The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Apr 1891, p. 3

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amondudin committee and allowed; to stand for tnird handing to-morrow. _ 0.: tho. anuzndment to the Public Health Act, the bxllwu referred back to committee. and there the feature giving the bo ted certain con- trol n respetttot the charm-tarot new Water- wm'kn was struck out at the instance of the Mininwl'. Mr. Meredith crtf2',",g'f, Mr. Dryden on the courage be h shown in ac- knowledging a wrong. And incidental- ly exprosucd regret that the Ministry were not generaHy more ready to do the same. 31 r. Mowat smilingly roumrkcd that It wns one of the characteristics of his Govern- ment and his fv'."owcrts to acknowledge when there was even any chtutcc ot thuir being wrong. "Excupt on the Minna; Bill." sug- gmlml Mr. Cumucc. and the matter ended in a laughthu bill being reported with unload: mentu by the commitlee. . The Minister of llducttioh. Ott the bill to revise the lawn rea'poctlng the P.i.?ymt.iyt.t Dcpartmcnt .Mr. W]: Ig_u.0Y_¢:d. NAYs.-Allan. Awrey, Bailout. Baxter. Big- gnr. Bishop. BIL-lard, Cnidwull. ('arpenlen Charlton. Chisholm. Clarke iWcllington), Ululaml. Conmee. Duck. Davis, howling. Dry- den. Ferguson. Field. Frauen (int-row. Gibson (llainiltom, Gibson (iiurom. Uihnour. Guthrie. Harcourt, Hardy. Lockhurt. Loughrin. McKay (Oxford), McKay (Victoria). Mulicchnie. ii. McKenzie, Mack. C. Mackenzie. Moore, Mowat, (Homer. Paton, Porter. itnyaidu. itess.5hau'pe, Smith (York), Snider, tSprague, Atruttou, Tait. Waiters. Wood, -til. Separate Schmls. \It will be remembered that at a former state of this bill Mr. Meredith criticised it in! not contaming the reference to Separate Schema containudin previous. statute» on the same sub/ect. and as thereby giving up the right of rentml on the part of the Government. or at lcibst lending in um direction. lie announced that before this bill was I','i',t,,"1if, he would put himself on record on this, subject. on Mr. White's amendment being disposed of Mid the motion for third reading of the bill being called again. Mr. Meredith moved the (eliciting amendment:- .. Tutst awry school supp' rtod in whole or in part by money voted by thN House, an I ovary wheel on um trustees or other governing body of "men the Legislature has conferred the power ot mum" taxes! rits support, ts sub .lcz-t. go my resuhct.ion of .tttyl Lo _cont_r_ol_ '.by the Legislature; that neither the British North Ainerien Act nor any other net or law has diver-ted the Legislature of that power or conferred it upon nny religious onrattist'ciott or body ; that tho rights conferred by the and act upon orseeured to tho support- ttrt, of Separate ordisaentient schools are civil ruins "'ppe Lining to them as citizens, and Unit it is neither the constitutional authority oi the Legislature. through the Depart- ment of Education. to regulate such _,chooli, nor to prescribe the text books to he "and and tho count: of study to be pur. HUI"! in their religious instruction l and dint the and bi" hcnot now rend the third time, Lutlm forthwith referred buck_to the ruininittee of the whole House, with instruc- tion to amend the same so an to include ouch separate and dissentient rat-hook within the icc,sus of h heels deult With by the said bio." inc speech in support of this resolution had evidently been prepnred with :OIHL' care. He begun trg saying that it was almieult in any Comu' to deal with questions involving diner- "mm ot mice and creed, but far more difficult when pnntinu cotriielcratiuttt, intervened and Winn ..i rugntul mu to be made b . ranting the wry inn: appeals wore being made to tmsslon und IvreJuuict. lie discluinied Any desire to wound the tooling: or interfere with the faith a: any mun. and. declaring that in his veins. tloucut am good lioinnu t'uthoiie bioodusin Lilaht pfthe Coiutnis,iuuer of Public Works .I tr. t rum-n. w no Lad entwined him this utter- nuou. dcs.sandcd to know why it should he nup- "r,ed that In: would seek wantottly to interfere With the lib-:rln A or outrage the ountinamts of liioiel.ow-cutizcms ot itoinnn Catholic origin. lint. grout (i: Lad been the new for new ape-4km; b.1'ore. the '_tecc.ssity wnn greater mun we: now. Men who kept their eyes open could nut but Hun". he eontended. thut "ucpthtchments were being unsun- upon the public ountroi of education. und this bill he took to be one ot tne 43115.0( it. lie referred to Quebec as unoxam 2c. and. whim admitting that there Yrras-Barr, Bush, Campbell l,yitmt). Campbell ilntrharnt, Clancy, Clarke. 1. F, t'l'oroniot, Fell. Ulcndlnning. Godwin, Ham- mell, "iscutt, Hudson. lirrns. McClain-333lo- Coil, 1lclo,,nv.s:Gtt. llagwood, Meacham. Mero- dith, Melanin: Miwmnphelx. Monk. Preston, Held. ltorkc. :3miLh (Krona-Incl. White, Wh:tnvy. Willoughby, Wood IHastinpl, "iyllerrSl. H - . "That it in oxpcdicnt to oluce the Educption Department undurtue coutwl of a nontolitiel head. and that the bill be referred b_nck to committee of the whole, with inntructlous to amend tho mun: by abolishing tho position ot Mim>lcr of Fiductstion alter t to dissolution ot..t..hp present Houte," .