WV' ' . ---" - .1 d . ' f, " f. I _ I ,7 C.,'..: F, HIV/{V6 (.( /"Ila// the Government side Mr Balfour stood up i Hon. Mr. Hardy introduced two bills this in its "pport. . afternoon. One was reSpecting settlement , Division List .' duties by purchasers of lands from the i Ynarr.-.BWour Barr Bush. Cam bell Al. ' brown arid the issue of timber licenses. It' I t'riiiirGGiit;citiriirrilia,7iii.nGrr." Mt Glen- ls aimed at the removal of all doubt .of t dinning, Godwin. Huinmoll. Kerrie. j1t,tt,rit whatever nature as to tho title of lands dia. ( 1s'lt,f,t'fi M'cncbu'm, Meredith re,iri'vxi'rt1'tt l. posed of by the Crown Lands Department. I \i'iiit'ufi-I'52wi'v33ii'il1335155»?$36--25} "cy' The other provided for the sale of certain tTaTsT.i-%uit, Awrny. 'iiii,u/ur,uhrzard, Uharl- court and goal and market square reserve in ton, Chisholm, Ciclard, Conmuo, Duck, Davis". the Village of hhruwabary, which for Egg": tt teyh,1ltr, 33;"- ht1ttuQ"'lidl'J), twenty years squatters have occupied with. Lockhart. Mora (Oxford). McKay (Victoria). . out payment of rent or taxes. McchhlliO, 1'lttLllifl Moore. Mowat, 9T1IT q A bill to amend the Re istry Act was 'x"vyioeri;i/tt/Palt." an." (York), Tait, " atcrs, brought in by Mr. Monk today. It belongs The airs V'ij410n Mr Fraser and Mr. to the cconomising proposals of which tho 1ih'lf8llr"ld Mellon. iinxmi- and sol White, order Puper haa this BetMton had quito.s Mcssrs. Caldwell and McLensghan. Messrs. number. It provides that the mortgagee in y/tit,), aria t12,,r,.trtiet1'.'it fid't."i,?ttA't l registering a mortgage instead of buying the 'si7G"i."siit;rir,'uq h? smith, MESA MW); whole instrument registered may Just put and Men-alto, News". Bishop and McCall, in the number, date, names of parties, con. Messrs. ll. McKenzie and Magwood. siderations and description, without mates Act Respootin: Trust oompanietr. and bounds. That tho fee shall be $1 and a Mr. Meredith moved the second reading discharge 50 cents. But anyone desirous of his bill extending to companies chartor- mu register a mortgage in full in a book ed under the Ontario Joint Stock Com. to L provided for that purpose. {James Letters Patent Act. under Federal Notices of Motion. ' b1iit,,te',') 'd 3t tytr2toJ,i,y,tlg1tt,',"1tcy, The Attorney-ye-al-Bio for y Bet. i respecting trustees andexeeutorts and thead. te,',',';',',",',') (£13213: "al'yr,u'ttr.,t e f,e,:.t,.r,t, I gf"ii,iiftiit1,oettgieg'ixc1ti,'"if, tlicscop'ii: 1fi?dl, lands .1 disc bill '27d'tirfi?'0lt,'1'i o is n! inn twent -ininnte s eech an . , . ' .'" Ire, replied to by this 11tleneTl12d'r, (pipes and $11351", Personal property m whose speech was a wide review of the Mytitouli.n.; aso iii or the ~rcliefrof medi- l, objectioU to such legislation as Mr. More- :gilctpractitiouers m the Rainy Il,ivcr dis. dith rot sed. He asked the House to ,, . I p po . . . " . Mr. Gibson (Httronh-Motion for a return l bah? :mnpog:;::"::;:: 2,1du2o,y2d', showinc the totai collections since Confed- licensed as trust COIHpn'lillflS. They were oration up to dist Dceembcr, 1§90, on emp -wered as administrators, trustees, (1,"?an bebop! lands, together t.ith tho receivers, assignees and guardians of percentage pant tol Ithe "ree/f/yy/tite, on 'minors. To only two companies had the ",ci'r",.1.n2Y,,"i' It", rr,',tltiTie"ie),,,1,"ou/i'a1 Government given these wide powers, and stettdiestf 'l'/J,-'ied'2h','/' "It 1gi"vt,1,,iidtted in both cases the managers, directors and Toronto dated 1871 and he nivcrsity (if many of the shareholders were well-known statutes, since iussdd b th 11','d1'o." ""11 capitalists, of business prudence and high l ' . , . " If ii yd I' sena- ', with character morally. What Mr. Meredith t l' Ix.?.?..?..'".',',', l! t 03° oaling with the asked was that the Government sanction 'uliacsny t1,glcitt',u1,11, those dealing any company which the Federal m p per one I; 2 Age. ! Government or any Province chooses Th 1 . . 0 fe'; ' 'tocliarter. It was known by experience 9 ony petition in)", the House w" who essential that people occupying the from the County Council of brunt, and "us i position of trustees be amenable to the presented by Ion. Mr. Hardy. It was , court giving them the trust, but there about the control of county gaois. I might not be within the Province e single Mr. trohr.t Hall of budbury WM a visitor [ shareholder of some company to which the l at the Legislature to-day)? company with 11m] would extend such powers. It wag 'Mr. Hammond, the spoon! delegate from very undesirable that the enormous Pow'?" the district m protesting ty.Pimst royalty 'of trust companies be extended to com- q clauses of the new mmmg bills Mr. Hall panics about which nothing might be It: " Prospector .who.ltys. haul consignee in nown. Besides, there was no public in. Colorado as well as in the Midliury district. terest at tstake-mo reason why these powers lie will y," one of the delegates to wait tshould not ho confincd to the Province's upon tho Government to-morrow afternoon. own companies. It was} true the bill pro- m vided for the granting of a license by the Lieutenant-Governor, but the Attorney- General declared that he and his colleagues were not prepared to take the responsibility which the bill sought to put upon them to keep out foreign companies. It was a few minutes past 6 o'cloek and the debate was adjourned. Tho Henson minute afterwards adjourned. Bills Introduced. Mr. Awrey brought in an amendment to the General Road Companies Act to-day. The first clause gives the power to cut down undorbrush. The second allows companies 1 to mortgage their plant and stock for tho C construction of roads. At, present tho law i says only reeves of municipalities which are I interested in road companies are eligible to sit on the boards of directors of such com- pinion. A clause in Yr, Awrey's bill says that any member of tho Municipal Council may be appointed a director on a road coni- panr board. 5 r. Miscampbell's amendment to the I Assessment Act provides that buildings and improvements on islands which are used as piiveto or public summer resorts shall be exempt from taxation. An amendment to tho act respecting com. panies formed to provide cities and towns with gas or water, which Mr. Duck intro. duced to-day, extends the borrowing powers I of such cmnpaiiies from $100,000 to 8200,000.