THE LEGISLATURE ytgatg.-Btufottr Barr Bigger BushJJamp- boll Minimal. Clancy, Clarke, k. F. ('l'orontof, ---- Clarke. H. K. (Toronto). Fell. Gibson. (Helen). Il',',',",!?.'"?)',',?, f'g'1rtu 1ti'pJih lxlliseott. , " . . ems, 00 any 0 agape}. l arter. Day Spent With the Mining Re. Manhole. Meredith iii%iirt"l', Misrampbell, l . "ml" thumb-iii} tttt he. "in? onac. 000 . t nor. l am; y, go ations, Wood (Hastings), Wrllo--35. Natq..-Ailan Awref. Bintsop, Blezard, "___-. Bronson, GiiiiiiLtu" lDur sam), Carpenter. Chis- holm. Clarke 1vu"hi.tpl Cleland. Uoniiiee, HON. MB. HARDY'S SPEECH. hack. llgvis bowling. ryden. Eviiiiturcl. Fer- lil',',',','?' ielcl. Fraser. Garvow, Gibson (llam- ----- lton) Gilmour, Guthrie. Harcourt. Hardy, l$wkhaim 't'git'it; il',.c'Yae,fgT.1rl.lcfv'/g' . _ inter a) eioc nio, l c em. o, " lo- Mr. Meredith Supports the Gov. slv,iiri'i'i'i,ll,tri.'.l,r 1li!t,gltTi'ii,t; fir, ,iv.iro'ig lilowat, .. 'aton. orter. aye .e, to i art, ossuiltavpo, ornment 5 Poticy. Snider. Spraxiio. Stratum. Tait, Waters, Wood (Brant)- -48. -.----- TIto House went into committee on Hon. Me. Roof bill to amend tho act roapeetinu dentistry Tho Opposition Led by Mr. Go-e-Tho and reporteditunaniendod. Toronto em Referred Bgtetit- Land Land Improvemtont Fund. . t F Hon. Mr. Harcourt moved the House into mprovemont una. committee on the following resolution t--- (1) There hllilll he paid out of the consoli. -...._-._-.. dated revenue fund of this Province to the tl'/pJJ,'ttiti' and oiling]; py!ve.i"ii,titi,.ihiii, entitled . t wrote io sumo 8 ' f 'v'2, olivine pro or- T d , " l ' 1tlot7y: April 'h tion wltittlt may he chargeable lo The l'roinor o- nrasitt ng was almoet altogether o- ofllntario in ruspt't't of the sum of 'c;10t,Ti'168, voted to tho consideration of the bill ot tho claimed to be payable to tho Upper ('anada im. Commissioner of Crown lands, setting forth trove-mom fixation ','alp 'd (argon-blunt? mad" tho regulations the Government have prepared [stilhd'lalylgl 21'J,i,"ffii,s," animal? td'yg"' for dealing with the mining lands which re l lal, and mom", rccvivcd thortson bv tlu, Pro main in the possession ot the Province. The ad- _ rim-e of Canada between the said 1/ day oi dress ot the hon. Commissioner in explanation . l Millwl'l 1861i and the 1stl ltr,',',,' 111:)? Nib?!- th . ' . . i 2 "in an I Ineneyui; Ill no Dill um or 0 ani '.'.l'Sn'1 ot the bi? "M one ot the I."'" l direction of the Ltvutcuant.G0vcrnor in Court tspoechos theiloubao willheardurinRthiisession. onto tho treasurcru of the marinas townships it was the tirst presentation of tho Govern- IQ tgtunh1i'tlil,",'i' 'l,l'l'e,"l1el" (0)110 .ontith-d menu; . . H ' " . . . i . l wrote an ort ie eta ntea am an era in Coun- arisen dlt,t"t, "H oppontton Wind; l'.'