_ .. - _ w" . "/6 J'gjif.A; ("(535 . " " CQ/ - . . . . tlons, he said tho former hid to do with "lint in . thll 1,t,'.ht,"t, aatd this he great questions, involving not only attributed magnet part to..! 0 tact that the the interests of the whole people punishment- perm"! ptilty of auch .ey but also the interests of great cor- was inadequate. I." ridiculed 'mdliy porntions, so that more corruption ttto idea .f allowing 3 comment? w o might not unreasonably be expected. Ho happened to have montV to pay his ."" to ' spoke of the vast sums subscribed by indi. go hee while . man whotas only crime "3 viduals for election purposes and when Mr compared with .t.h.o other WM poverty wal, l Meredith said this was a refinance to cases "Y" to gaol. This "new. ho contended, of many years ago, he plum ly replied that simply put a premium upon oorruption. he had in mind especially the caseof Mr . He quoted the English law to show that MeG d hi . :. . . roevy an us large contributions for the principle of luminary trials as proposed twulve or fourteen ears t A P W aised there and also that tho " . . y p" '. " to ro- as recog . ' vineial election funds, he said t--" I may punishment of corruption l"" '."irr.,rC,'fe: toll gentlemen opposite that so far as ls referred to the Jominion statutes also any Government fund i . "' s concerned, to show that tho principle he contended for or any supply of money to candidates was recognised there. . on behalf of tho Government there was no Mr. Mowat at once candid! stated that fund for the pur so (q , l the bill could not be acceptedby the Gov- "Hear hear n) We havcrl'iddm members, eminent, the reasop being that they feared pay {0; tho ordinar ex tld",',',"',',','.,'.,',",' .to that it would be injurious rather than bene- and so on without gin 33:, . I', printing freial. Corrupt practices in elections could pockets That he: berg n m all" ow." not be too strongly condemned t the Gov. tifteon 310""; of 'o','.',',','.',', "in "i',tl'l'l'i,f,T,', ttl eminent stood ready to adopt any means ince If f were mg ',,1e'l2'i',", d", t l' I rov- which would put an end to them. The irtTJi-i:bi'G'," 2'llt scopet my (pingin- difi'iculty was in proving that them had Mcredith)--of what was din crposeh Mr. been wrong-doing. A thousand acts of ' rude or what the ' would "poo 'll t b? other corruption, he ventured to any, were com- l it might not be ileum" "l (if? ate done, mitted for one that was proven in court. , the dun'rer of! {"5085}, ' L pointed to He appealed to the experience of every' doors fr'om severe , ". h",'i'ld1'1hwar','d,f; lawyer and every observer of allairs to ', upon the fact th t t /,'d'te','."/d,1e,r,.1T dwelt prove that the severity of punishment ' i'/,7't'o",7dl',fU','.'."lv7,'ff,5 1'd'f,.rd, Dominion sometimes actually stood in the Way of con. a few roseeutionsi h Jivuloy "I; referred very notion. Witmweoa hesitated to give evi- to MI; Meredith ll 'l'f"ll,l'lT,'; In reply dence to convict whore they felt that the Bon 'ti," an li' $5? here was no my result would be a very severe punishment. , 'r',1'ldfm2l're1t,d .'.' 1'i'g2 making the Thus there was danger that this bill i cution of bribers r ',7"ll,' Md tothe prose- 'tttflat,"", the veryI object it was in-', sent law more a" under the pre- '-en 1: to promote. Io referred to the ' l . . . fact, as Mr. Whitney had stated it, that! thterdltrv10tt',1i,?ggJ:1', ot. the opmron there was a provision on thin subject in the ', money tl,% be a?" l .9": with the moat Dominion law, yet he held that there was come notorious that cl winner. ' It had be. mnre corruption ten times over in Dominion money in a treat "me Yee'.','.', were .won by than in Provincial affairs. Observers stated , he did not 51an tl tty cff,1'tete.'o"e,',i) and alsothat there was more corruption in Do. a the bill was too 50v") pg)" ty proposed by n minion affairs now than at any time legal use of ',l'd',l"v'r,U. stamp out the il-l for 50. years past. In the case oil prevalent and the C,', up! ad become so personation the Provincial law _ al- such as would to 1-hntlls met ought to bo iready providpd for punishment