Tho 1awsotothor countries rolntlng to min- ing lands form un Inznrmting study. 'l'lmy are of Inunim variety. In 'nerr country Homo [up rulinrity ismhw found. it in not, n ditlicult nutter. therefore. to suggest an alternative to ' that may bu undo. I shall nor be surpl'isml to tind hon. gentlemen on either side mirth-ah» mum otliet. course (ham thuonu autoplul. Hut, the chungca pro- posmt urn tho-:0 whirh "tter rousidomhlo study have cmnnmmlml unansclw-u to the Government as tho host. for tho purpose we have": View. Imam; reamru tutltoclutraetor of our territory and t m charttrrter of tho mince which are to Imam-doped. As to tho reserva- tion of minvmls. it is nut, nnow s'ysttsrtt hero. unfit-cu grunt law hm n I'mwision otthis kind. In tho Dominion 1.1mm Act gold and silver 'trereratrved to the "row.n.ttiiletypo: viully grnnwd. In Now York gold and mum): mo re<ervmi. and Curtain portions of other min--.".:i~z. In Wiseonsin the minerals Morov wncn um purcluum exceeds that quunLity. tho tlovcloptuduttotaiid plum within ton yam-.4. or, it not. the mini-rah to rI-vort, to tho Crown. lb) We devised a new nyodpoiparting with tho land b3 the adoption of tho loaning rm:- viplc. Uttalve 1.loiystertttrro Crown wiiimr main the l vadloot. This prim-inlo has perhaps unlucdin public. lawn to a Vow-y considerable extent. mu! throlurc- we have provided that install l of walling the lands ILcy may be leased {urn pcrimlm'u-n yours. wPh thuiiithiofrettvnwd t'oIimot'evtotyditr-, at. the mum prim-o Ll! afterward rum'wml for pariah: of twenty ymru. 1'ttc..rcyruadranta,rws in this system which I shall discuss Luur on. All those champs were in tho dim-mount m-curingn revenue to tho 1'rowtt.ot pt'cvt'tttitt;r, tho land missing too rapidly inluthn hawk of tho capitalism and reluinins: tho toe ximpln in tho Crown, and of compelling or mum-u"; by tho turn» ofthe purchase utclt rlt'vulupnumt as may be. thought who not invalid-nut, with tho pr row! of the minus. and not too heavy it bum!) upon thoso who purchasu or who commonco de. voloplng. gained in public favor to n extent. and therefore we instcu l ot mllim: the land..- bwa period nt ten years. wi' h for naming-r u " your; at tr, The Changes Proposed. Now thovlmngcs mm. We propose to make am alsourtivooi%s in munlu-r r-ill It ispro. pmod to int-nah":- tho tvii." of tho mining lands I am speaking now of tho hill to mnon . the General Mining Act. (a) w is proposal. trrttrttut"utdmctli ot tho Public Lands Act torewrvc to tlmt'rown tho minerals in lands sold forttgriculturat purposes, rolling only tho right to tho snrtncv. id) It is proposed to r"serretotho Crowna royalty upon certain of tho minerals H) To comp"! the expen- diture (cumming; IttitTMhiCtron lulu! purcth from tho Crown or mining purposes. Tho raw la$5 per mm on chums of 100 manner 83 when the purehaso exceeds that quantity. tho tlotc)ovtudutto Luke plum within tun vnnm. m Province long as consistent iG regarded with' ran-rt. It comm from nourrr-e Iggy,' know-rind in tho moot-<3 of our minim: int untry. in tho direction tho mining Luvs lakeund in »:ovuring: a mnrkot {on-lands nir'wiy purchased or [or those still to bopm'tod with bythe Crown. Many men make". that entire business!» carry on the early develop- ment of mining properties, the formation»! joint Stock comptmirs, or what is called "and!- I'uting"an'1 tho limiting of tho, mine. lt isa businv-v: IO which they hocome strongly at. tached; them is n striee of ndvvnuuo. of hpeculntion. some might cull it gnmhling. and men bommo anon-Pm! in it. 'l'imy nurchnw to-day at. (tft per acre from tho Crown, tlu-y look to sv.ll m-morrow at floor itmuy be 8200 pvr m-rn. 'llu. grunt bu k of tmnmwtion~. pct-hum, il'AIhi todiuuppi0ttpertt. If we wvrotuatux-t out with the apparition that ever) mun who you: u lot of mining hind obtains a rich mino we would ar- lttncteda new deal of attention. But per. hnps the question is one in which tho ordinary citizen fool; no otnrrcial, interest. At any rate it has not tot him the, absorbing inwroat which it hac, for tho other clauses to whom I havo ro- nrrrod. Agooddcal ot opposition to tho pro- posed changca has boon shown from the gunners 'yu!ted..pisptthition which is entitled to by V as; tt"NtRtiro Some Comparisons. othnr countries rolntlng to min- 'd/d "tt"'ilt,i,ei,,t study. 