t e 3 _""""_--_'--"']_----"-- The University. i I On motion of Hon. Mr. Ross it was resoly-- THh LEGISLATURE. ed that the HMouse doth ratify an ordc:-OIi'; | _ Council approved by his Honor the Licuten-- ; ant--Governor the Zith day of Aprii, such order | es s ts beiag to 'fh% f?«}owiin_q effect :--Upon consid-- i s eration of the foliowing report of the hon. Min-- | y a ister of Education, dated 'gch April, inst I A Day Maln]) DLVOtEd tO SChOOl })ommltbegiof(,'o%noila.d:isie t,hgt ihe !td'ugvlfi s ng expenditures in connection witi Ini-- QucstlUnS. versity of Toronto and University .C(:'ll;:g(l; lll)ie i mvi({odtor without delay, namely : (1) For ; lance due on -- Biologicai Department, ) t.!u{ty-two t'}\olxlnsa.nd one _ hundred _ and / 6 > 1 o 2 0 m i FRENCH 1N THE SCHOOLS.| of Hogmaphicnt museite,' strty--five inousact l doilars ($65,000), (3) For new chemical labora-- esns | t.uzz and buildings, sixty thousand doliars | g g .'(XX)P-t T (4) For gyumin '.-,{):Jm and temporary separate Schools and Dublic| @mibqtton room twenty thousand dollus subject to the approval of the Legislativ e Control of Them. ' sumbly, the trustces of the nnidfifi)fl?@i?{?fi t | _ autbhorised to expend the said suts for the pur-- | wiiinigrommirgreamtmmermgme l fiuses munt,i.wd), and that such oxponditure | f e a charge upon the pormanent funds of the | Many Divisions Recorded--Strong Spesches by | tufud }t'ml:erslat;)". m; pl{o\'i(llcd for by soction 25, ho ol chapter 25l, of the lovis=d Statute: of o peasen s aoom in inpereciome ind bo epnpbies fot the CHs < w06 +t t 3 3 N C 8 > proval of your Honor. N sieck fo the ap: ecaraak A Saturday Sitting. . | C(u the motion of the Attorney--General it was « .xTO, April 30. _| _ resolyed that when the House adjourn» to--mor-- For the first time during the prosent session | _ TOW ":1%0 sta}u}fl adjourned untii Saturday, the the question of Separate Schoois and the teach-- l ::,t'l:': s t o'ga':'e p,':'.;;:i..l.,'.e" L'{'i,; kM uuv;,"}.""wm l ing o/ French in the Public Schools were the _ musly observed that if the l;uni\;c'?swél()llill'::('l?}c'l- [ subject of debate. 'The greater part of the the Saturday sitting would noti be necessary, | sitting was dovoted to theso questions, but The House then adsourned for lunch, i the arguments raised by the Opposition against | The City of Loxndon. both were simply reiteration of the campaign | The busineoss was resumed in the afternoon. speeches and were euectively combatied byl The House divided after some discussion on | the Ministers. Satiefactory progress was made | _ A i@solution of Mr. Meredith to incorporate in | with the measures before the iHouse, and it is the bill respecting the City of London a pro-- l confidently anticipated that the mombers will vision allowing the issue of debentures for 40 | conclude their tmwbors this Wwoeok., j ' %fi:rséna:&nszl"'ton\l; Lh%'n u(.'gzi allowed under | The morning sitting was chiefly occupied | | mak M Support of the provision wao hk * | "'il'i; 'lv_iw dh{«l:nss:ol: of XN'{-!'I'I-E' Ata "°("."°"'L:;'" similar aut,h(;ril.y had bcul?v'iw:not?n !"l:; UiLl;!'o? wit on. Mr. (iibson's bill respectiing the Toronto, Mr. Balfour nresented a s _ l liability of directors, tion. Mr. itoss bill to h o cnnigas M C PP iLiee, it SPMODK Oe amend and consolidate Public School laws, and Eofiflnrgfufifi'lfi:fifibgl\-l.v'ér' b';,' 9,',':,'1'}'.'{l."{"s}l;'-?f' | the vill introduced by the Aitorney--Gener& f9" | _ Copmittee, and contended that it,l \)vu o'd l! 6 the settiement of questions between the Gov-- | virtually & breach of faith with theia now to ernments of Canada and Ontario respecting give such u priviiecge to 4 uudu}»l \'i;."i!'r:lcm Indian lands. Theso measures were set down l syrcaking on behalf of the '(.'m'un'nn'cni uid ft', ::)l;n tg't:tlitil'd reading, but were referred back to ;ms deemned unwise to make another pr'e;.e.dcnt e. C hi 5 ularly c#A Mr. Mcredith had an objection to. urge t:ctt.lll:;ug.h"t.?)(:lt:;:lnérr:il:x':t';xllltl.llf'c ::-'.rtv:;i"{hfifug:f | against the bill respecting | the liability of | -- L_ujay might result in the framing of a 'en-l directors. _ His point was that directors of eral clnuse, with proper safecuards and r(t: er companies should not bo held liavle in a pecun-- machinery' giving this pi'ivilc' u' cn::ranv I iary sense for false prospectusos issued and for The vote was a par'y vote muf' rc"iultl-d of | information of a misleading kind that might course, in the defeat of the:'mnondment. The | be submitted to th« public. bill was then read the third time. 'The follow-- 'The Attorney--General iwitted the member ! jng is the division list : € for London upon his zeal for the interest= of | f'nu.--nn.