/ The Word " Pr-tit." On the motion for tho third road of the bill to amend the act mugging the solemnisation at marries". Mr. Memdit made a motion to have the bill road, that tho word 'tirrocoptryys"t?etrtr.uok, out of the am- davits instead of lemons: tho clause permisaive. When tho Attorney-General explained that it I was left permissive because there were in tho I ' county a large number ot blank form; of aili- davits containing the word, but that; in all fu- THE LEGISLATURE turn forms reraed by the Government the words ' "prcvioustnagtitwd'.' should unsubstituted for A iii/tire',',)."""" he withdrew it and tho bill went I -t--I-- into aw. Mr. MerIediIIth gfrihthitttftt')e, month"? f ll v ' ' 'road:n o t 0 ilt v Ink in owna ipo' , Hard at ll ork and 1faking Good I I Timur? "'ent into two townships. lie under- I I stood that tho division was because of ditlit.eul" l frotgress. I l ties between the French and ifasglish speaking. e, people, and he deprecated the recognition of . I racial diil'orenoeo by such legislation. lion. J. M. f,',.i,hrp, poianed ouI. that tho tIrIiwn- ' nhi was a very arm an popu on» one, t ate THE INSURANCE CONDITIONS T 'ell!', good cane had been made out by tho pro, V meters of tho hill, and that the reasons tinted -----._ I g by Mr. Meredith Were not the H010 r. asons. D I Mi. SULWhiui spolIte along tho same line as - tho 'rovinoia tecro ary. iscussing the GrantsIto Hos The bill WM road the third time. _ pitals and Charities. On lion. Mr. Itrydcn's bill to amend the Puts 1 lie Health Act there arose aaomowhat lengthy q ------ I discussion. The hon. Minister, in movin its I second reading. explained its rg,'/ifl','g; Iwi',' _ Calculation Roads Expendore--Settterre"t I main clause gives the Prov ncinl Board of . licaith, subject to appeal to the Lieutenant- of Drainage tNsputerB-auppti" For (loveIrnm-Iin Council; ti"', IifInil'OI' of tho water I . on p y o towns; an e t in u out to put in Public Institutions. 'VIPKOI' moir- for domestic purIJomn. It provider: I , thatapuhiichealtlt oilicor suill take action I ..---..-_. i wlicnawaro of disease in animals, meat ori . '. milk. Mr. Dryden explained that municipali- , TORONTO. April 21. I ties are by he present law required to forward The Legisiaturo had only been in session this I waniIilcs of water to tho Provincial Board ot afternoon ten minutes when the members y.ytihhclyt thnt tho law in that respect tn in- wcre called in mradivision. After tho Attor- I "rt/it.,',',.',',."' Meredith Preston Clam-v Wood ney'Genoral had introduced four bills the g (lixwtings) and "1mm" aii'pcai Gl, hill in orders of the day were reached. The tirst short speeches. They were not in favor of order was the second medium of Mr. Meredith's Kii'inIz to tho Provincial 1:10"?! "fd,i1.2. I bill with respect to the sittings ot courta on I It,, "%,.2"'"ifvoll','7o'"t"o1 'udll" 'lk I public holidays. Mr. Meredith said that if the I murireipalitlrs were no desirous of House would acknowledge the, principle of the cementing the public yyuty, ttH was the Pro. bill by giving it a Second reading ho would yincial Heard of lieultluI 'iho appeal to the -ithd . " "' . , ... . .LiyuyonunH,PyStrpr in Council was not a sat. i a um i... ihe Attorntsy-u'enurul objectcd- itstavtory sat'cguard. ' and Mr. Meredith