The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Apr 1891, p. 2

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/ A new More in Industrial "been Upon the Hon-ruminating " 3 o'clock the members took up consideration of the bill re. erecting the sale of real estate. introduced by t a: ftfg,',tr1t',"gh After a tow minor 1rote.'ntt'd.a, thenbil li'", J','t','i,tthd', the d ll ease. w . no won n o comm toe on I eat an co ee- Hon. Mr. Ross' Industrial Schools Bill. The flg'Wt't','g'ltgrg' Ilri.'Wlrell bocatne, ap- Minister of Wiqttation had an amendment to ', pucublow the "1" iii, ruvontrsO fund; and the measure wnleh involves a change of con. GiGGL the, l'foviuco of Quebec disputes any sidernble importance to the management of liabitity to the impi'ovpiuoat fund in i such institutions. its effect was that the "an," of ttto reservations trout the l, Bonnie of Management ot an Industrial h'l-hool rocoeda of Crown lands, and it has been might plaeo any boy in ttut school in found impracticable hitherto to obtain a suitable home on condition that tho any authoritative decision as to the cost to the municipality from which the said dispute; and in view of the delay which boy came wat) no WWW" than hi" has taken place and the further delay which cost at the school. A nother condition was may take place in vrueurins-1stcltutu"." of that the persons with whom the troy was placed the said mum", it "ppm". to he just and ex- iinoulll have the some I'lllltl'ul over him as the , pedient for a." brown", (with mt projudiyo, u, authorities of the institution. Tho bill wan re- art . question in disputcl to pay to and dis. ported with antcndment to the "oums, The 1 tribute among the municipalities concerned Nysrnes-Gotwrtylu bill to regulate the charters ', the share of the said aunl which would 'be toluene companies was passed through Som", . chargeable against this Province in close of tlu, mittee. and another bill standing ill Mr. lions claim ot the municipalities to the said sum name. improving the law relating to convey- inguinal. the late Province of Canadl being anees to it'ttstoeti,wttttt through with one or two made good . atnetuimenta BU bluitted by the Minister. .. Therefore her j,P/t'Cg and with tho ml. The Mining Bill. vice. and consent of the Rielative Anson) y When the House again Went into committee of the izl'oVincc of Ontario. e arts tbti {0'19"3: L" on tho bill to amend the General Mining Act, "(1) 'i he?" shall bu [Mild out.oftte. "tsoil at Mr. Meredith and Mr. Co we added a few ed revenue fund of this Province ~tothe town- Words to tho criticism tli',het'l already assed "hips ttttti other ryyttic)pa.lit.ii's vntitled ther.eto on the measure. The question of 'reiatll'sitl thy, Hum of $5.704 'd2, being thu "ey,'.','.',?.".',',' cidentnlly cropped up and Mr. Conlnce KIVO 1rlricls.tuyy bevhargeuble to the immune of expression to tho hope that instead of being outtwio 1" rctipccr of the "hp! "13101.7". 08 allowml to stand tor four veers after the issue chumcd to be payahlc to the Upptsttt tinada im- of a latent. it would be abolished alto other. ornvl-nieiit fund pn sales of Crown lands made The Hua. Mr. Hardy had two new amendments by tue. late Province of Canada between the ot considerable iterputtanc" to move. One was HUI day of J Ittttr, 1333. and 6th day of March. an amendment to the additional clause intro. ilitit, and money received lhOl'CUP by tho , Prov. duced on the previous chniIlg. That clause a.- litre of Canada Letwcen the said blh tut-Y ot I it stood returtltuyr-"Notwitltrttutdiuganythitrg March, 1801. and the 1st day ot July, 1867. I herein containrd.grontH tttaytwrcaftcr be made .. (fl) The said llioneys shall be paid under the of mininglands at the price and upon the condi. direction of the Litultetumt-Govcrnor in Loun- tions heretofore applicable for which bolia tide "i1 lo thctrcarcuiiis of the iarious townships application has been made to the Department und "tttnic/ities y,1'yyit,f to bo,ye?1ltrd g f'io/1", blinds in writing prior to the 24th Lilli-roll: outlier tini- statutes T (micro 'h (7:111)!!