__ W I 'V . ti , T"7 1" I, ', / / _ IA, J c, "-" P ' f d f y' n y. The Optic-tuna Lender. ----rr-tC"'"""t-"""'--T, - ' . rb . a earsdeloy. Mr. Meredith regretted that in the discussion I in)? Jd '11: 33131;: 353313"; mam, Ymmmon upon this tygglt'g,t,tu")'koe party (inferences on tho Don were then taken up. Ono oi' these had been introduc . This Question 2nlf. ', i'iiis"iir,t"i"taac.ii to conlirm or. agreement have been discussed upon its t'fltittat", c- , arrived nt between the city and the C. P. IL, aided i? the convictions of in in m Se'..'?,: by which thatcompanyputtsips a leasein per- bers. owuelittle trprprised at the more tuit' u on a valuation to be rotuijttstptt hon. gentlemen had taken with regard to the may?» Yh'h ot' 26 feet for two running truck is We". which had been so often spoken along the Don improvement. Another of as being tho educators of the p00- clause had for its object the contlr. rle. He condemned the fee question mut on of an agreement botw e on the nite entirety except in the case at very small city' and the Belt Line in regard to the otiieee. Aswan as the oiisiness increased and use of another portion of tho reservati on. It the oitico grew in importance tho 1ee.e ot wins objucted ut ll former session that the payment by sultry 'telf . b". introdiicedi t' P it would injuriottrdy affect the lleltliine They know that in name i,.t'teg'i,t, at. it Gic.C,'iidiGT, in; pushing!) an agreement was events, in recent times then. had 1 en 'n-"h: arrived at between the city and the liclt Line. application of the fees paid into_t w otyy.ye, City Solicitor iiiéar;xptaitwd the ste t? taken 'lhere would tw no temptation wero utihe special meeting of the Count-ii: which payments made by salary tocharite people 01- ind decided to grant twelve feet to the Bolt cesanve fees, on the fees would be paid in linei'or a running track for a period ofti0 stamps._ He united that the ?fe.e'..'/, system can; renewable for other periods, of 50years. w" objectionable in that th'mllglned. the but. iilGirGai0 upon the city at the expiry ot ft','ti,'di out of the wor ' an or t at reason the lirrst 50 years or at any time thereafter. it 8 . oondemned at the Tm?" ""931.le l giving the Belt Lino two your! notice Bomothing had been Ty ti) [rm 1t'T'll) 'niid nominating the com mny for running age this; pug outd'to bade been "l, i. c i powers over the tracks of tile man. 'l'o'thin resist Men Bl": l f u ' 'l""',,, f. in." the Belt Line would no: agree, and it remained cd or r. 1 , e [or i 'dh . Saint; forthe committee to decide the matter. He Now "1" 'gent "milk" I', n m may t ll: WtiH inHtruclcd on brim" of tho Council to link was W. Ki' an," and no on. Wttts , d .l tu ( that the clause be dropped out of the bill ulte- t'htrhGP,"v1' altogether te litigiit.I Jilin obfiect l "an" _ of the was Jus ie ' Joe. a us ion. H . ' , . P friend had in this resolution. In conclusion ho I re'lo' "it, LEGO ngsrliiilt'iiie on! 3:01.83? moved that nilthe word; "lathe 'et'f/et"fut,' l [,'il','v'iimonlt'. quoting the act of Legislature om.tted after he wor int. an yet. 0 which called for equulrights of access to all original motion bendopted Withvtlic additional rnilwuy; Tltttt course would not be followed words . and the calories lt 11,ti,'aiiv/i' reprinted if the 'u1i;veiiGit with the C.P.i's. were contirin- ' ' tpig?,"?,?,',,,':'.,?"""""'"""""'"'" l tran worn cduiidthe llelt Line dropped out altogether. 'All o 0 (in) u rel a rchended that tr, e includi-d by tabling it proposal thnt the : tl 051: in: may; 015110 if? the Houtw llcltl.inehugivon posrscssion of the s.tyiet.ttui I would have no ditilcultv in Trotinur I that ill terms he settled by at'lritratiou. i ninst the tuuondtnmtt moved by the "of: Around thi l the tlglit'wenton for an.h.outyyu.l I as . . . . _ ' " half Ttos citysolicitor took the po.