TT" . _ . T . IE "it 1 . r ~ f' . Z r; // . Birlligi?lllllm .. Piit' at?" noun-My - .M'eir" . Iii5 the: _ . _ gd'e,Mf,t'hi',ei; of a Mr. Meredith. rose to a t pr 0". taking the ground that as Eon glow," . -e ' I '. made a denial it was not in or or r a mem- I go far to do yPr with tho agi Mon for her to call that denial i a question. There aiti.oa'tti'ttuiid not "ree: with the was a C,!'?,,',';',,".,,",",',',',',.', P1t',t'rt St general A r. l . character on t is pom . urine was con- Commissioner tri. Public Works that "1'19 suited, and his riding, according as it was people of t.ltts United States would t 'iilh. read, was held to uphold both Ithe eon- Lng to ttht), f"C',l,tt',"r"' 1'r"1?lii,, so"; tentions of the Opposition ttT and of s, e a. ' . i 1 bo/trt,.:,".' his motion and bring .it in at kt,t."1ta"ie,Tyl,' Jro2',ra 13:3" if; another time, _wl,1se. it might "can the Meredith's point was that, as the member tsupport of 2".' I",',',',':',",',',",',')-, for North Essex had denied ent', had r. W3?" . I Is an e as a nat- hlr. Awrey made a speech that shook the 'iriturf SE: I ":5 a", was not in House into lively interest. He first com- order for a member to repeat the mended the member for yorth. hssexhon charge or say anythingI that called . the candor with syh.ic.h in question his denial; t at the denial P h!' acknowledged " , must remain unquestioned unless in a case _ _ ' 71ewtt. He _had the where the charges denied were to be pressed .: dt , courage /Stie, co'.""'" to an investigation. The Premier" and _ tions. Tlee no" Messrs. Fraser and Hardy argued that this f . w ""V be wrong, he was would be an absurd rule; that it was not _ 's, "V _ gotng on to. say, WIN"; Parliamentary practice. If a member J f: i rfsF2f the Coyun?"i.oty'r. o charged another member with having said ii: tf '/g"P" brown hands lt,',)',',"')',')," somcthiug in the House, he must take the tir, d ed, itis wrong. Mr. statement of that member that he had not . Tl D t it R dAwiey then gait??? made sucha statement. But this was an ie erOi canny ..un a rpo . -r-. t tt . speech made by Mr. White in which he do- '"1t:,, is; :rlively bit of tbrgtl" "lured his. sympathy with annexation, and ment. Mr. Awrey made a feint of going on 3;": the T's? 'f, ttvu/Pict",," rrt/':,',dUt','oit,d. with his speech, but Mr. hieredith pressed tr; "si1"l', 5:353 from 3 :l'olgtlo paper a the point of "tip. AThe It,',',')"') tigers?! r eport of 3 t'peeclt by Hon. Solomon White Iii: dfs'liigguthe nine??? t',e1',U1'lfd,')1dd,' which was headed "Annexation of Canada." iii,',;, apers which contained reports of '.rh.cmemnerforsoyhW.entwovthlyey1ie.t- speeches and interviews with him, and in. gill'i'aréiifiwiyiflightmeil'iiiiiiiymd: timated that the member for North Essex members were amused by his treatment of '"ii'fe, $3233; 11:: sr.gotuttioo,t,hoeeur. Mo. M r. White, and there was repeated laughter Coil was continued in short speeches by and applause. ' llavmg tinished his so"? Messrs. Metcalfe, Willoughby, A. F. Camp- (,r,tgt/t.'.t/e,t;'o,' oul.1eoe2re,'rt1't'i,'gtt bell, Godwin and We". 'Utd. m can- ", iii , il'i ii 'if P Jd A . l ti in a eluded. by.Mr. 'McLoll, who Withdrew it, era d ""23" pd'e'tidf"'wct'oh"J'"tdU; t promising its reintroduction next seMuon. it was time the House emphati- B 2o'rt',r f,f.',',',2t'i, wer th cally declared against the introduction task)? cousin bi" é". a. ' to d , on of the American system. It would be most t 1?lll',',, , , o Jef '3'pr th s. vancea unfortunate if there were hot political con- 'l'i2t' do" tcl1fTv1'i"frd T/ gnaw": no tests for the election of the various otlicers. '/1"eC'v'.'n'rrl Iv:,'.' 198.6 e I"! v,.'