yot boen uko:'glelud- the interior wood work, _ the interior painting and glazing, the grand E strmireaso and some small matter or tile work in * councction with the vestibule. 'The other works for which tonders have lately been enc w e accepted are plaumhing and gas fitting, geat.lns a.n)tll \'oritxilu ;ar;: hunfll':thl}:m and plastoring. | * r. Mer =-- these given i Opemng of PTObab]y thc Last flfi;m or at schodule prices ? #' a agued w k f S f ' ¥ ll;.l Fmaer-"l'hey u;oh il: {o;mdmnggm and naeg 'or those three works the total w 113, 30 eek OI Session. | in round fixuroe. As i have said hsvsl;ngs' 3:2 | f'm! to tho amount of work alreaudy done, the ; wmmnmmmmemmemenemmemen act thay thoere are no extras in connection ; with that work and that spocial care is boin THE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS | taken that there shall be no poseihility tf exiras, L can assuro the Honso thut $1,250,000 wili leave the building completed roady to ro-- ~eaxmemernmti" ;'h'"otilm fu rnilr.uro. 1 may make a mistake of a es a m 101 . Hon. Mr. Fraser Puts the Cost cost (-?u;m nl'); onl(:"\;uyd:')'rv;ho :t'ho:;'l,ggg (%1(;., 6 Aiready the roofing is under construc-- at $1,250,000. rion as to what is called t.ho. ,im:(l\r- medlates, the portions between the enster-- | Htteitsemus w oveumcpvcemmanes | 1y ana woriler!y wings. Before the lst of June, | | _ wothink wo are safe in saying, the Lionel Interprovincial -- Arbitration--Meny Bills Ad-- ) . lorko mqbrucj {m;tlumohinmmwdlutcu will be tav._s compieted, and before the season is over t vanced--~Comraittacs Tn--day--No ! onl\re contract will be completed so as to lluo- Morning Bittings Yot. i _ rewiy for the rooting. If evrerything goes well | _ in the construction, and cverything now seems l to be going well, I wiil be disappointed if the anmmmmmm m mm mm $ 0 m'?.ywmum are not within the easterly wing & t ' before the closc of the next year, and I will Toroxto, April 27. :.im k:_'o'sunm\'»'lu'\c d.im_tpminu\(fif 1 am not ablo The membors of the Legisiaturo worked to-- :alw&(\?m(ll'tm,;flé}:"t?;l? '(';"tx','o i!;n;.»ion after day as it they menant t fnish up the business ! wiling to vote, for a building n("L'ho '(?lm"rlalnx'l-tkg in hasi? witaout de'sy. There was nothing in | d-.T.f'h extonsive and creditable structure, a the progrew wwie to lower the hopos of those | _ 18{}f0% And n quarter of dollars, ' seha wish to aee the busizwes alosed with the | x'p]'{.-{;{g'i&ésl m--ndt'(. ",';;'"{;'.',',"'8{,' mi r!;mr the wesk. is ha/t baso imtanded to bave morning 'f.'nbih' Works, but if one were ur'n l')lc; B':ni:inc(i{ l;'wr siitinge lmginning wit) is«sorrow, but as sov. | _ The , exporience of the past one _ could eral iy--portant c~ominittose are to moot in the / :::t?::';z'el}hml' l,.','::, f."'.l'fit reliance in . his morning i% was d4esidsd@ tonight that the ; mnkln;( hn ntrnngo (:t;-(t'«t'nm:' ho:::mf:';'(éx':g House should not assgmblo until the usuali time, ' gcum of $750,000, verifying it by fAigures which A yie » 4 4 C $ a'slock. 