--. " . . This amendment, Mr. White supported in a brief specs-h. in which BO little was said that no attempt wax made to reply. and tho vow was brought. on at once. The division list uhovwd 61 you to bl any: C-- Division List. - Mr. Fraser in his reply expressed regret that the question of Public Schools hue been so much discussed in puolic places. for that dis, cussioh was. not calculated to allay irritation und to induce what was best for the Provitwo or the Dominion. But the hon. leader ofothe Opposition and his friends seemed determined to keep this question before the public. and to keep it in the seething statoin which they h..d kept it tor years past, in order to make political capital for themselves. This led him up to a consideration of Mr. M.ertyii.tly'ts words concerning charges made ugutnb't him of seeking political advantage through this agitation. Mr. Fruser declared With ttUnkness that in his opinion no charge had ever been more justly made or more clearly proven againste public than. One proof of it he found in the l iow taken in the liomun Catholics them- selves. Formerly ivided between thepoliticai perm-I. they hat supported the Goveaatuteut more humorously in the election of 1837. and in the ia>t election they pronounced against the ()ppos'uion lender practically no; a unit. for the reason that they believed him to be raising " cry atgitirht them for his own political an]. vantage. As against Mr. Meredit " attempts at justification, he reminded the House of tar tact, thut the Opposition had sought by [their "Facts for lrish inlet-torn" to cause _ the ltomun Catholics to regard the Liberals as prejudiced against Separate Schools and utcifoguvsydiatos at the interests of the sup~ porters or those institutions. Not only Roman Catholics, outa large proportions ot the Pro. testnnt population ranged themselves against the hon. gentleman. Unable to make out his case on the merits of the question in hand. the hon. gentlemen spoke of Mr. Mercier and annexation, quoting the u.tcrnnces attributed to Mgr. Labels in he press. The hon. gentleman would hardly care to be held l'cspunbitlie tor everything at. tributed by the press to him, and us forchisi1ies of annexation they were so generally mode and against so many [lion in the ranks of the Liberals of Canada, a. party which at every crisis ilttd Frown its loyalty to the Crown and to the Dem that they had ceased to tright. en any y. Ho reminded the Home or the taunts thrown across from the Opposition before, the election that the . would soon come into power. They expected to reach the treasury cliches. and the; chose their platform with that View. lint their appeal to passion and prejudice was in ruin. Referring to the word 1'strau'gerei," which Mr. Meredith had used in speak- ing of the ty'rottclrUtutuiiiatn.vs, Mr. Fraser di mended to know when those people ltcctuuc, strangers 5m this Province, which was at one time a part of the French- Canadian Province of Quebec. They were Calamari: with as much right to assist in moulding the institutions of the country as the bmiditth-spc"lcinx people of the Dominion. Referring to Mr. Meredith's motion particu- larly he went into an able consti. tutional argument against this: House attvmpting by legislation to change the British North Ameriwa Act under which Sep- arate Schools Were guaranteed or even to in. terpret it in that re ard. He insisted that this i"i'dTr'h'l'dt'lJl"hf,Ui' be left to the cantata 1t1tyry1.ey,?yypolitites and free from the dis. it XI.L' nth-"ml were. "my. whivh his l Nu mui (o humus. to tiicutt.e to the ' "mu whom the, cttiltl should be sent" of British liberty. ot civilised libel-I cause the people to me And atr.t - ',,,_..- _____ -.uu .l'lul yu'ull" tarbiagintlt1eniccs ot political warfare. The unumlmcut, and more tyhicult,t,r,' the speech by winch it, had ecu supported. was an attempt to prcj udico in ndruncc the in. tttprobation of the case by tho court. He would not, as a Scpurntc hit-hool supporter. PCs duo. if ho could by one iota tho control micr- cised by the Minister ot Education over tho tiopavut" Svhoola for the reason that it would involve a change in what he regarded in n solemn treaty which he had no wish to see broken. Me made an dominant. plan for recognition of the position talwn iy Scum-ate School supporters who rc- gard the maintenance of thesu schools lb; a re- ligiousnnd conscientious duty. and declared that the, Human Catholics would ho cowards if harboring tho ut-ntllnunts they did. they would not seek by every honorable menus to innin- tnin the systom. He told of Protest- nnts all chr the, country who were mulling thcir children to other than l'unliv School». unu Wan-nod Mr. Ilcrcdith that l! XL;- utn-nml were. "not. whivh his argument mu mod (o imalus. to dimuc to tho parent to "lint ni'hnn. thump.) "tum... , A - - ware good and loyal men there. there tin re Wm growing up ttt' the Province 9. party not loyal Ut British connection or to the Conic-u oration. lie quoted the remarks attributed lo- Mgr. Labellc, Deputy Minister of Agriculture under Mr. Murmur. to the. eit'eet _ that the growth oi the Frouch-uuntuiitrn population in unebco and in New hnglnnd gnve hope of a time when there would he a. powerful people united in support of French insti- inimnn'uud the Roman Catholic religion. in contended that if the assertion of the right to tux tor school purposes and to.compeltl_emi- nuce of children at school meant anything, it necemurily involved the right of control ot the means by winch education was to be given. He quoted former statutes at some length to show that they contained recognition ot a. pUWer of continuing Separate Schools which was not contained in this bill, and for that reason he oppowil it and demanded the change called for by his resolution. In closing he declared that he cared nothing for the results to his own po- lit ical fortunes. "t care nothing tor a political future," he said. His object was to seek the 'twutctit of thc Province ot Ontario. and that " jchl he wouldpuljnue miswervingly. liberty. ot civilised psi/Gly','";;;'); people to rise and drive out a .' the La

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