i J". To enable Joseph Albert Brown'to be r6- _...----------------------" gamed g. . member of the Ontario College THE LEGISLATURE of Pharmacy-hir. Davis. . ' Res ice-ting the Town of Braeabridge- Mr. hlarter. To authorise the Town ill fo?vi'Jirr.ood to . . . issue certain delmnturcs- Ir. y lo. Alleged Irregplarities In Parry For the relief of the estate of the late , . William 1huur--Mr. Tait. Scumi Election. To consolidate the debt of the Town of 1%sex-Mr. Balfour. To consolidglt; tho debt of the Town of o. Port Arthur--" r. Connieo. POLL WRON GL ar OPE N E To amend the act to ',?,'g'tit,t, the Ot- ------ tawa, Arnprior & Ronfrew ' ilway Com. pany-Mr: Monk. Many Private Bills Advanced To amend tho net to incorporate the a Stage. Fort Erie Ferry Railway iArtnpruty--Mr. Baxter. -.l.._--. To amend tho act to incorporate tho Parry Sound Colonisstion Railway Com- I Assessment Act and Other Amertdment.-Mr. pany-Mr. Sharpe. ! Morodlth'n Bill Respecting the Ti, enable the Synod of Huron tecon- Courts-Hospitals Report. solidate and manage its trust tunda-Mr. Meredith. ' ------... I To amend the act incorporating the Col. i . logo of Uttawa--Mr. Bronson. l TORONTO. April 13. Respecting certain ll'wl improvements in ' The order paper 10-day promised the City of Uttawa--l r. ironson. ' , more than ordinary interest, and Whis- ' Respecting by-law No. 123 of the Town of . . . . . Gravenhurst--Mr. Minter. poi-lugs on tho Ministerial side of the, Rainy River Settlers. House gutter. touch of excitement to the In reply to Mr. Coumce, Mr. IGrdy, tutticipation of thc debate on Mr. Jludtsrstt'N stated that therc'Were a few settlers in the motion. The debate was down on th" Rainy River districts who took their lands I paper as the. first order, and tho afternoon 1ertr:r,':tiett, of tho tet,?', (mgr; Would. have opened sprightly enough l 'go'"',)),',,',','."'").: p: :;r;diolge thgmxllainy I had it come on. By an arrange River Act BO as to allow of such grants ; merit . Mr. _llndson .hol the con- being made hy the Province, the. Govern-l siderMion of his charges in connection witlt mom had the matter under consideration. _ the East Hastings election postponed :1le: I Parry Sound Election. ', Wednesday on account ol isa same i [ Though Mr. Hudson's motion for an in. the House today. l . tio t b ti l' . ril "r 1 IU , tir tts The House sat until 7 o'clock, and then, ' Ts I»? Ion .Y lo "H ("as one ' HU. t,0 ' . . . . . l ommittee ot tho alleeod frauds in the East having clearodtho order paper, adjourni d. t If; ' . ' +1. .. h t . m d l ith In committee half a score of privateliilis twttittgs L' u ton '.l.'"11"d "NV" IN 'r.', , . F _ . ' e ' another matter oi toilet um: tho some were disposed ot, and then second "turlinus .1 . . . . b . . . .7 ' , , V _ ' C Mimic? was entered upon, en the tollow. were git en to a number men. lhe ioutim . . ' b . _. -l . Ti 1 tug motion by Mr. Marter '.--. Ile'" "as soon ["35le mm. no on y Mr Manor Copy of the proclamation otlhe petition presented was one by the hon. rv'/ir'nrii.',Ciirl,'s. for tho Idler-torn] District of rovmcia Monetary, and only tuo Parry Sound. appointed to hold tho last election bills wore introduced. Wiscu the order war,' of a mtsnthet. to roprosent the "aid electoral dim reached to resume thr. debate on tiw lriet in this House, for holding tho election and . f M . Hudson re East lyly.r, the places at \vnieh polls wore to be motion 0 r . opened for taking the vot.os of the electors Iltu,tincrs olection, Mr. Meredith asked that tin-real. A [M or' the place. not named in the it be made the iirtst order of tho day for "Chi lil'ev's'pgt', "it call-13pm: "g'"1.t't'J,c' one-2N1F . . 