- _ - . . " _ ' . . . . . Tfill Lfl0BlAlljflil, i -- r T , n Proposed Control of owns 0 '. Water Supply. r .._.__._ INSURANCE ACT AMENDMENT . l ----_ . b . d l The Threshing Engines Clause , Will be Withdrawn. ' r, ----- ; I In Committee on the Act Consolidating and ' awning the Public School Lawn-Jim V i Lumber-men's Lien Act. ' l l ._____.._.. l, L Tonox'ro. April " ,' Tho Legislature in clearing tho order paper with all tho expedition it may. To-day wail y spent in committee of the whole. The first . Friday evening sitting of the session was held, . [ and the promi<e of morning sittings next l , week. commencing with 'l'ueslay, is indication of the serioumess of the intention of the Gow 1 l ernmeut to wind up the 1ntsiaccs as early as can be next week. This afternoon the debate on the atnondmont to the Insurance Act which Hon. J. M. Gibson prqmsed not taken up again; Hon. Ile. liardy'- Lumbcrttttytt'sa Lien ' Bill was aim coniidcrcd, and tho remainder of the sitting was commuted by a discussion of I I Hon. John Drydvn's bill amending the Public _ iiea'th Act. After 6 o'clock reeesi the. spirit _ of criticlsmwhich had <tirred the 19rrposition boforodintter had nubsidod and tho evening was a in-nutil'ul exhibition of utility. lion. Miaitms' hill consolidating and levising the ' Public School law was put through cotntutttoo, ' the two sides like bret iren worning together I in harmony. The Insurance Amendment. Mr. Gibson re.~umed the drhate on tho mo- tion fur the tuiond rcadit a of the bill to . amend the Ontario Insurtvuccr Art. lie ex- _r planned that it had been decided to withdrnw ' the eluuse under which it would have been . Fret-kiwi that " steam engine used tor thresh- _ nu purpea -s tttttsi not be " ithin 103 feet of the , burner stack. lie proposrut to the House to I send tho bill to tltccottttuiuco on the under standing that in committee the clause would . be withdrawn. Ile spoke in support of the other clauses which giro authority for the lip- * pointment of Provincial carom-rs to invali- , gate the cause ot' tires in certain cases. Mr. Meredith opposed tho bill on the [round , thatuovctv.ouwhaid been gnu-n to show that I thuattpointmentof those ('oruneN was neces- sary, and there were 1N.'ttcouy', to believe that ', tho system would be abused. Under this , ayutem the number of mvmtigations of a rem- tious character. already considerable, would bo _ increased. I Tho bill was read the " c.md time. l Business of the Session. _ Mr. Mowat moved a resolution to the effect 1 that beginning with Tucsdny next, the House l harm morning Mttimts from ll u..m. to iprn. Mr. Meredith wanted to know be ore moi question was put whether there were , to bo other important matters running before the Home. of which no intimation had yet been LH't'n. lie referred specially to railway honu~es and to the question of Pro- Vineinl sulhidies, remarking that he had tried to not. some statement from the Attorney-(Ben- oral resportinx it., but that gentleman was re- tiuent on the trubimt, "I um not aware." re- plied Mr. Mowut. "thot l was reticent on the subject. l mutton. l think. that there had been no "otttmunitutuon on the suhicrt with the 1lovcrtttttvnt aim-e the Quebec conference. and lmy now that it is not tho intention of tho (iorernnwnt to bring in a manure on that sub- ject thi 4 newton, NI ith regard to railway mat- ters. probably I shall be in " position to on- noure on Monday what we will do and what We will not do." Al r. Meredith found fault with the practice always putt-nod of bringing down the railway lmnusea' late in tho session. l The resolution W'AN passed. The Parliament Buildings. , On motion of. Mr. Fraser a reseEutien was posed in committee adding 8150.603 to the " " F propriatton for the Parliament buildinm Ltr". , mg the total appropriation 51.200.0t0. .. liettor ' make it 32,502,000 at once." said Mr. Meredith. _ but the Commi<siuner of Public Works did . not take the advice. , Third Readings. . tiTho following bills were read the third me _ _ To mend tho act to lnoorpomte the Nichols I Hospital 'l'rust-Mr. Smitten. To incorporate the Mlmico switch Line Rail- way Compunv» M r. Gilmour. . dt amend the act. respecting dentintrr-Mt. 0".