.',',' eilof the said Pvovinro of Canada in that bc. muni-t t, .0 regulation! has found t Ut nt half; and each towrvship or ol her municipality voice in deputation and through tho premmul shall be paid that: portion of the said amount the defence of the hon. Connoisaioner will vvfhieh was inguinal from the llands slold a: ' b . . "f , el _ a eresuu ' WI nu " muniei b't It, , am 8'17! sto','.',',":',',',',',:,'."',,':! '11.t/2uihert':i',td'.,,'y.y,i;Qe,2/'r" port ion, shall be angel-tamed "It'd deforming-(l liy the leaflet-é)! the l Tposition. in (tf/tip,,":';',',' to authority of tho Liout,enaut.Gttvetutot. in Lone t e t an particularly to the royalty on are. ', page K. '" . t. x _ (u) lacuna of there having been any chnn'vo in", ",Te, "Hide v."ccltii,Gt 1%.): _ in the boundarivi of any township or ("Mil Hide Sol White " lurid . ll .Qliiiiii.' The T municipality, min tho case of an iiiv-orperated lill F . .. . ' . ' . . l . l--l village or town having been formed. or its limb 1'h?.,'/l',g."t,'St 11f t"el flux}? "I/tguilt ffl', its cart ended. within a township. or partly with. aGatia of'ulm ML," Helm: rue in each of two or more taowrttihiBri, tho I'ouncilr- 'G,') routine bu .h m. l IO tsi Jia ot tho "New I interested may agree as to their respective pm tation oi tour intuit)": 2ilf 'hen manuqfob l ' portions of the money to which each minder paper was taken!" ' ' . r . sh P6 . I [unity is entitled ; or mar rein-r the question to . p. I arbitration ; or in (am: they fuil to agree or to Third Bondingg. I arbitrate. tho proportion of each shall be aseer i Tho following bills were alien third road I lt/ttl, 1'ytlde,1e),Svn,tfd,e'm?itu"'riu' ot the new» ' ill-liciiii-r Frt '1 fp, 'tl. R', amend the tta't to incorporate tho Fort I ll) all mom-3's paid under the foregoing ro- Erio Ferry Railway 1,,'t'y')l',t ---i'bir. Baxter. sol.upiotry may bo "FNMA by the "ro.,u.tte.i,t 1"" Tocnab 0 tho Synod o llumn to oonmliduto vowing the some fertile y/pi/yi! iii-hem oi the and manage its true innda Mr. Meredith. municipality lnany way the C niinrzil tcc' w'l'it. lnrrrporahu the l'ort MArlhnr tt Fort _ ot,1"/yt"una'fe',1)v"1"t', 1'i':t1"uti1'yh" (tlo/is,' "trt' .v_. u'l'ait. t t. '. ' "a -;r.,.- 't,ltty '1'h=:u'l\'u:1,'':.|-.':|m.)-.uulaltiigltlollowlng Lands Actin L533 and discontinued in 1861. motion. which was adopted C-- ' Thc r'itlttt", with which tho House was asked to .. That bid" Iiouso will to-morrow resolvn _ deal Were from sales; between those years. itself into a roriimitteo to consider the follow. l, The number of counties interested was 2ft and " resolution That an animal salary of three _ in the"; "oy//eihtlyu'i'11',t'hUelv//i)i/tU':, 'nh,pl'tWd.t2,Tsl'i"he,r 1g.,.',tea'r,'cht.,"ia,i,'"iS,fi1f, l t/,igih,i'li, of 'dill/di').,' nor to the Dominion, bat, Hum shall he paid monthly. and shall hoover 1 had li(scii_eiuisml by the. 1ifl,rc,'tit.' between and above his travellinrr villi"! Him." l the Provinces of Qatar o an "Qt". u . Hon. J. M. Gibson menu that the Citi' of I Mr. Meredith and Mr. bdrm" (Huron) i'd' Toronto's bill be referred burn to the l'rivnin _ dressed the House briefly, and the motion Bill» t'p.uunit3oo, for tho further ootwidetvsrion pawn-d. Tho resolution was subsequently of sections 'l, '3, Hand Its There had been l adopted by the llouno. i 2'E'i',i,TNif,"ih'y,yt,' with ugt,"gh to the l The Mining Bills, _i'uui-ie: o to i re crringlo M' "m inprove , ' . , .. . ' .- ,_-. . . -. T. lf, - Mr. Hard rroHe amidst nppliitiso to deliver Imotsnfi?