Mr. Meredith thanked whether theAt- _ --------------------.-- turney-Genersl I;.';)', 'iehsne seem eon- shown that the wereeo andif they were y.eion.to_.tu JI". es o tet . a"? l guilty, that 'll',','.',', punishment might be ilton election petition to investigate this meted out to them. M . The AttomorGeneral replied to the The Attorney-Genoa! replied thot he l . . . . . . . wouldhe lad toeonsider the wetter. He lender of the Opposition ins calm. judicial . tr . of . lend of the and able speech. He repudiated st once rmp1.ti.nesd.u tlt action li" V the insinmtion that there was any desire on 2,r'/'t,f"g', ll this m.ttterr, m not hm the port either of his colleagues or himself th 'orded my 9290""01W for the Go"??- to screen the persons sgsinst whom the ment turc*rtattrtng .thtt fonts of thet CMa. yr charges had been made. But the Uovern- had got. some details no. that he 'r" not tn Hunt knew nothing of this matter. The prose-morn of .before, but he thought hon. member illl\u no idea what the tltat 'el'",', nest-tones . should hove been charges wcrne--he stated them merely in Flv'P. tho (novernment " Taking this ini. teueral terms. There had been no spe- trgauon. He had pointed ttttt the course 'i.itic charger-- nothing upon which the House . that he emuiured best " the inte- of could act. Many such chases, on ex ri. the country, but he wotttd .0" the .er ciiCc had shown, Were entirely invented": by il':)',',':';',',') of the (13%." that ho '13:" parties interested either in one side or the "0 a further 0?"th of ssoertn other. There was a great mass of matter the facts by Alon ". bctorc the Lcgislaturu, and as the session Mr. Meredith Tnttytsd th.", if the hon. was advancing it would be impossible, with. gentleman Ud not eufhctent information he l out causing inconvenicnce,to refer this nntt- tshould tuwo obtuned tt tAt the po ' tcr to the Privileges and Elections Commit. weetra tho motion had been on t . gtottdq l tee. Moreovor, they had to turd against psper. , . iestablishiag a precedent whicil might have Hon. Mr. I'rnser would 'et trermit such an Injurious cllcct hereafter. He wns most nn obaervation to be made without replying unmlling to lay down any rule which would to it, "I it watt mogt unfair to the httcrney- have the etfect of screening anybod , General. T his House had been in session yet at the some time, in acting jutl'l. since early in February) and he might easily cially, they ought to consider the prece- have given notice of this matter long ego so dent that the House was asked to make. thsti would have been inquired into. But. (Applause.) Here a grove irregularity was he waited until a few days NP to bring it alleged upon it most slender basin. "tf," before tho Homw, ,'e'.t',,1','f that the, olnscrved Mr. Mount. "my hon. friend can House was now 111r, occupier with other innit toucssc in which a charge made in business. lie won d suggest that his this bold way has been acted upon he will lion. friend allow the Attorney-General on be more fortunate than I have been." opportunity of seeing the statutory deelar. lluviug read English precedents, and having ations, having'eregard to the promise Mr. rend precedents on this side, the hon. gen. Mowet had made that the matter would he th-mnu went, on, the impression had been brought up on Monday and it would then forced upon him that in matters brought precede tho other business. If the mutter up in this bold fashion, without sny ivus then referred to the committee there petition, without documents of any would be more precise statement! than the ind, it would be tb most inex. gum-ml charges now made. pedicnt thing to reter them to . The adjournment of the debuts was thus arhameutnry committee. His hon. friend ngretsd to. my .mini, niild no :louhtv h: Aft':,'",' that Mr. Barr'a Appeal. , to sail was rue, no i t iese rttes . had been guilty of this they had 'l,,,',",':',') H Ml? at??? in eloquent h'owl to tt themselves liable to prosecution. Well. if "Puwrul l'? 'l, the nag he", no so.would his hon. friend pretend tony that ttet 'v'"ul'.f,"r"i'id 'l; he allege ' ttad. been in that use this House was a tribune! equal unjustly t cprivr 0 property belonging to .n any way to a court? We knew that our her .""N years ingo. t came a]: on this courts d", not allow political feeli to in- motion for on order of the ouse for n fliicnct them In these runners. x,',,'.' of return oi co.pitof all papers rmpetttirtg the the judges who had my political lensing 'r,'rr2,1 , pp licatiom, for letters patent f" lot took care that it did not interfere with their 3.h.s. 24 m the Ith concession o the Pt judgment. Why mu it that w. sent Mi ship of Mono, in the County of Dutferin, our clvet ion "in. to theso courts in prefer- least Huronterio street, and for copies of on moo to dealing with them in this House? correspondence relating thereto, and the it. was intuit!!!) these committees of names of the 1ypsra1 potentees ot the lot, the House were not such fit :gtfgergzgtw luny) paid by the severe] tribunals to consider these matter-no the . ey. . courts. The system Watt immensurnbly eu- thllon. Mr. .Hurdf promised to produce all pcrior to the old system, which no one '/rti'tt'i'l"u" connection with the CthSe. would think of "mag back to again. More. ll t d" t boot "tidy Mr. Barr, who over, they had here lode sgrent deal of "rum: to ring b.eiore the country business. They h ad " large number of 2'i 'TPS' that)the family of the gnllnnt thin .3 to occcpy their time---amimitratioir, o 1 _s;l;ner, Peter Montgomery, had iC,"i'l'lll',ll,I commit" em, an d there Watt sustain (nor a quarter' of n century ago. no comparison between the two tribunals, th 2t/trttrj, for Crown Lends could cotnmitteu and a court, for this Purpot= 'old. out tttle hope of redress, but the There could u no question that in this con. motion w" agreed tar. . . the courts had the "or togive n better One or two other motions having hem remedy than couldmbe obtained in this! dytlt with, the House roseshortly after 6 House] If he found that on the whole it , o'clock. was consistent with premadent to send this I Shuninh. I to a . committee in spite of the in. The bill respecting the municipolit of convenience uttendin that can", he l Shuniah wss up before the Private hills would not make the slightest ohioetion to Committee to-day. Tho low governin doing mo; but he was not prepared to make Shuniah is . specinl one and the purpose 0% (so-great an innovation now. What he had the bill was to bring the municipality into Bah} was with refer-once to those tribunals line with others in several imitortaitt re- "We." were charged wish the jurisdiction on spects. Among other changes proposed ennui... otierus, gmterrulr--not merely were theslterstionof the mnnicipnl your and election otrenccs--trit " had got to legisln- a plan for contirmin the titles to Innis hen beyond this. Wohad provided atinat bought at tax 'lt. Solicitor Keefer, , tnhuml of the bent possible charscter for Reeve w. L. Bell and Counctllors R. unit. I trying matters of this kind. The hon. land and W. Macfnrlsne were PM." in Kentlemon cited the 17th section of the Elec- NIPPON of the bill, while Messrs. homes A. non: Act, which refers to the court for the Gorham "d Thomas Marks of Port trial of elections petitions. Arthur. Arthur Horde Ind John