~ition that Iniemberfor London andagaintit the resolution 'l J, . tid (t want the improvement , and in favor of tise,amendment of the member t l' city . if" t]: t . . ut of its hands _ for North York. . The member for London hud that?! sd 036*":le bug" spent on it. He tggite'th, ttl it '3'" tin" will", 1'/i1yi,ei'.tli,,t1e; preferred io drop both agreements. The mayor sentient at IO. m Jr" fL] we . w 'lt. 1". nri'ed that the city had been forced into giving ' might be gt,) (y il'il)"iT), "th papal "lid thud". P. il. the 26 foot inked for owinglou I to the num "fi, 0 [ms ',le,','e," 'i. . " I', u 0 t bongo in the plan of the improvement made registered. Crt. m tho preach. '.Tf, u l. l in Mnyor Iioiiand'stiurc. "Hut how was the amount of the incomes was vertalatcd h) the .1. i "do t" asked the chairman. "God numberof deeds region-red and the fees W- bilingual. how ' Giiihi'.0ii the mayor. "Yes. ce.iveti.endhis' '30". tvientl proposed that the that is the position " said lion. Mr. Gibson, salariesbo regulated by tho same principle. .. b til tot it 1nd now thin other company ills hon. friend hud referred to some cases in iil'h' ~i$fiiitr "OWN" " , wh'ich hed said "some. 0t their Smith; The mayor urged that both clauses he struck an l',', ii" in"? vcoi "nor other, our of the ugrccmciil. but on the chairman fact t at otdehvyok t "of C,,' 0m?- l )the unit: asking: the committee whether the clattstst, Stain ','Jli,"/J 0:265? "i1ttte1'/'lvi)2"lfi'ltl hr amines. should He struck out or tyyc.lt)tler..v of militia: He had listened to tibia dim-uwion with all '19-: . 'tlp/eel/tl', it was decided to an ouiitliorit) sible attention, its no "'tlh'nlleiHlKID not: i OI ,3 l' . " . " . - was possiblc'the Government had mode ll P/l 1)/Je1i1,'tt/'It." 'eiht"'1,S,it/ni',,,e't teg',,: ' take in coining to the 1iyuu'wiy.n thor. did " it" _ 'l,t)1', "Hid pinyin.) the Kallery " said Mr. Edgar. reference to P?, mmtllcri bat hiitc,T,i/jf,1,'e s'), i: 1 C'iiiCiii/t'. of the /riiutir. men are funny room." 't'1f,ongg it"; 'i','2'iff/h /fil.'"a"/,dTi'/a'i' they r-lortcd the inuyor. And 1,iiyftt.1ty,P, Gibson should tax thew excessive incomes for the iv1"ruluv1liii'li"1yt"h,',i,l)y:t"r'""I Gcntlcmen. be'h',',t,"g'/i,,t/'f? 'd1',"tc'giti,,ued by Mr Whitney ' 'r"i"il'lil' it was decided that the Belt Line oh'"',?,'..' hair. slit ril.30 o'clock the House should have, inuucdiatc possession and that 1 divided on Mr. Myrethith'ti /,P"yy.1yeet, with 1.rhr11t'; 9' the sl,eai"/,,'i'T//,d 1cit','yte,i,d"r "it: I the 2,t',vp,r, 'rt"/Sard'.',1,"'lo?h,ptiv." bl. The 'lity""ll'y"l'i'iuwouusy', with lion 1' M Gibson nmenmon van ie' . , - . . _ '. . m.' C,,,:,'., . ' ' l, The. t','rgf,iTJl, ig1y'ri"v'f.l,,,, by 331;! Davies 'l1sdll',"'")ir 1fti" at}? w'c'i,kainiiftcli;h'tlit ' was ca. ed on t it) some l ivmon on ie orig» a . l h " .- ,t "el/chip,' you; 'it,'t"i1.i),t,%,,a, division li t l ttte,,.',',.',),',:?',:. fg'1'clhf From their decision 'i'ltt3tollowitt,ris ice n ." I-- '.' W,.'; ' .TC" ' ' for the wo- YExs.--itttrr,Husut,thtmpboll(ANorutsht liincy, MI. Mot ill unis. " he appeared a , ' ' huntop, 2l,rhi,i,'y/Jer.rf1'i0.v/lei, Hiifllllufli, |His'- 'vtgattg"t"i."pgli)l1u1"ty,'.l,',','; 'ir,'i1cCiiio,?il't,'tl'Jei1 can. 'vi,tir'sdi.1'..'rc.'yir; it" 0 ud.1lil1"/."1?c.'l: "rii'//i.i,'il"oi the improvement levied upon them 'htE,r"ttila?, and," "hc,', JP, lire t t I, lipid in sicwof the furl that the city was going to j Emil-he. Ji'1itlly"lf'//au)'d'lh' TOUR)?" White. get re; tune from {he ruilw'nyg.t 'lt," gy/tel",; l ' .. . ' I a . 's., , " 'I'tiit uotm"aut tie re ues , u we in t Ir/fu'"' Willoughby, " ood (He. tings), " ylio intimated that there willuld is: nothing to pre- i's"avs.-anan, Awre , Balfour. Baxter. vent. Mr. McWilliyns rum ringing le,..!),?.!?,- Bishop. illezard. Bronsgii. Caldwell. Carpon- vote billncxt sessionalong the line indicated. tor. Charlton. Chisholm, Clarke .iwcllintr.t.otu, Speakers Dinner. Cleland, Uonmee. Duck. Dawn, bowling. Mr. speakevcntvytained the following gen- Dryden. Evanturol. 