declared he would take a After tho AttornotGenoral had remnrkedI vote upon it. Mr. 1o11rnnrsr, when ho saw 1 upon the need of dealing with tho matters) there would be a division, told the liouse that I doaIlIt with by 2,,",/',(i) the motion tog. its second I 'ft I . . ' . . , rcn mg was a p UN . I won dho' I? paired It would vote for the! The AttormtGonertu'a bill respecting the' nocon ruining of the bill. I settlement by arbitration of accounta between Tho House Wit-i divided. with tho remit that tho DominiIIin ',,'/of,'t.'tti,It Imd the id1s.v,.il.tfiet of tho motion was defeated by a Toto of 45 to So. I '1tti'vu.iietn,ddt1.e..,t'ii i"..,":,),',',:',:',";,",,.""' said two Messes. nigger, Paton and Guthrie voted with the Yeas. As Ministers and Guardians. The Division List. The Attoypos':9Snoral moved the second Y ' , , rezulingI of the bill rowpocting tho sale of real !ry'c-,rltyiti, Bigger. Bush. Campbell (Al- 3 (New Q executors and administrators. Mr. Kama). (Ianipbvll iliurhauii. Clancy. Home. i Meredith suggested certain changes, and was M. hf. l're,rrrit,t?,). Dunlop, i."el!...urtrttdi.ty'dug. _ followed by Mr. Guthrie. Tho hon. member 1e.'l,e, In. GutVio, ilulnliiOiIi. lliscott. hum-iv . for South 10tl:ington does not ottcntuidrcss I ct oll. M:.Luvyrr!uvn,, .nuxwoml. Marten . the Home, hat when he does huis clear and Merv-ham, Meredith. Men-um, t1iitcatttM1.1l,l, concise in the expression of his viowr, The Monk. Paton. Preston lt id Ito he s I i h . . , .- . . F ' l, JN ' . l , in} opinionset no member of tho home receive I ihn,i,'I'"fir'; WWW, NI ye, "IINIHUYv W il, r more attention from the Home than these of "le, I'.r, JporttHtvitinipi), uylic' M, ' South Wellington's representative. Ami in .5 Ah s-Allan, Ame). 1yyltot.t.r, Baxter. committees he renders very useful ser- 13""va Pc'z,tt1.1, Bronson. Caldwoll, .CYTruittT, I vice to the Province. and when occasions arise gunmen, (balloon. Clarke (\Vollingaonl. I to his constituent". lie expressed the hope Lo/dl/fi: 1299'": Dayle. Bowling. rlt,q1yrty. t'iytt..tt- , that the clause of the hill rot "iNngadminititari ' I " ' . Mita/dll" "old. J: rim-r. burrow. (_-ih- ten to obtain the consent. g olilcial guardians . hon (Ham ton). Gibson (ll iron). (villllolll'v L3H" for the sale of lands would be struck out. Tho t I muI-t. in???" If""","""». Vrtt.;,'h.tin, lIlclxay I retention of the clause was costly, and be pro- , I k'J/dirl,' LII"(iii-Iiiall»?L'iil-Iizhmiiiié'figflwaLil"- , needed to show reason»: why in his opinion ' :.-.--. ,'.. i 7...». . _ ' s.rs. . . I yot.yy, Mount, out». Itobillard, liom.i"hurpc, , h,',,v.t'iJ.nd'"'1rtu'h' that it be retained in the I _ (1'r',1e.,N"e/r,i'1i,i.yi,'f SIn-ague. Stratton, Tait, Mr. Whitney Rupported Mr. Guthpie's opin- I , moors: continent)» J. _ ion, but the Attorttuy-Goncrttl thought it, 'wiisI Mr. F t,ll:..yiY.. had van-d yorltorduy in favor nez-essnry in some c'tV4C'ti as a cheek upon admin- of Mr. " hitneI' a bill, asked pvrtlmion to have intrutors to secure the estate. I 153332; 'lf/fill' lie 'p.11it, t It Qi'ir,') with Mr. i The bill war', road the second time. b , iunI .0610" . e Iii! emotion ir, o . r.Gibno _ N' . whtrta.t 6 "dock th" vqte WW tavkwn. Hts' Infillii: bliil to 'i':,','),',',',,'")?,',, W,idr':'g"ftLt2,ig5, i apologised to