'A'.., .. slums, . . l: 'E'I, ll cdnosday. Tho Attorney "l: noral to 11/ 1'lii'/1,. plat-o 'l/ll,",",',']'},,,',',',," fl', tihli'anild marked that he hoped it would be lllllll r- special 1rnwlatmvrion, whowinst the number of stood that the postponement was not at the vous "att, for cach candida.te. Copies of the instance of tho Government. Mr. Meredith y//fpi't tif/,'lgrctuhu"re.cr,ig,iite, "11mg?" of . . . . " " ti - t ' ', ' ,. " did not like this quietly-made remark, and , tilriiinl: J//t'.l,'f:."/J,7 a"f?/ltcl'e'/t",tr"i1,t, dawciilid rctorted that such a statement was uncalled l manner of m a pnltliratiott thereof. for. Mr. Mowat explained that the port In speaking to this resolution, Mr. Marter ponemont had not been sought by the Gov. stated what, were reported to him as the eminent ; that, on the contrary, there were facts of the ease. in the election a poll reasons why tho matter should be disposed was opened in North Paterson, a place of by the House immediately. Mr. More wherua poll had not boon held in previous 'lith said the arrangement had been for the olccrions. Tho proclamation of tho return- convenience of members, and Hon. Mr. ing oliiccr did not, contain notice that a poll Fraser, "hiring. Mid Mr. 1hulson had only would be held in North Paterson, nor was trkrrn to Lin: and had asked that the du, any notice sent. to the Conservative candi. bate be pur otf 1wcause ho was going home. date, Mr. McCormack, that such a poll was Private Bills. to be held. At this poll 64 votes were The following private bills were passed counted, 61 for Sharpe (the Liberal candi- in committee ot the whole '.--- date and present member) and three for Respecting the waterworks of the Town l MeCortmusk. Mr. Matter "m3 credibly in. of Woodstock-Mr. McKay (Oxford). l formed and had good reason verily to u. "esisccting an agreement between the lieve that there were only sixteen qualified Midland Railway, tho Grand Trunk llail- voters in this polling district. No return way Company of Canada and tho Village ot was made from the. Township of Spence, in Midland "MI: Bigger. which it was said Mr. McCormadk had a To incorporate the Ontario, Belmont l majority of 26. lint for these irregularities Northern Railway Comptuty---Mr. lllezard. the majority of the sitting member To enable the incorporated Synod of the would have been but 26 instead of 110, the Diocese of Toronto to consolidate and man- number appearing on the returns. Mr. ago its trust funds-Mr. Hardy. Marter complained of the lock of votors' To incorporate the l'rrttdtbrifs,ro & Trading lists in the. unorganised districts, declaring Luke Is'ttiiwnyi'oruwmy- Mr. Mortar. that the absence of these official records Respecting the Toronto & Mimieo Elec- left it with the deputy returning olllcers to tric Railway & Light Company (limited) decide who were and who were not qualified -Mr. Gilmour. ', voters. He was told that in the election Respecting Trinity Church, Toronto-Mr. under consideration Conservatives were re- H. E. Clarke (Toronto). fused tho right to vote, though they took Respecting tho Village of Casseiman--Mr. the oath, while Reformers were elven bal- lhnttturcl. lots, though they refused to be swam. To provide for the division of tho Town. Seeing there were voters' lists for the ship of 'i'ilhury Wost,--M r. Balfour. ' Dominion in these 1tnorgtusisod districts Mr. . The following bills were read the second l Manor could not understand why there time t-- should be none for the Province. He