tion.Mr.Dryden tsepliod:---sustarbeet seed hm been furnished to Karim-rs ;|~u\'ernl sermons of the Province for the past two years. Samples from eaehsilot sown have been fox-warned to Professor nines or the Agrie9lturairoyiko, Guelph. for analysis. The results so far have shown that A tair quality of beets may success. !ully be grown in several districts of the Province. The plots sown Were small and no truttic'iunt data have been furnished to five on exact estimate of tho yield per acre. 'he maul". howun-r. seem to po nt to the tact that a slightly larg'er yield Ber nere may be reached in Ontario than in Jumbo. The field of one now grown at the Experimental 'arm in given an ten tons, while numgle row from the same plot.said tube better than the average. yielded at the rate of twenty tom. One one has been reported to the authorities at the rear where for an acre grown In tho County ot . orthumbertand the, yield isgiven as 23 tons. Prut. Shaw ex- presses the opinion that good cultivation will give an avenue of tittecn mm per new. while some others oxprem- the opinion that it. would roach eighteen or tWenty tuna, which is higher than the averages of the foremost of the continental beet-growing eountries. He "faTeriGE,; G - ia.GFar iF"'tit'iv'iiroasaor. of fbelnlsu'y yielded 1n sugar a percentage as fol- ovu _ Beets over two pounds In weight. .. ...... 1235 Under two p.oundy.,...........5..y.r.y.y.'. 14.10 Avgmgo oitlfgwlfglg: 'tl' . 'A' . lt" . . . . . . . 13.08 murar Beot sued. Mr. Snider asked whether the sugnr beet seed which was distributed throughout the Province lust your "an cxporimcnt hm] given good mum? What were the minimum and maximum yield per acre! What per cent. of sugar did the roots contain as tested by the sun] sort "as tho Goverruuunt under consid- tl.'fld,f, tho auvisabiliry of encouraging and us- Ilsting any company or companies in the manu- facture ot sugar. providing: the production of tttip"" proves satisiuctury to the Pro. Vince . - ,,,_........... .......... Id." or the boots grown at tho Experimental Form. the average gt'.'r"t'fku"' of sugar for 188 Wit-18. end torl .1513. The Government have had under ooneidera~ tion the advisability or assisting n compuny in the manufacture of sugar from sugar been, but have not wen their way to render the u- "stance naked for this purpose. Motions. A motion stood in the name of Mr. Campbell (Durham) declaring. ulnonwt other thunk; thnt in consequence of the, restrictions imposvd try the mange of the British North America. Act the people of Omnrio were not free to make such .htwu respecting education as they might from thno to time deem m-ccssnry and prudent and asking the House to resolve "that in the opinion of this House. the interests of the country require such change 'in the British North America. Act. 1867.. M will place educa. tion under the Jurisdiction of tho Ontario Legislature its completely as the various other subjects assigned to Provinciol jurisdiction under section 91 of that not, and that on humble address be presented bylhis House to her Most Gracious Majesty. embodying the foregoing resolution nnd pray- in. that her Majesty wi 1 be l'lttt) to have it brought to the notice of the loosen of l'nrlin- ment with a View tttyeeariug the change do sired." Mr. Campbell stated that as members were desirous ot getting through the business of the session he Wouh withdraw the motion. but he would Pee' at nextmssion. In answer to Mr. Monk. who inquired it there wash child under ten years of ago now con- ttttod in tho Central Pririon. ond, it so. when and by whom committed, for how Ionga lime and for what otrenco lion. Mr. Gibson stated that ture wmnchild under that age in the Central Pruou, and why it had not been com- mittedtotrome other institution the Govern- ment had not been informed. Tho child had been sent to the Central by tho magistrate an, linlnilton. An inquiry Watt being made into the circumstances of the case algal-anon of irrtruijveiGruii.' V...' _ v. v IV 3-\ ... WHBIUHO A number of other motions. asking for re- turns. cor lee of correspondence and other matters on; kindred cha twter upon u variety of qumliona'. were "gretsd to ', and an regurds this, the order paper was cleared. The Houm, rose at 11 o'clock. T4 Municipal ooaiittt.o. he Municirnl Commune thi bills were d sound and Dana mum. "In mornin and baud for moth: Balance due on biological department. .83?,167 For cost of biological museums. . . . . .. . . .. 