élfifl'bi::dfsla[1.3%th"'2{alllllggiiu'l'fito I the SDl'OCll'llDOli the mining bills which has , to'tho elau .03 dealln (v"G', 0'," jiiGii'a"ii' of l been looked forward to with so much inteeot the cit - h; had 'lf halved ii" mind bat t The L'ommirmioncr seemed somewhat hoarse tl . 5 a It u l" t 1.: f at tirrgt but bycarefully Inmbanding his voice lore 1'P.'It YY?,",', in the minds of mun L530 in the £11m" puttot his address he was able 2g'd'1i'.'tonRIt, fi01tr',i1'iLto1 'J'ffl11'efif to speak strongly during the whole timo-V were autil'cient rarai "ld '1','l)r"rilfl,ylit,' bill meet an hour and a built -lll0 otaaupied. i In that . ' ' ' .. time he covorm "om veto y an even " some ' ttit again. IV he hoped the motion would detail in places all in}; points at "we. 'iilil " , 9 ' . -. had evidently arrange the matter with some hMll'.l:.1'.Clarkooppozsedl;nom'ntlo'nfi 'd TE rare and though neaeoisuu'iiy tho anew-h was t ot rst time (luring the tictmion t tat . e. _ ou.~o was'ono in which clear-non: and not line orn- has heard the rutm.o.thlryluw.i.nur .perimlbu. lie torical client way, the 'tst rousidemtion it gllmwgo 1i,r',g'J,rt'',, ?Patr, t/l/i,g,"t',1; was one of the, host Mr. llnrdy haw Ji/ii'ir'ir.'v/./. l the 'lfo',e/rfe,'l'i'l1 If/ltd (Pit '.Giii moved a lleliogan by cxpia'minp,'Utur, he would ack to I tuneudmcnt ti tthut 'fag,y/,/, struck out of , have the bill to amend the General Mining , tho motion of law hon "iTo"ifiIiai' S'ecre tavy Act and that to ltilli'llll tin: in biic Lands Am lion. iii it'rasor ex 'rpuwd tho h", m a"! in. , taken together, ad the;. involvrd to mine ex. Clarke would no?! yes: his 2,'d'/lllli'/,ill.' ii tent tho satuttipttstutns. Ilo, proposed todoal would save tho tiiiiepe! the Huh-:0 it iii'ir'iuer.' ' 'rilh the yt3id11t','1',"//: ',y,1uli,,"y, i,f,1n/l"..'t'1. ' F ". . . .., irst as to t it: so 0 o nuns, am sci-om as to td,'tggri,ti"uhg1"iute,y'd to "a Lack and l, tho development of the "blunt: ministry. ily Mr Woodtutw,tings) 'Ill'l Mr Meredith in , continued :wi shall not enter iipnnagonernl mime ken aim-it the deference. of Gaia Its '; disquisition upon the extent of our mining iii- The 'edl'o'h'f,','l'ifdlt'd saitl'he could sa', '1 tetretsCq nor 'g,",'.",,',',',',', 1"1ttigle; of minimum ","gihutcl'e'clhiet',t,'lr' tii1utot,ghio,,mtdut 32:": were: "u1'uhTJa,,tl,1 1'll'h"/i 1"i'ii,trt to ru. "" I ('0. l . t a . . . thcortty timoarumviurchad bub bub gzmvmrtgmiimtregistretser and it WM reaaonable that. there Ji'f,t1/,,),hi "l: or of those who develop the mines with a viow stances in whieh utoyorptnit.uu'. .thin in, Lin l 1 to at! in ' them on the markot, there inn been had arrived at a corwhmion haetily, wished to ':',','lll' interest idiiG.iiii ',' these bills 'i'i Mat 'iTlitie,giai.tiid." could tM30 no objection Lethe 5tili!'/igQR,1?l Arthur. 1%1 Ste. Marie and Sud- ifiii; liousowah divided on tho amendment bury more "'9" " "WK"? "item-t 'ge', been with tho surrsult that N, members voted for it tttPutt,.),'"",',", '111tl'dt" tphd" al Tlet and 4'3 ago Iii. it. The main motion was cttriVtl 'll, m .'n own mining iiGo' the sub'egg has . on the name division. Menus. Gibbon (Heroin, n y tl '3 ' ' J . Itaifour and bigger voted oith the minority and Mr. Campbell (Durham) with the mtv jor ty.