-r.I;usl.,(fampbolmls:onna) Camp-- the directors as agninst those of the peopl® | _ per (Durham), Clancy, Clark, . F. (Toronto) : enerally who invested their money in th se | ('lar&o, H. £.. (Toronto), Dunlop, Fell. Glen-- fi:';umtions and who wore liable to be deceived | dinning, Godwin, Hammell, Hiscott, Hucdson by these prospoctuses. 'The bill was reporied | Kerns, McCleary, __ McColl .\lcvl:enugtian'- with amendments after w short debate. | Mn};wood, Marter, .\icunhum,' Meredith, Met',, Mr. 8. White thouxht the bill for the seitle: | _ [.,) e, Miscampbell, Monunk, Preston, -- Reid ment of questions betweer the Governments= of l llorke, Smith (Frontenac), Waters, White Canada _ and _ Ontamio | respecting | indian | Whijtygy, Willoughby, Wood (Hastings)--34. lands _ went too far dnasmuch as the : NAYS.--Allan, / Awrey, -- Balfour, ~ Baxter Indian reserves were ail under the jJurisdiction | Biggar, Bishop, Blezgrd, Caldwell, Carpen-- of the Dominion Government, and beyond | _ tor, Charlton, Smsm.; * Ularke (W ellington), certain limits the Provincial authorities bad | _ Clgland, Comnec, #irck, Davis, Dowling, no power. 'The Attornsy--General convinced | -- frygep! Ferguson, Fiold, FWraser, Garrow, the House that so far as Ontario was concern-- | (}igson (Hamilton), Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, ed the Legisiature had a perfoct right to in-- | _ Guthrie, Harcourt, Hardy, Lockhart, Loughrin, sist upon the voice of the »rovince .b'"."s.h".'"d McKay (Oxford), MceKay (Victoma), Mc*{ech- in regard to the lands within its Jurisdiction, | nie, N?;:Iienzlc. {{" McMahon, Maclenzie, C., Moreover, there could be no possible objeciion | _ Ngore, Mowal, O'Connor, _ laton, Porter, to the mmwum.lixmwnucht.lun. l(v:ll.\' :'"'.ki'r:x':fl ; glnyluldts Robillard, itoss, S!mrpc.Smi&h(\'ork). | an reement between the iProvincial nider, ue, Stratton, I Wood (Br l)lom'if:ion Government. -- Thothird reading of l -61. P y * oi l the bill was carried. , Mr. b\gcut;k vot:d with the lgajorit.yi but as he | P was absent at the momoent the resolution was 1 i ':h:}fldf_lea(lings. Efunda--Ms. | read his vote was not counted. ] H'{r:)mf ng the land improvement fund --Mr. | Liability of Directors. | ospeciing certain dutics, powers and lia-- On Mr. Gibson's (Hamilton) bill respectiog bilities of trustecs--The Attorney--Gencral. the liabilitiés of directors, Mr. Meredith moved To amend the act respecting master and ser-- | _ two amendments, neither of whicl was adopt-- | vant--Mr. Dack. | od. One of these ainendments was to contine ; To arrend the Public Parks Act--Mr. Awrey. | the operation of the bill to representations re-- l Respecting the Town of Bracebr.dge--Mr.| @necting the sale of bonds, debentures and Marter. | _ similar securities,and to cxclude those relating | To amend the Ontario Controverted Elections | _ to in urance contracts. -- The other exceopted | Act ~Mr. Meredith. from the penalties cf the act dircctors whose | To red uce the ex penase of appeals to the Court / statements were made in yood faith. 'These | of Appeal--Mr. Awrey. amendments were lost on division. > bi'lll'n a'.mend the Stroet KHailway Act--Mr. Ro-- French Schools Once More. ] aPru,. + To ammend the Ontario Medical Act--Mr. Mc-- The Opposition had kept quiet about the | K»y (O@xford). French schools up to this time, but to--day ' To encourage the breoding of trotiing hotr--es _ Wwas mado a fleld day on this and cognate | ----Mr. White. questions. The debates sounded like an ccho | To ameond the Pharmacy Act --AMr. Davi«. of the debates prior to the clection.. There are | To amend the Debenlure itegistration Act-- , these clausos in the Public Schools Act as it | Mr. Tait. | came up for consideration on third reading :-- | To amend the Judicature Act --Mr. Meredith. | _ Section 145, sub--section 2--\Vhoro deemed } To amend the Agriculture and Arts Act--Mr,. | Decossary from the general use of the French or | Garrow. |_ German anguago, the County Council may ap-- | To amend the act respecting companies for ' }'0111' additional examiners, not excecding uwo, | steam and heating, or for supply'ns clectricity | for the Paas of conducting the examination | for light, heat or power--Mr. cigygar,. ; of candidates for a teachor's certilicate in ; On the motion of Hon. Mr. Hardy, leavo was | @ither of the languages «foresai¢. R. 3. O., c. | granted to introduce a bill to amond the Muni. | 225, s. 169. . h ! cipal Act. It will be known as the Municipal | | Section 150, sub--section 2--(3) In counties con-- ; Amendment Act of i831. An Assessment | trining any municipality wherecin the EFrench | Amendment Act for 1091 was also introduced, | O German language is the common or prevail-- t Both bills were read the first and second times. | 198 langyuage, an inspector may have charge of | 4 lwumber of schoo's not less than 40. ; e . Miscarmmubell did not like these clauses, [