- ay 0 Apri . 1891. ci 0 tie sit 'rovinee ot Un am . ." _L-- to! Where tho purchase money has heretofore half ', and ctit'h township or other municipality l been tttl into the department therefor. shall be paid that portion of the said amount l (b) "tutroatlcpoait has heretofore been made which was obtiillcd from the lands sold as l in the department on account and it is satie- aforesaid, within the municipality, and tittch F factorily shown that considerable expense has portion shall he ascertained and determined by been heretofore incurred ln surveying the authority of the Lieutenant-Governor in Loun- lands applied fol:l h'l, in {:O'MOPinf Ithe rulings elli'; l f l b ll t k i t iereon or in an a ut lo actlla ma e ' , "' i'Olleii oration o t ie i was a on up n discovery of valuable minerals thereon. ro. "Olilmill' e, hilt before tho clauses Were agreed Yidcd the application is renewed and 'dh,t'it Ito Mr. Meredith paused under review once once gt the pull-chase 1'ITd parid within three more the efii,iiiit'//i of It '.,1tg1.,tti2tr,iiti'i moat 8 rom t ie passing lereo . upon the mint am can: sis interpre on 0 tr) Instead of grants. leases may be made of the 1h"d.Yi'l Council. 'i'hcre Were moot point" such land. without reservation of and free raised as to whether oot'cwuttcwschoollctuis "ht', 'n" d i to beti h livtrr'e in Lille Twila my?" as totalin'ary school on. r. or y Propose' so tute t c not w let ici'l. n- uteri-s s o t u-peopoo 'o!1Wgr', for '11'iiiitiet'.', if _ t l l ('rotoln ('h7i or ware s'rr'.u,'p,1rttti the i'ht'll'; .. ere an app lean .s an ac ua ex orer or tion t in l cserve . . r. . oror appea e o prospector and iiivee satisfactory JJJl'r' of ac- delay inydl-alini: with tho matter until further tool dislctzverg'o valuiahle {génernle by lglliici inquiry ha? born made. Ite'. rlJliai'kl-i of the on any o no exeoel MIR acres an u00n calcro til-l i osition c icile vigorous re- :hicll he hash erected tor ae", '/l"el'ii1,' of dvi- plies from "unfair. Iliarl-ourt iand frorlu hh' encln an o 1 mg ios~ess on or ot erwisca Attorue tleueral, w lo went ex lullitive in o bonae.¥llll or shanty.l in whivh he has resided the ergn: 1Prcstion-statuterr, orders in TAlle during Uw your 1839 or 15:10 tor a period of at cil, legal opmiou, ~ilnd completely justitied the least six months or whereit is made to appear course the Government askel the House to thl'iit 'J,'2tu',"iyigfl cit'iit'ortl'ltc,'yiti'.idt' in adopt. The points raised were rather; macs: 'it on a u e acne. an ona editwovcry tiuirinqforcnsictikill than ell ucnce n e a e of valuable mittvrnls thereon. and where appli- l'lor in thrill" hr the ordinary mind they would cation shall be made and the pttrehnmsru6rtey not be tGuiiiy understood. It was apparent {and within three months trout the passing from the spi-el-hos of both Ministers that the iercof. [he amendment was agreed to. Hilllil't'l him becu fully investigated and thor- to,' tile other 1'l1i'")JYi"/ was a new sub-section oughly mastered. f l c arise a an it rm: t ills C--- The bill was raised in committee o t m "l'here shall be vxpotulcd in stripping orin whole. and the House rose for a well-earned opening up mines or in sinking shafts or in recess. other actual mining operations the Illiili' sum in the evonin . there was a ood attendance upon lands leaned under tin: provisions otthic, of members. and the public fine was largely actlasit is provided shall be expended in the represented. Both the Speaker's and the case .or sales or 'ttityntr' by section 2 hereof and ladies' galleries were crowded. and in the big within the same time. and iu default of such stranucrs' g..llery overhead there was a large expenditure tho lease shall ho forfeited and bc- contingent. The