'l'lmy are ttt '. " mm- rountrrrionw . '/i",'io,/,,'h.' lg in not, n IT/f/tlt fore. to suggest an alternative to m that may bu undo. I shall rim-d to tind hon. gentlemen I, mirth-at.» mum otliet. course "down-fl; Ililat,' the chungca pro- ne" u' . n . -- b..- - ' . . A valuing tho land parting too . hum" ot the capitalism and so sjruplo In tho Crown, and"! Induwm; by tho turn» of the r1vvu|<apmcnl as may be thought [Mann with tho pro res: of 112:!va !yev,r. a t,'/M,ff upon M "EAn Au- _-..--. A, The Royalty In Ontario. Our own oxpcrictwo with a myan hogan In 1862, I think, when a, law um pawm Imposing a royalty of a; per "ettt,. In mm a. somcwhnt. larger percentage was "Hamid. and the Cotumlcsionor of Crown mix! wns given some diu-rotion In imposing It. In 186d Mr. Richard» introduced his bill impose ing n. roy any of, I think. from 3 to 10 per cent.) W (urine "can of $1 inm a; ing, of the character of 1110 United States laws. l mimosa we "liail ho mom with tho arguments used by tho Liberals who sat on the other aide of tho Ilouuo in 1808,1hnt we ought to sell everything, leaving tho bonollt to the country to Hill") in tho development. of tho mining industry. These nrgunionts have lm-n I'm-opted for tummy igears as wnhodymg the proprr prim-mics to nippiiod to the ncnin . law:, of our own country. But in liu-ic-xuling E'/.'l,'j',,f1 countries, in the Aus. tralian fi"i,'phi,'i'l' "Hid let.' Vicniund this princi- lo trl cot Wtitt ly m optct . n many .'uropoan ti.l.l,l'/i"d.'f,'..l',. royalty h charged. In tho United Slums the wry word "royiUty"is obnoxious. in", it, is not, ill respect of minors only that they limo pursued this rv,ysttorn. They have given 1mm;- Luci.- pulnliv lands, their plno titubert Lin y haro prwzlianly given "way the riches' Hull iuinos known to cxist in the world. Thor huvortitrtmirway tiloir gold and silvermincn. yiol-lxng to individuals mum. which the tablua m Inc mun do not, approximate. We mug well cunidoc whoLhm- that, is a systemic ofot Ion-rd by u. people having largo mining in. carnate will in their infancy. itcforouroltttr ttwthor on this rennin-ct I "my be purntittod to Al'. n In tho lion-m tho name». of non"! countries Hun, '1utioasncoytvlry. ilwsvoalreitdy montionod il.:-.l, imuth C.vrtrtina has this, Histcm. That. t'tate, "pp-NM a royalty upun phosphates. the only minnml File Troeidu'srsUn' in largo quantity, of 5,) nor ton, tho vniuo of tho phmnhutcsut the ptt,itrtuth lwingl'roxn $41.0 iuo per ton. it is pro- tiidIhat this tax shall nol. exceed 2:) or n-nt.. but at, prevent priccs it in about, at. that rum Iriottt that royalty South Caro- lnm rccui.tsd 840,887. Last year Nova ,icorio l'Ct'UH'tlll us a royally upon coal and other nnnvmls 8:50.000. and in liconaou named nndcr what are callnd tho cevtiticattm ot sale, and in Nevada mining rights are ro. served. lnSouth I'avolina, instead of rL-sorv- lug tho minerals. a royalty is taken. J? many Euro .nn countries thts same principle ls M- mm"? olt'ter by n royalty or by directly rmmrving tho minerals. The United Stutun land law ("Titling with tho lands controlled by the Fedora! Unw-rnmcnt Nikos a dim-rent ammo and in much upon tho lines of our own ri'iit,ii1've,t, law. and in the cum! of an nL-tmu an 0 gives the minerals with the lands. Wo vaumut well hope to escape the intiuetteo of Ihu laws of n country of the magnitude of the United States. tor thuligh not the turnout mun-rs upon thin continent. they have tho "reams! mining production of any country in tlus world. i prosmnn their mining laws luwo hm! nun-htmluwithmouldingourown. lamnob munmro that wanna]! probably be reminded,by twp.) who favor whut jujtyjyi_calAri freoptirt-