1Nreuson, Field. Gibson I tlemeii at dinner Lst owning :--3icssru. Jaw. slluniiluml. GibsoniHuronl, Guthrie. Harcourt, 1latisie, Aubrey White. ll. E. Cameron, Dr. D. Itsmiy, Iey:krhat.'t, Iyyt.sr.ht1m,yeh9t..v. (05tor.d.), l Hark, W. Houston, A. Blue. and the following McKay (Victoria). McFysct.snie,. Meltenzie, H., l members of the Legislature ..-Messts. Fl. w. H. Tin-Mullen. Mack, Mackcnzie, c., Moore. I Snider. J.Clchusd,1t. Futon. A. F.Coiiipbeil, Mowet, Vroun?,ty PatRm. I'olt.er, "Wilde- l ii. T. o )dwin. J. Hush, W. A. Charlton, H. Itotrillard, itorlh.ttrrpse.tnaitls iy/h"5l, h'uidcr, Smith, N. Molinignltn. w.'r. Locktuut J. s mane, titrattou, Tait, Waters, " ood tum" Loughrin, a. irb.tucclmie, n. McCall. J. Sharpe. _ til. D. Porter, 0. Citinpbell,J. Hiscottand J. Rein. , runs. A i Municipal Committee. tor. gaunt. .. In the Munici ulComniittee. presided over E: F. Clarke, P,!.etr.iey, b . lion. A. S. Hardy. the bill introduced b hell. 9,'t.t,iToyre. 1dr. G. M. Smith was pinned with on '/iffldlr. Hudson. tiyyy..ur. ment. This bill provides that the petition for IL E. blorke. Fntsor. E tho incorporation of a village must be signed Mv. G. Cumpbesli, member. tor East Durham. ' by K,0 residents and not, by 100 residents its wat, the only absent member wiut did ttot heretofore. It was amended FO as to make it pair. ' applicable only to villages within three miles The House rose at 12.46 o clock. of cities of 100.0% inhabitants-in other words Private Bum. to J,ili,t,pt',:"tr/fee three miles of J,'gght d 3r. , . 's. Gi mourn was strongly oppose an ti- The .8l.r,irttt Bills 2',t"eillt' le "nigh? tt l ounion of it was postponed pending u. confer- bate mid") Py,,tr, t e 5%" It, on. ttti S or I once ot those supporting out those opp04- by the thty of loronto. bob". "i1lhr'l,' 1,0191%? ing tho meat4urc'. This bill provides that from all? Primer 1tis'Jh' "-11" ff,??.','.?.', L I." y l on petition of a inniority of the ratepayers of u to the. c t A"? an 0 ter rtu WP) 1f/.tf.eyeytt l township the Township Counciishall grant aid The Ahhbridgee 'ytsraltroel!xtmui9a:sclteryo "in" to the construction of street railways/ Mr. J sanctioned in yo tar as reclamation o) the city P Bull representing the Town of North Town'- on the local improvement princ'iple was con- id was, 'ivon an opportunity to speak against corned. after the iiisertion ofa c nose drafted l tire bill a The chairman wanted to know if bf Hon. Mr. 1i!,ey.',n, it min-mg", When "1.33m l North Toronto was really a town. and being in. l ' ftt 2:13" ST,', 'le'dfi'gfef, 1'h1"ii',tyttti, l fortued that it wow he asked bt With a mayor l _ I " us " or it: o inn econ legisa ion , . " ..': u: . . " . l. . . . _ . . . , . " and Louiicill Yes. bull] Mr. thnith, every- i gee! {or the "new?" of " clatvo Pun" the i thing but upublic debt, and it will soon have ': Connci power to ram: money for the. widening that ' Mr Bull mode a strong speech ainst ', of Queen street subway troni 49 tect to 66 feet. ti ' bill and Mr D J GG e rs v r'Yir!, 'k- _ Phat had been one of the conditions of annex- t te, il,, 'k . . ."' t P. KM ° % 'l it" h l l, etionnznd the work. although 1'rcil'd'ih7; had MMM, v'l/i1'lk'1,,'ri', hflfl."%ik r. . . . 'dll'. , , I not been gone. Tlt', '1t/,!g.,1tyte."'d i PM" :gfiimi'ilu'iubigrot'deleghteslgiiieo'i't'ii'eerasfii'ns 'h'li; ', 'Trt1leysii"durt'i2t if lit 'll1l"'l,'r.'ue'iafr'di'1"/d, conference took place in tho library and the , railways should pay any of my; cost he would result of. itqu so agreement upon a. 'bill of object. Aid. Atkinson sold it was not now a Ari'll1"kll' t iamcter. A!" Awrcye Pub- propoeod that the railways should pay a share. lie arks Act amendment an in? townships the the question had not been raised. The cUuso power to purchoeeland for per; purposes was 1 was struck out. the committee being of opinion pended. fl - I