1 .ggrc;:'?;xlf,fid.f 1 oxilmp- he hiad nou yao sune op-- Third Readirgs. nenew that ©SL0M nould" compiete it hoimt The pretir=feary ousinous was brief and the ing. Hoesays tho commmittee wil. h:u~:~ no):x"il'll: "m. mw d4o4un to hard work on some of cuity in g!'l\l'lfill:l{ the voto. I don't soe how l'h J the maoy bils awaiting attention. The follow-- commiitee can hoip itself, for we aro b:mn(i' ing were sre«ad the third time aftor little or no to go on. I think it shows the skill with whict dhgnr.\-iu: «+ the hom. rcn! leman has manipulated l;a-r)my' To corsolldute the 4ebt af the Town of Essox as much his side of the House as the olo{n |Lnx . --¥iz. };'I'o,.g, e began with a proposition of e400 ©o9, (ye * %: ;::i.w t;; Fry"u%d'd dl_iux}:m u'\" cox:i-o!liduto !}\lr. }:\';-u':cr--lt"lvo. * szes st funAs-- \ir. Moredith. Air,. Moredith--1i think I can remember hi ameai thelaw ree icip. menlioning a <ut 4 | uis flub!na--h&'. V m:.x'cflac the municipality ".(". t;;;n }, i ,('xl';l_fl $400,000, then half a mil-- Respostin« the #umn,.fl Park & Toronto Nir. Framor--A million, .u';.man Oommm\'--.\'fi-'.. Gilmour. Mr. Meredith--Then a million, now a million g.mflu\dob;d the Town of Lind-- | : and a c'zuanur. I con't know whero his st ..J;.- y ]z.qh(vMfiap, rir.;;").nnn is to be. Iif the House had 'l'nnp. Cm: W'l':}: Niagarnm River Railway ;'3?& tm f'lk"ll he plunge at once it would lm'?'l«') mpany.--Air. neitatedc. quite agree avi Tus }. or inss reimoval o{ cortain casos from a far as ho has gone W«Fum {')t.'ttl;dhu')vxln'l':rk'flolllw o g'a'::'t'{'\)om to s High Court--The Attorney-- Holl"!,all;g, btl;iidinpr.:\ml no parsimony : lnd'lltlll';:: onersl. s exhibi which would preve in« F :r" "'Q'Md the iaw as to barristers and o-- & bullding \'-'"r'th\"t?t' t'.h(;)ri"r::?gn}-trfi'"(.f l!"-l'dc 19,:-,'&"" in cortain casos--Tho Attorney--Gen-- 1t would be a great pi!f" h"i'i'"'k' hafir'é&i tnl. _ no matter what mistakes have been t To providetar tha eonsslidstion of the debt | -- Lor the suke of 11Ve Oy veen made, 1f of the City of laandon--Mr. Mersdith, building .~rh0:xid "h:'::"t"}'vt:;}-' ";"'rfl:('-'eé;:?m!\filg' Btenoxkrapher3' Asecolation. Moredith said there were other im-msfi'ry'ex: "he i A penditures, as the furnishing, which, so far a @he hili maepesiing the proie»=isn of Stono-- | it was what migvh(. bo cslied h«-l'n)'l"lj ":u' NR :c?nha!:s was, n motisa, referre6 basck to the ture. wonld really be an addition to .Ll( e camial ('?JhQL.%M_'h« while &» ntaico the amendt expenditurec, and also tho laying O:I(;cu}"ml .'f-'""._."h.'f"h-" whe snygasliuA wore neccesary. grounds, Ho usked for an estimato of th + "~IA .'ke prinailya) sneacuent was one o miow ail cost, including such exponditures. (CloM! manegra@Nc seporn sotusiiy enkagod as Mr, Fraser said no estimate ofi that kind had aneon 'sr :u:, leae samsiz inonths Lotere the been mado, 'The beautifying of the s paseing Cl'f.na btil zio bscome members of the yrould doubtless proceed for years, "'X"""" i}%"flflbu'u\ an registar »& and paying the fees. furnishing, if (\IY the -- departments ". .l.(f The namso was chanyed to "Slartared Steny. | | furnished with as little exportse as his own thao tx:gghle Neportera' Asmociation." total cost would not be great !tl "l'h OIX" io R R' o l}ouso wert into committee on Mor. Mr. question whether the present do -l?" [ss tho 8'?" bill consolidatigg and revising the HMigh cbhamber shouid be taken up or 9t Cthin chool Acts. 