by the poor man OUtg M5 rich as wcll as niprisonmont, mt it wasa well-known fact . . . . . . there was no corrupt practice so common. imblféggy: "filial? ought til" if the clause ' ' My hon. friend," continued the Attorney- ing a 'hut'.',',','. y spoil: "' person "cm-'1'" i General, amidst laughter, " is more faniil- the proof of 05-0: J', "lit out tt would help ' iar with corrupt practices than I am, bat, vietions were CCS. d-e-mmon why con. lo far as I have seen or hoard anything of infrequent iii', [80 iflicult an so it, I believe there is more poraomstion than no public I meaning there had been corruption of any other form at any rate General L/'2'i'J,rei,, The Attorney. in tho eitiea." The Government, he said, attorney had ref ,0 d J, t county Crown had done a good deal in giving the judges Whitney "and lt t 1tf,',"t,',"lf,.e but Mr. power to act in those cases without ney had (we, talus" Ji1'ui'l ytrown attor. a PT:. They had gone far enough prosecutions He n. l ii, initiative .m nach m that direction, considering the state of always be the f I'" h otn1pposedit would public sentiment. In England the accused _difficulty in obtafw' t u. there would be had the right to have a jury. The mover of lam, made la be in"!!! evidenco . but were the bill would hardly claim that it would witnesses? x cause of tho reluctance of be an improvement to suggest a jury. As Th W to tho clause relating to the county Crown M 'd, oret ".trt, of Corruption. attorney, it was now his duty to rosecute rn 'J; nmee aa.id .tht Topt sort of cor- cases brought to his attention. it did not dit'h "9031'? Wtut intimidation, Mr. More. sccrn well to cause the expense of that olii- re in; hear, hear," and Mr. Coumee cur s attendance at the court. "Before the o nut-"- that perhaps the leader of the next general election I purpose consolidtst. mg???" sl','.."',"; "milling about such I ing tho whole election law and to revise it, Co u . B. Ir. Meredith denied it, and Mr. and I shall be glad to find that we can in. "outweighed him if during the last olec. t-rodnce into it some provision that may ac. Mrn l I?" made th tri? up into Algoma. complish something more than the present h t I gm" ith ?rof,ttttd tt was not true, laws do to prevent corrupt practices in the in farm Mi. Conmee asked him if future, but so far as we can form a judg. l .m a Tt not trav.ellod to Rat Portage meat from experience we do not, think in Mr. Nit.1otk'.s private car the Opposition that the amendment of my hon. friend will f s",tt'trgPti/,i',i, in the afrwtntaivo-, but do. 11an the ofrcct he desires. " h",f. '1'" "mm. wlut any titniticanet, in it. .Mr. Meredith supported tho bill in a r; ft,",,"",': said ho did not mean to charge "gown. speech, in the course of wluchhe' 'lle'etlt hagainst Mr. Meredith, but he contended that there was not more corrup- _ of "ll," t e hon. member might have heard ten. in Dominion than in Provincial 'J,nt','ltT1'l methods adopted by Superin. aligns. He also. spoke of cases in which a _ as he: l 'lock before and on polling dav hriher by " making himself scarce " during iv t rave led tl/re, that county in his an election-trial could avoid prosecution, [ at". {than Mr. 'onmee wont on to NW and, returning after it was over, he might i bill 'fll, ough he had hiety.1f introduced "a laugh at Ihoat, who threatened him with _ motion"; lt/IN'.' lgo ":h'Ch wtut in the di. pu.nishment. For sueh cases he held im. I find with thr. IN hitneys, yet ho was satis. prisonrncnt to be .tht true r em e dy. , made and h ef explanation Mr. Mowat had Dir. Hardy pointed to the comparative] no ii'Cii © elt strongly that Mr. Wh t. I purity of the recent Provincial general elec- maid," i ought to deal with wholesale in. I tion as shown by the few petitions and tho The 'lk',') . . verg few fam? of corruption provcn, as l division "180' was. divided on the bill. The rat "weakening the argument in favor of a de let all; ted m the defeat of the bill in the. bill. Speaking of the comparative Campbell fousc by a vote of 32 to 25. Mr. purity of tho Dominion and Provincial elee- p o Durham voted tor it, and on