65,000 For new chemical laboratory and build. For gymnasium and Lempomry convoca- tion rootu-.............................. 20,000 Also to authorise the trustees to expend these Ruins tor the purposes named and make them a charge upon the permanent. funds of the uni. vanity. plans of improvements to be subject to the approval of the LioutemsntA2ovesaioi in Council. __ V r. .c -.. y"... WW v... .wuauuuulc. The prementution to Mr. O'Brien, the book- keeper. by the members of the Opposition has been followed by a token of upprecmtlon to the some gentleman from the members of the Goveruntcnt side of the House. Last evening Mr. O'Brien was nuute the recipient ttta Well- tliied purse at the hands of Dr. McKay of ox. ford and Mr. Duck. the Liberal yvlup, acting on behalf the members whose interest. they keep in charge. Mr. O'Brien naturally feels note little "uttered at this unanimous mani- festation of good-will and appreciation. Notices of Motion. Mr. Ross -That the Mouse ratify an order in Council of 29th Aprilatlvimirur that the follow. ing sums be provided in connection with the l'uivorsity at Toronto and University College without delay '. -- Balance due on biological department. $52,167 For cu." of biological museums. . . . . .. . . .. 65,000 For now chemical latburumrv and lmiid. as an expert on the prices paid for turpentine. white lead and olhrr articles bought. by the bursurs of wine public institutions. Mr. Wood's ovidnnco went to prove generally that th.y,prices paid were romaonuble. in in tho neighborhood of 2,000. Tho Commit- siuuor of Crown Minds [nude full im'uirici in to the prospwts of the San wen Hui way Com- pany. tho position which the company occupied ut the present limtmu to whether the nor-csmry "took had burn subscribed. and other mutton: lwrluining to tho maul, and said he would bring tho mum uml the views of the deputation nonm- thc Government.when tho mutter would be carefully and fully considered. Notes. In the Public Accounts Committee this morning Mr. Robert A. Wood was examined by the House. One of these in Mr. Ringer's bill urnviding for the settlement by arbitration tyr two -n two street railway companies in inhom- ink municipalities of quc'riClttnd r dating to tmmh-r tickets. Another is Mr. Unrrow'a bill making a slight change regarding the business tax. The third was Mr. Witterl' bill tapro- vide, for the reduction in certain cases of tho assessment of farm land: situate within incor- porated cities townu or villages. Beugoen Valley Railway. A deputation welted upon lion. Mr. Nerdy. Corotioiouor of Crown Lands. Tue.d::y urging that Md be extend-rd for the purpme of tumuoting the Hnugeon Valle Railway, which tt i, "mowed to build from thut Forest to Walkerton. thence through Greenock Town. ship to '1'ivrwtonautd the port of lnverhuron. The following gentlemen strongly urged the claims ot tho road for Provincial amp-Jaunted lit-wand. M.PP., it. 'i'ruax, M.l'.. ll. P. U C minor. Walter M. Dock and David Porter. M . I 'P. 'e for the three ridings of Bruce. and Aaron \Venger of Ayton. it was urged that the tei, tmn of the h'uuguen Railway directors, w iich naked leave to pure-lime tho unputented lands in Ureennci; and at lnverhuron at a. price not exceeding 38 per acre, on condition that the road be built. be acceded to. At Erosion: these lands are of little vulue. but it is elicved that the construction ot the road would increase the yalyrso that a handsome sum could be retained for railway purposes. The quantity or land unputcnted in tho districts referred to