Elective omcers. WE LEGISLATURE Mr. McColl moved that in tho opinion of ' f this House sheriffs, registrars o deeds, . county attorneys, clerks of the peace, clerks _ ---- of the County ourtl; Division f,itSche . _ . and bailiffs, and ot er county 0 cia s now Signs That the Session Draws appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in , Cl 'lgd'l,'ll ought hereafter to be chosen by Toward the ose. popular election. This resolution Mr. Me. Coll supported in a speech of about twenty --------- minatW duil'ation. lThe tttcu,"", evi- dentl faini in to him, and e ave A L I V lil L Y D I SO U S S I ON . the Xrgumen T against it concisely 8and in good order. He will probably improve as a speaker with practice and Mr. McColl's Motion For the greater familiarity with his surroundings. f om ial _ He did not command Election o e B. . Ill much attention except t3 from a few--in fact the --.---..... r 3 * House as a whole was Alleged Annexation"! Sol. Whlte-A Point of ' -. o particularly .ityt.tontivy, Order and the Discussion of i& A as if considering the lt-Notrsa. _ gig ra El Ls., matter of no moment. 4iiiiiift?..tlr?5, 'lllle (,Qot,',',tte,t1ty ----- _, 'th we"; ,3 " iowcver, too noteso f i Ei'i;)i,',iii,"i,i,i,i,!,r,ic,'f" Mr. McColl's speech, as Tonox'io, April 17. "ti; _,'c)ft,lii'/iii'f'ii"'i' if intending to reply, Another week of the session of the On. Will." 'fl b' Eighth? L'.'u"t,'Ut, tam Legislature was brought to a close to. was no new argument in what Mr. McCall day. The desire of the members to return said. He dwelt upon the right of the poo. home again prevented the holding of an ple to have othcuvs in accordance with their evening sitting, but this is the last Friday ownni'isle. up?.". the disadvantage yf CiV this union when this will occur unless for tabrpliinggtn (Shop's! spiraling" 1:1; tt ion- some very urgent reason. The House has bee hm hoist 'h' cun'n iiien his?" not worked very hard, though fair progress out 'of the rhmu'Ze by 3mg: has been made with business. There seems of the discouraging and reprehensive tobe ageneral desire to close up the work t.fitcr of appointing o.liice.rs virtually for and get away, and Monday next will pro- life),andn upon the disadvantage to the bably begin is week of very close attention county or leavxng lo 1_t/u,ct,patvottasw In the . U ", hands of the F'rorincitsl Government. On to the work Mt hand. I'hts Government the other-hand, he contended that witha will claim precedence for its business system by which the oilices would be every day but Monday, and the bills stand. qt passed around " young men would be ing in the names of members of encouraged to study public affairs and to the Cabinet will be pressed forward aspirate the honorable position of servants to their final stages with all convenient of the public. He contended that the speed. The educational measures in the trend of public sentiment was in favor of ttttrt,', Mr. Ross are well advanced. The the change he advocated. ig Sehool Bill has been almost com dated, but the details of the Public School iiuieud- M ft, twet'"','.:,',':',,'"',',','.',.?,,', Opposes. . merits still remain for consideration. The r. owat rep 'e no y. He drily moat important bills other than these are remarked that the argument that the the minin . amendments proposed by Mr. present system gave too much patronage to Hardy. This": are being discussed privately h Liberal (.mvernmenIt would be regarded as by the members, and doubts, and diiliculties h atrong one bl," h I one the . mNr?rity of which have presented themselves are being w OM' mom. "a l-h ere [hhfhhls' He cleared away, so that the discussion will be noted h. a stiange t hug tho fact, that those all the shorwr and all the more useful who proposed this change seemed P tltink when it comes on. The members of the that the patronage ot the Provincial Gor, Opposition have shown every desire to fa- eminent as 'tdeep:,','.' thing, but said cilitate public business, and seem to be as it" hug a at t e gicater patronage of the anxious to conclude the session as those on In??,'"?,') S"yy,eet1r, he: why, he the other side. The sittings next week will asked, should h county official be elected by be longer than hitherto, and there is talk the people and h postmaster or a collector even of the House sitting in the morning-- o 'd',ef,',',mLt,' an inspector of weights or a sure sign that the close of the session is 't'l,1'2'"l'i' appointed . He noted another not far ori'. To-day's sitting was devoted h mg tlt,",. h; remarkable, that 'oy advo- mainly to Mr. McCall's resolution in favor tte)' 'll t " change l id not make it one of of electing public oificials, with a brief en- t my C "ms t at the public would he more go ement by the way over a question of efficiently served by their ofrieials than un. "in (11er- the present} Trt Evin; if this The ol . . . . calm. were so up l can tardiv third "glowing private bills were read the be. Justified yy. comparison of a; To consolidate certoindebta of the City olihcials in.tht United States, where the of St. T'horntsrr-Mr. moon. 'lt'1'/.'Jv"i1'g,irt'c,vtgt"r'igotuit)g,i,t.j, those Re:, 'ti , . . ', .., F . _ . . no. e errin to H. £933.15 T1rle),,yte."u"'h, Toronto Mr. we pie" the: te, change wguld he inhale . 1 rec on o emocracy, 0 than more sdegtltli.tt,ttt debt of the Town of power into the hands of the8 Jfliid, he Respecting therlh'ity of Kin ston Gas and pointed out, that this was not, a fair way of Electric Light 'c"Ci1,'Ci':ll"/'..' Metcalfe. ','2'l'e the case. The question was not To amend the act to 'rucorporrxte the Parry l ehl ah the people or some other power Sound Colonisation Railway Company-- Mr. s on d choose the officers, but whether the tiharpe. g1"ec'el',ulf 12°? It',',',' 33°": P:ti2 Res tin certain local im rev . o n w om ey th con - the Gilt)?" 1ljl"t'iellh';r.' 'c.',',',,".',',",,'."'"""" deuce. i'he ttt was put forward that Mining Applications. ,t,l'trt't,ig.'"4 uid be c osen by those who Mr. White's resolution calling for papers 22h wzlzid 'h? resort r,',. popular elec- showing applications for minin lands cause the l gtun "It obyyt, be. throughout the Province since 1st fanuary, av these r't'lle, . at I,1t did not 1889, which was postponed so as toallowa 'll;', le did not of": . out of the consultation with a view to giving the re- the}; 'ilho','l"li,,l'ol'l,'i',, hf 'ie/te, with solution less scope, was taken up again. Gen . 1 I id E 1 It on y,' Attorney- Mr. White expressed his willingness tocon- 01353. 338$;de t I' {New chyetss 'if fine the motion to applications in the re- "a. onl 'Jld a n?" y": each did busi. served district, and with that change it . z il bpo on o hie-{mop 10.. He seed. I Laud smi e y one of his illaitrationi. pa l, In the'wliele course of my long life," he