the member tor Went 1'ctvr'oovo'. I Act. The discussion continued until 6 o'clock ihedobalo on the bill of Mr. Meredilliox-I The Provincial h'eterttcryr in explaining ifii, tending to certain other companion invorporat- . provisions of the not marlin a strong; riirooth in I I cd by Faxtlctal "tsris1arion. or yr. "ill"? l'roviuccs, I ltri favor. Its main feature in that it allows I 'pi,C"t"i"'L.tt.l1 tints-rm Joint Stock Loam": I inaurarut oompanio.q to put in their policies a A m {III n m Lit M.' I'.?Iffr.". now million?" provision that if a fire (ii-curs because a steam I I'? 2. IdeoI l" companies. WM rammed. Mr. , -thresihirttvrtsritto is placed within ly.) feet oftlie I I 3,352; r'llyil1'.f/c' "i i"; rapport. i-xiiriys~.iiiq NIH" burn or stock burned tho company shall not be I I 1Tl,'/11,'tl)e'ir'1'.'/J. h"I""II'fff"!."-"D""°'l by thy liable for damages in connection with tho fire. I , tion to bi) u ' '."' JY", t t f TU?" WM OPPEM' It, was manifest that there was a. strum: fooling I of the 2,,"//,cle,1,,"1tt, 1ttl avuitytuc, rc,rti"tction ' I intho House against the hill, because it was I I extend the 'i,'l'lti'.,,, 'f,',"; m!" . Ill. 'l'.',".'. 593mm to I I believed to be against. the intermt of tho farm- I I toructGtst"ttrrd'stuTt ratio. on. line Al I I em. Mr. (libionwmtrd the arguincntii fornnd f A 'ua intended 'li' 'IILSIIII'IL"; try! appeared Ns it i v again-t tho bill. and um of the opinion that looked about for editing t 0 hill and thun had I I this qus not in his opinion on unroauounble oty/inyi)vtt)ll/g/i"i1 viii'wimr" ho "M" '//)ud/,ht)2f.2,n'srgi'et',',,ij,t',Ty.""" had bccn . ' mu yinu tO oxen t the . I ." i $31123 i/litC2'k,,P'np'1tve.i.i 't"iii',i.lli',.ii'?irl,i'i: l m,1.,1.tiid'tTtrr, /,1P/fi1ie',Afg"clter,'i,. T8631 I an interjection by tip-y oj'eaiui),'fr'i,1tl1i. u'll; I.'rovincit.tr'4r'vrotary when he mid the unite» the 1iiyics..httHt' of Manitoba had adopted " I "on tofu)" 1"le,y,'1 It!, "'if"t' 1yt,i,rel.y...i?y/y, bill like his. lu-_ropl.cu that he "Hui not iilrli'llqs- 'dll'. 'l,'tlilll.1%"i" I [l'le,lll,','lf'i . t the l rm inninl "1';th !.ctir?.tyieri of the M:utitoba LIL-inlet urn: l I 'iiC',1fri"v'iiv, ,.'ytl,'a"rut2irl L: P, Pirti..nE out, " case. I he know that Home of it was not good. He run- I 'v',' 2 l li i',' 'illl an"??? would y.','.'. bo nd- cIIIdcths ohm-nations by "yum that if the I Inre y a ()4 (il IIIy In: l . there was. another biiibcrep9rtp.d Without the ttist clause there I (If? IIte Jp?, u. I' might have Rn'f'n qu-i no t.tly'ec'tion.to iii-racing to the committee. t ' an"? ' "hill can were tho Prcehfrs, Mr. Tho bill "a" "[vc" "I; wound reading and I I 'son . explained to the House i sent to the Legal Ccmmittoo. I that whom there might be diillcultI in rcmonmz an engine 100 foot away from a. horn in a straifht line. an invention called a "jack" I allowed t no power to be carried by bolts at an I angle or oven around a corner. This was there. fore tho ran-on for Mr. Awrey'n remark that l the bill should be entitled an art in tho inter. est of inniirance companion and the manu- facture of "Jacks." Ho calculated that there were 2.000 or 1.000 threshing maehinea in Ontario that the "jacks" cost 870 each, I so that if the hill became law it might mean . $140,300 or 8150.000 of an expenditure to the