'Lho gisoussion on the vazions caused murmurs ef gissent from hot{(ln.' ce of rhu'sm was not lenythy in any case, but the the House, which led the Oppositi foaor ts prov lsi'onn were closely watched by tho leador pugzest that cach member L'.(' Iolnb leader to o( the Opyosttion. Ths amendmerts to the pro-- to choose for himself.y -- Mr l-r'a::! f _olullrm'ml i fl-pt.lmv Y.ngpoudhy the hili have altondy been bans had not better deal wi 'ra:\u ulc | outlined in Tur Gropr. 'Who bill was reported mefinitely at prescnt. th that matter | w'i;hom. important aiteration. The committec assoented to th "he ll(mgm'nfinln in cominittee reported Hon. the bill to formaily make the gran ""!mlnpt"snend I r. Hardy's bill respocting lions for Jabor on io maomaly d. '\;o' and timber und the paymoent of wages Interprovincial Accounts. i t nmni, with a coupleo of amendments sug-- Mr. Mownt explained his bill | md. y the hon. Commissiconer of Crown !;ottlnmunt. by _ arbitration r:'w p(:tolng thf | k etween tho Domini A counks The New Parliament Buildings. yinces . of Ontario 'and Grebes, "and . by. 'Mr. Frasoer propesed in committee of the hriol'.xl.ho L:'no:? Provinces, _ He 'stated in | ;;:sl;l: ntzmi: '\;;)"\f of mld'i!.iona'llmofno) for tho Par-- Dominion hadn g??".?,", r'codil,'o'_"r:iim""d- The | mroc ildinga. Insread of $150.000 addi-- | the dis itory for capex t fay Uueins in | tional, maiking $1,200,000, as gtvon in the notlice | . the %r&:::l oo ty for corpain lands without of motion, he proposod to ask for $200.000, mak-- | Province di 0. cdVirlo, and Quebec, and this in"h h the eron million mnd a duntoes. " The docidmfi.h "D"ft-d. its limbility ; but if it was | Jouse listened with the cloaast attention to the | -- question f ho GSatio was linble it would ho a | vominiestonscr's romarks on this subject. Ho | -- also li'"l)l'..orzl'hlh'allol whether Quebec was Faid :--iIn askieg for a million and a quarter of | -- manner in wh"'?}![hor Nt iio Iras, an fo (the money to compiote the crestion of this building | -- the amounts due T contentionl ie fatop en 3 o to ass 1 ause, ras * ' on 0; s having rogard to the tanders r'f];or:lr:(i 'lli:::.; l';tillt'l'l:lod:.'d.' . l"mt the interest fihould";:l('::o,rmo- i'ifi.?ffi"&:".',',fiofi"":,"h t°';,"':' ich tenders have | | the Dominion for 't'l':'l'x'«firym;;' been collected by | sked & e domands for »maint : n on o 9 Rurkeiot in puibiee n vecetamednad | Oe eerene on to "Peon | & or that sum. 'K ale 1 int ti time for four works, and ;ondoht' (f,gs (fi:m .t.hkdd ;nnd hal, ho _right _ to cu,l'l,m-t "';.lll'sn\ | were accepted. l A asc unds, and this would be 1 & Pya X pted. The tenders for the fourth we arbitrator 1 i fiatter for the :';';:?.fm 'It'g'i)nhltcl:'h and we :nl('nd to advortise cision of !i;(?ol:(':.nnld',';:-')h' I'l':(_&vio\ls to the de-- e $ the CA8C 6 1 question risi Work: in Mvoim d tm it the ropper and sin | . agtnoment mm made (not enthh DebCince wl ning for which tenders lmv.o 0' We [1L.B mines and timber or s not wa side of a provisional linc. 'I!hc l)omlrlxi:)':