.',"?),'.?," With respect to the suggestion by the mem- o .! e ay. "my" dwe'h passer tn com- her for London of the election by County mittee of the'who can ot ers were read the Councils he thought it must be acknowl~ second pe. TheHouse continuedtositafter edged that the election would still he with 6 o clock m yder to c.1090 ttfl' work for the politicians The result would be tliat the week. yr. (sol. NI lute s ill to encour- municipal elections would be saturated with age the [vacating of "3"th hoases was "if": politics. He did not think the question t 8.900" fin") "ii 2"/',f,f' strdl',t,t had been largely eonsideted by the people committee or consii era ion. _ .r. ancy of the Provinceiand he did not think they desired to move the second reading of his wanted any-chaii te bill to amend the Municipal Act, but as Mr Whitne' '2'!" a ainst the resolii- some clauses in it were declared by Mr. tidn . He is 'i',',,,",','? thegrcadiest speakers Hardy to beobnoxions and such asshould iiia Mr Meredith's supporters and one not be consented to, he was constrained to g . of the most ular allow the postponement. Mr. Awrey want- members on 5:? Ar ed to have his bill to amend the Assessment t sition benches He Act read the second time, but as the objec- Fe 5"; sad the elective tion was taken that the bill was not print- B s" t (,'l.f2,",',', but he did not ed, he was unable to go on. Mr. Biahop's " v" J' think 'the Commis. resolution calling for papers relating to of} - B" . ., ' _ the investigation into the "airs of the r, . , Arif sioner of Public IN orks . '.. . . , Mm - fi.t5,Rii, ', in his observations Lion . liovident Life & Live Stock 1elw' lr8:,'(,s,',fi,iiti','ti,i, [My was t t,ite fair to the Association was moved and agreed to, Mr. Mr/ I 'l1rf,'it,'dy/'ir "i.p 'udicilar of the Unit- Gibson (Hamilton) stating that the fact that ti, t; r y i d "date: He agreed the person who carried on the business, had with the commuaioiiiriiirit would he left the. country Without waiting loathe pernicious with regard to minor officials. It conclusion of ta11'g?,"'tt,1le,e was auilicient was not clear that the fact of bailiffs, county i/ttte."' that t e usiness was tb fr audu. te'pt,vi'lgitit1ri't.yj' ttenot/r'gntli,'iiie,' t't' Before adjournment Mr. Meredith called politics. He believed, with the hon. mem- attention to , tine legal point involving th ber for North Middlesex, that the people Silvia? :vhich 't belilevetll 'fti1d1lt.g:,,f, could be trusted to elect the officials, but 'll, "It',' '0: th t J ate t tt dusmeles the svstem meant that the appointment in. . esai , was . "Me m t to " ' . aw that the business tax might be substi- would come under the party caucus. He . '. . moved the adjournment of the debate tilted in the case of mercantile establish- Mr. White, replying to M r. Awrey,said he incplts for tty"',:""",',',", _.le'lf,'f,'i"'0,' Bax. J,'?,?, was not, responsible for what hadnppearedin m If case o . tb mere ant w 039 e ts The Su h ' ' equa led the value of his personal property, \. m y bun, but he would say thnthi. here was under the" old law no 5.5:" had never uttered the F" words the hou. mem. tax whatever, consequently the busi. I _ V' D ber had read to the ness tax could not be substituted tt House. .He. was not in his e there was nothing to substitute is .; he was it for. 'aGll,' said that in the case of the a ioytd tsubject of the law authorising municipalities to issue de.. '.1" -- counrry. . But he bentures for50 years to pay for certain A, . N " Y' would say m the House classes of Improvements harbor works had pig" ", ,.t5,'r,ri,. tii?", he had aasid else. been omitted. These should be added to lvlt("s'v,'r, t "I; a tis, y 1twhere that he preferr- the list and that at once, otherwise in some L'/f:f tTitus; " political tuuon on cases contemplated works could not be I fair terms rather than the policy of the party gone on with this season. These matters, opposite. He did not know who had coached he said, had been brought to his attention the hon. gentleman. but the statements by Mr. Moberly of Col ingwood. he had read were false. He denied that In agreeing tothe adjournment the At. he had ever said a word against the in- torney-General said that it was the last terest of Canada. Friday evening this session on which the Government would consent to the evening session being dispensed with, and he asked the members to make arrangements to re- main on Friday evenings for the rest of the session. , The House adjourned about 6. 30.