proceedings in the House comi- niacilltclfv void, and the said lands, mine.; were tin-iv in the early part of the evening. and minerals a tall, upon the report of the di- I'lus Ivwi,itiltors seemed to he in buoyant spirits, rector of mines that. such expenditure has not and while the prevailing sentiment was one of been made. , continued by an order of tho uilsillcrir'. tncre seeilled to be a very general de- Lieutenant.Govciasor ttt Council, "Wort to termination to get out ofthe situation as much and btsctsme "IF Dmporty of and be tun at possiblo. Mayor Clarke was "irnth,iQtU.ltei',tt; tl',"trciuJt',etgt't "r ttit on hand to move tho '"t"itul "We u t , 'ro r V " ll . s . "l, A . NS calm person or persons fl'il'le,l"v1lll..t! The ngev 'i(,,.o,,e: rrh"moJitif"?/ai,'i"u,rt/Ji'. M3343. section was agreed to and tho bill was report- tcr's bilirespccting tho Town of liracebridge ed with amendments to the House. Tho third was passed in committee. The Attoruoy-uca. . Nadine we Mud tor the, toliowing day. cral's bill renufucting '.liieetliu.21g, lilo Igtt, Liabilities of Trustees. age laws was lll'tllul' amen C in collimittee o F ' . . . . , the whole. and the bill respecting interpre- tg,'epirt',ist1',e,ilitg' lig,"r/rh,r Je,/,"t'tt iv1reii..tle?,iy.'eioe, accounts was passed through Mou,ic. wont into committee to consider the bill its ley /f/1syil file bill. in detach one ofthe introduced by thc Auprpcy-Gcttcral touching Judges from the (dimmer) Dynamo was passed the duties. povvcrs and liabilities of trustees m committee. The, measure. it was explained. was a substan'. 'jovuruptynt, orders Were dropped .ty.t this tial improvement on the existing act. Addition- point and the House, wttnt 'ln to cud with lip, al poweN wore conferred on trutettg. and at the oral bills in the hands oi. private .a!tytnbet.'t.. 1'he eagle timedue precautions were taken for the fi1tciir,i,i?,'1iiii1ii't, passud m committee with but to etyo investments. The bill was reported FI' . C tit I. with amendments. o amend the act respecting master and ser- suutt--Mr. Duck. Tttet Land Improvement Fund. To amend the OntarioUentroverted Elections The bill introduced by Mr. Harcourt relating Act.--). Meredith. lo the land improvement fund provoked some To amend the street Railway Act--Mr ',ttittt,'Ne a pretty well "min subject. The 1tobillard. ' . e o ie measure are act. orth in th - ' Imblc and the tirtst two clauses as 'lol/ll',',"..?"' The Undertaker: Bill. .. W hereon the Parliament of the late Prov- The clerk read out the next order t--" Re- Ince of Canada set. apart. one million acres ct spouting undertaking, otubalutittg and organic the puhliclands of Upper Canada for the Gear cliumvttry," Mid at once 13vory man in tlie niont-'ichoolsofCanada.andinordertocncouragc Chamber seemed to grow interested. it was Dealers and purchasers pro? ision was made by manifest that there was to be " stroll light f/he,",' and orders in Council tot. reserving out over the ii ll among those who favored! or op- tf : h'"i,1'ge,e, a sum not exceeding one-fourth pulled it, while, many seemed careless of every- Ji',lllh"epte; ",,"/ldit,ary", not exceeding think except to Ity,?," the proceedings. The ', Drown lands " "and Ms 'l/ull."),'),',',',!',',',?,',,'?,',?,',, keynote was strucs in a speech by Mr. giilt?l, i within the counties 1 tfdll' i l. improvement of Huron. Mr. Bishop's speech is royyyrk' lo ' School and Crown LG citie said Common rather tor strength than for polish. and I . an a sold should be nit I he "stated" the bill in coed style. unto. which said fund Wan called the land improvement fund l and whereas conHlderoblo "sweat the not): fi'hT,tlt,tlg were. uold be. t ' e .n k tire i in Council were Ju,t'lu17, "htu',tlStiee i were received in reopect thereof between that , q day and tho 1st July. 1361, one-aft): at whiohi -----_l_-----, _ 'L

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