. _ had considered the bill Mr. Hardy replied I sary so that such grants iii he made -, "as that i.t might Ko 1M?" the Legal Commit- i Mi: 3lccedith--Wednotsua LLLUiiiu t tee without committing the House. l amend the Judicature Act y o a,': lgllt to amend the Masters 5 Mr. H. E. Ciarke troriitor-order for . I r di /lll h c .came up. .ior ttcon.d return by the registrars owalt and West (lt), 'll,' mo: 'lo'lil'pel"',rtx,i'itlr11y: tt Toronto iihowinw.1'--i1) The' total amount of I . i u g. f " l . c. . . o t page; wtrget' it": "or; to prom ttt"ui"t",,"c,l/grne, has 11232453311: co tf sooner no t e .' ays which ; . '" . . . . .- trgd'ti,ei,tti' law. humust now let JLiiiil, rl.,')',',';',",')'.':':',,',,'";,:)' is; 1)ptl', $323,135 snitclrhe ','Jlfll"fE, tl,ut,imte,t" l awM:hatI):li 'i' l), the amount paid other assistants and i,,uultthit'gtif, hrht'iu', but ho had in u . ' s P Th: 1'th'1yl,re"d,h'hemarke,i that th per folio where payment was made in {hug act allows four days for an a eal in t 't' f.' way: ("the nutuinwof working days in which iud mteut d th' t Id pp ' n l' the registrar worked full time (six hon") in l fin ' il an ibi' {cub Freda" with fu'.tilmont of the duties of his ottiee: 2l','ld?'d1 'lTriTl 00:: I.',',',',?,',),',."',:) (8) the number of working days m which was given its 'll/'dlfr'erlrf,',og". ' t p the registrar worked in his oilice half-time Mr, Whitney had two bills dealing with l 3hr" hoursi or leasts; (9) the number of drainage. but in view of the discussion I aye the registrar wat' absent from h" "bid; *3"! some}? ily htgrt.'211, he 1),'e,'La.,"t'i'thteg, 'l11/tuy,T r'éie'iudi " grace u y resign mine tothe ischargo ', ' .1 . ' . vet :tt'r. $33:- remggns of: 'iLtt'g;"iio'eti'ct1'hh,,irra1,ciet) all: little ship 'hrl,1rl "doling; Snell: 1:": been put to complete the diVIsious of the though.ns he 'Clil%'ti'l'iut'liu' believed l, '/l,'s,1,"t.y otiiee; (AI) ht. 1oaa to the city in his bills were good and needful. l "w' '3' P'"""' o le ' ivision. Mr. Meredith "hed if the Government t Mr. 1,)emr--Bill toamend the General nonlrl all him what would be can. on with to. "ttl. Co. a Act. . . A i. 1hTkr--ptqttirr---Whetur it is the in. tent.ion of the Government during the forth. wiping recests 't take any steps for the con- so " ation o t is Munici 1 Act and Assessment Act? pa the ---r---