The knowing Government bills were passed in committee of the whole 1-, - -tGrtViisthoval of certain ewes from a County Court to a high court-The Attorney- Gcneml. - _ - A _ - - To amend the law u to barristers and sollci- tors in certain caai-'i'tto Attotqwy-G'crtertU. Bill relating to railways-Mr. Fraser. The committee adopted a resolution provid- {:3 for a salary to A referee under the drainage wt. There van an animated discussion over Mr. Gib-lode (Hamilton) bill respecting the liability of director-I. This bill b'hee,h',tr,'fe't in tho Pro- vine"! statutes tho princ plva ofa measure recently adopted in England and intundud to prevent. the use of uumvs of persons in Whom the publie lmve conttdenee as n means 'd,,ti,thte'h tho public through Pl','.), stuck wmpnnloa. tireetors under this hi l are made responsible for incorrect sitatetmmtr, nmdo in the prospectuses of tholr compunlos, unless thor are ably lo prove_tlmm Aly,sy Iroliqvtsd and had reasonable ground for bclieving the statu- mentaln tLuestlou. Mr. 1'rrgevh, urged very IN]! t ogricvnncm wh e would nrhe in the one of certain companies. He chose In. Iuranco eompanies as furnishing tho strongest, 1nuttttwo in illmmrl of his 1ontention. It was lmvossibll- for the. din-MM: of a "orrtpittty--eclir a mutual lnsunmce 1'ompruty--to iInm-'tigatc personally the truth of awry Aunt-mun: mmlu to Induce people to Lake the policy of that com- gnny rather than another. The 0"me of the lil would be to drive "magmas: out of the maiden ot Inch directors Mr. Ustsrd and Mr. Kern: took much the sumo view. On the other hand. Mr. Gibson thought it would not be a. bad thing to tone up directors M to their responsiuilitios. lie supposed. he said, there, were many members 0 the House who had "etodasdirectors ot companies while giving only the. tin-rust' owing attention to the com- I',ydef affairs. fti' confessed himself I sinner n this wipe-ct. He admitted that some reason mlghtbo ound for making special provision for the classes of cues mentioned by Mr. Meredith. and said that it a clause could be de. vised to meet the case he would Yrobubly intro- duce it atalut :r stage. The bill was passed by the committee. Mr. Harare bills respecting lions for labor on logs and t mber and the payment. of Wing'i thereon brou ht on it discussion taken part m by men. of lid lumbermcn in the House, by Fomq of the lawyers and by others as Well. The bill, main muno indicatos, is intended to se- cure the #l'1T,i'f of lumbermen's wages. find one ot t o_rtitiict,tltjcu--perhtsp,s the principal one-i: l1 intended to meet isthnt unherupn' lens foreign employers sometimes run their logs over to the Atuericttnside leaving tho lumbennon without any means of revert-ring payment for his labor in getting thei-iluhvr out. Thu subject isaditticult, one to hundle. and tho fact that tho bill Went through committee with so little complaint or criticism is in Itself tentimony to the cure and judgment shown by Mr. Hardy in drafting the hill. and constructing the complex legal machinery for carrying out the obj mt. sought, The bill Minnie» \ n y to Anguilla. Thunder Buyund Ita ny itivcr ilk-trims. and Mr. i',risfi'yi'iJ,'.til/, wanted it to imply to the French tiger district. and Mr. "Muir and Mr. Wth urged that it should be extended to the County " Es.ucx. of which the; are the representatives. Mr. legghrin ot Nipiscinrt spoke tor the tirgt time. ii,, in It subject " it'n whieh he is "mounted. as he ls once! the lending men in hi4 district connected with the [timber trade. Ho would have Inn-:n glad, he mud. to see the not extended to hi: district. it was pointed out try Mr. Mr2rytop. speaking: of the Ottawa region, that it would be unmit- to extend the provimiorrc of the bill " this time to districts which luul had no notice of it and no 'll'J,'e0,ly/iiy to express their views con. eerning t ie dctui s of tho "mummy. At the same time he declared that ho did not know of a case in which it man had failed in yet tsiu pay {or work done. and there would be no elm-h tion from the lnmhormen of the Ottawa region to a well-considered bill of this kind. Mr. Meredith ow ulto warm in hic, appeal- tion tum. Dr arm: dll to amend the Public Health Act. (37in clause gives the Provincial heard of Health 'll'.,"',',',"? where ttytqniyipal "stern of waterwor a isto be established. to insist upon the best pru-limble sys- tem being adopted. This is intended to prevent Municipal Council» from using noun-us of "Tilly which are tainted or likely Io becatuoso. our. Meredith contended that this was too great a power to give to the board and one that mu likely to be abused. "Trust tho pcoplqHairlytmreiuuu.ias " contention. In reply Mr. Right pointed out that there was no pow-er granted under the law but might be abused, and contended that this matter of water nupply was of 1.NTcertt not to tho particular municipality .intyri and but to the snrroumlin countrymnd infiut. arm matter of public $0Rllll. to tho whole Province. Mr. Dryden also rensoncd w1tuthot'terositioii leader in Isis cuntenmry calm and convincing style. but 2d r. Meredith would not be 'tatistiiid. Dr. i 'r. the Hahti. '/p,,tll'a'ittrapu'fui,' .prl..lli/t'Mttir,e,t. amu- men or e at with . n clause mm pasmsd. out one". lho After some further dismsu,'on tiCeommittee row and reported progress.' Tho bill will be further considered us to curtain ot its details. Public Health Act. Gonmmont Measures. Liability of Directors. Lumbermon's Wages. l The first discussion which 'trosttr--tind it was only a 15-minute stoppage-wus with regard to the roposal of the bill that Township ("ounvils y/UTI',') a tax over their whole municipality trout which $100 clttsli Le valid to "vtrt'r school in tho township which has kept open during the year, and 860 to over asshtint teacher. The purrosu of .tho clause ii to help the poorer 84' |001QCCUOII8. It is in the direction in which the opinion of the Home has set. .Yotttus 1,ariiiiGGiiaii want the change to be still I mom rudivul. that counties Him" lm required to ; levy a school rate and divide the money so I mint-11. This was; in the vivw ot the Minister. I too long a stop to Luke. but the suggmtinn that, I thotuumttttto be distributed lo the schools be inuroumd ho told the committee might be adopted. I promised to take the matter into his considers. tion. The review of tho bill was concluded at 12 o'elock. Ititg not alter: that Mr. Meredith attempts a Joke although he is one of the most genial men in the House. But in a. quiet. fashion ho "put upa job" on Mr. Awrey. c tair. man of tho committee. as concerning the next clause. .. Will you road that clauw. Mr. Ulmir- man. Klein-10 t" hcnskod. MnAwrcy road to the " tvet t at when n modlcnl hvnlutrdticerdiscoveas that an! animal. mom or milk Wm: diseased or infects .. wit h tho disease known as WCU4, ciycrs -..." " Tho member for London will please read tho rcnminder." tho chairman said. [his ie how the clause, went on, .. "ctinmnyeosis or oitcorcttTo,'ntt, he may Luke action," etc. Tho clause was passed. When 6 o'clutk came and the House rose {ox-recess the bill was still under consider. anion. The Home sot promptlv at 7.30 o'clock with only 50 members, ten more than n quorum. in their places. It wont into committcc on Mr. Tait'." bill to incorpol'uto tho Niagara River Railway Company. and rcPorto-l it. lion. Mr. Drydon'n Public lion th Act ttmend. ment wus also passed through committee w thout further discussion. Hon. N Rows' bill to omcnd and consolidate tho Public School lows consumed the Limcui tho whole ni'htin committoo of tho whole1touse. its a}? clauses were (1%))st of with scum-01y " check to the [lipidity of their passage. Mem- bors on both alums united to make the provisions of the. bill as "curly perfect as possible. Tho hon. Mini-at rwus incshau tiblo in the infor- mation which ho brought to the consideration of his measure. and the 1'it11Y ot m, itttpott- unt lrxislution was com Hutu with tact and amenity. With rospcct to the purpose of tho mncndmcnts or additions, proposed the mind of tho hon. Minirtcr was made up, but in their dctails ho accepted readily sttstgestious which seemed to make them clearrr. Many of tho suggestions Wore out down for future consideration. They \vcrr so withdrawn from immcdinlo discomion and the qui'cii of tho bill was continued. The clause limiting tho area of third-class ccrtitictttes to the counties in which theyam irdllltd was talked over. Sew-ml maximum of thocotntnittcccsprcssed tho belief that this would be a svriuus Iturarutip to tho Lola. ci'S of such "crtilivatcs, Tho Minister said he did not want to limit the usefuhu-rs of tho third-class teacher. but had tried to limit " mimhiof. However. he had no wi>h to put hint at tho morcy of the ittr,itcvtots orput any severe hardship upon him. Ho County. Township. Brueo..............ant............ " .-.....Ututick........, " .......... ..Ae'ulroas......... " ..............Grccnock....... " ..............Kincnrdine..... " .-.........Vlose.......l. " ..............Paisley.......... Carleton. . . . . . . . . ..Cloucisstor. . . . .. .. .--.4ioulburn....., " ...........Huntlcy........ " ...........Maruh.......... " ...........I'vlnrlborough... " ..-.......rhc,goodu..r..... " .-.......Ttuhotton.... .. p,,ur.ham..r..C.CGiia'r.'f.' ...... )'2lgin..............l)unwich........ 'Styx......".".'..'.'.',";;.)':;.'.'."..".'. " ----..rvyttleld.-...r.y. " ..............Mdidstono....... " ..............Mnldcn.......... " .-......e11asa.....r.r.y.'. C' .--..Lt1rchester,..C./, " 1rrr-...'l'illrury West..., vrtt.y'mur.C'.y./iiiiiri0.',.'.'.."."."r.r' r " .........Hcd{urd.......... " .......,.l'anont.o......... " ..-....lrtttehitmrookif. " .........Kunncbcc.. ..... " .........IA)ughborouxh... I' ........Atldda.... ........ Tho committee rose and reported tho bill as amended. The House adjourned. Land Improvement Fund. Tho following statement gives the amounts payable to tho several municipalities on account ot Crown lands collections, subject. to .. tho land imgrovumcnt funds," between on: March, 1801. an July hit. 1867 (Ontario's share)-- The Evening Session. .y"'y............. .Pulmersion ... . .l'ortlund . . ..... .Storrington. . . .. Princi l J'i'fflr,.' " 01 mm 91 3,596 47 MN §e 114 26 1.700 18 4 07 65 70 M 84 a 11 7 75 21 15 & 25 22 40 I lbs 53 13? tf 554 " 124 32 54 29 I 21 19 33 91) S8 29 150 27 118 82 J? 05 tyi 26 16 42 105 13 M 73 191 07 120 't7