I ' " -- any... _ _-".'-.-.-.-.-, " Vi ' _7 _ 1 L , I 1892 Xe It; .. , t A 'm Mr. Kirkwood-Of Rev. John Ball on behllf . lr, of the 'i"Pig'iit)iit','s of the 'iii;tiiiGrii l which they had been thrown by the death I P. " church? in lnnville and llolfontulnu and of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. l h; Enid". f,"iP/t' fi'/u,"/"le,yi,"f to "11%;"??? The motion would be seconded by Mr. " C,' c ;n.soo {on . . ire-c urn. on u. o . . i' .the Methodist churches at Bu1liuaftui and .M.eredith. He know th? no words of ' Coningsby tor the sumo purpose. his were necessary to induce the House Ir.. Him. gin-.1 1,'.i1i',"/eal/,,t tthel llulmilton iShlm' to unanimously concur in the address. The , ma cers ,n on. pray tttt or egis ation s ml or . . . . . .24 to thotn'ked bythc FsVGiriJlli Ciearmaiccik event was one In which "lay. as British T f Union in the petitions presented thl'lT. Hardy. subjects, had l verngreat no. sonal concern, 'l Mr. Contuee -- of the municipality of because tho Prince, if he had lived, in the H. 3:): f'/,'irt't',r 'rtitTort,'ir, .."l,, 'ft'/,"lh"i"nte [natural courseof events would have been I cipol Council of Port Arthur. for uh act one day t,lto King of the greatest 'PPT.' In . _ tosh"i'ye.tt,'gr.i) 1'.g't,rli'y'ipA, town. the world. Apart from this consideration, Ir. _ Me. :. '. Jltwite--.0 in. 2.62ak.ML., m - it wasutittin thin tist the re resents. . ing torthea'oolition of the property 'u'tillt'1T, ti fth 1g 1 g 1 f 0 ti T h ld , tlon for holding tnuuicipal oilico. i iveso e oytr peopeo . n r10 B o? - Mr. Cltutcy--Of thc Town Council of Chntw [ avail themselves of the earliest. opportunity .' sum, praying that tll f,1',1',/'tl'e," puss to oonsoli- to express to her Majesty their sympathy ate t u 1 coonture e t o t in town. -' . . . . . ', Hon. Mr. 19eydcn--Ot the Town Council of 'dll', hi; "'1 liertgglat sorrow , fl, 8;:er , Oshawa, for an act to consolidate its debt. "ur a '." itnen torpersonunt er muses, BILLS I.NTROlHiElt and their interest in tel that concerned /, l . r I " . her Maiest . He move' P-- l- i These bills were introduced _ Itesohj'ed Ya', an humble address be prc- , ' Mr. "jy.itour--.1'o amend the MunitipalAet. sented to 'licr most gracious Majesty the _ Mr. '\\ ood l.ih':.trt.t)-c'l'.o repeal the, bonus Queen expressing the heartfelt sorrow of this 3 clause in the 1ly,t1ici,.tPi.Act: House upon the occasion of the death ot the " l Hon. Mr. llul'dywli) incorporate the Asso- Duke of Clarence and Avondale, oldest son ot ' "a4.332.313.1223]tart-2:95.753" to at: t'.'JI"gi' 1t',f/dti,lyJl/l,'ltp,tlt following ' [ ie".'""'" .., :"'"yl 'Yo.".,,. z r-is : ' . _ T uilr2)i.ui'une'-"oa""""i tile Untiirio Liec- 're, theQuoen's Mosbt Excellent WY,""','?,',,', M ,' c. l . 'n" Geaci 'v ei - 0 our. . w l . ":9. Mi}. Hardy-io consolidate the acts rc- ice;):?. 2g?i'""ll'vflo :ddlmllutit'ul ysubject: , lpei' 1'u:',Pt:1?"Til",e.nt ot property. the Legislative Assembly of the Pro. Hor!. Mr. moron Vltempccllux insurance cor- Vince of Ontario. in Parliament assembled. poruliour. humbly buglcuvo to approach your Majesty A I'ATt'H up RETURNS. for the purpose of expressing tho deep concern T d Hon Mr Gibson pr sented the sun 1 fvri1dl'ivott/ii' House 1'in) byulolfepp100f trim ill-l) . "'." _ ' e " ua vincoo Onutriow tiyour aJcet'an ticr arcluvological report of the Canadian Insti- Royal iiighnerisets tho Prince and l'rincess ot tute; the 34th annual report of the lunatic yulr'r "nd other members of'the royal tam. 4 and idiot asvluvss of ontario.. 22nd Hyatt the prrvurantl sudden bereavement sue- P . u ' . '"'. pn- tamed ttrea and them in the death of his I _ oual report of the En_tomologtcalsociety ltoyol Highness tho Duke of Clarence and E of Ontario: 2lst annual report of the Ou. Avondale, tuuito condole with your Majesty . tario Institution for the instruction end :gpnotxligloss 'pe) 's"ejctt",'uel"'t11gttiged ' Education of the Deaf and Dumb '. annual family but by your 7u"iGi2.'L. throughout tho ' report or the inspector of insurance ; state- British Empire, With unfeignod 30111!" we _ meats trom tho Queen's Printer us to the tender to Four Majesty our warm and Sincere , dis ' l ftl Re .'. .1 A't t f n sympathy. and we beg to take this common of ' 1 PM" q " f"""',". "a 'tttet, Ot' 1801i assuring your Majesty that this House will and es to the dispos-l of seasonal overhaul the warmest interest in whatever statutes: report, of the Provincial Trea- "(FIJIJCCIJHSJYOUIJJfilfljé't'it)":dOETIJGSl-iKBEOILIJttJiOIJIF Ind . .,- r , . . , o cc or rig ie an en Wis it»: is Gun :22: t:et,,Ltl",'cc",i1i,nh/'f trilltul'i'lvcor? and and of [lilo people of thed "gg2g', ot Ofnturio F ., _ . . t i- C ev . cor- tot? t " iapp new; an prosper ty 0 your " respoudence with the Municipal Council of Majesty and your family. Aldborough in regard t.o thy, Dutton High MR. unknown 'esmxns THE MOTION. i'. $31321 ; "e/r" 'i'r,'.,'t11.it'i'i',i,liceTi'rtt'i'uerct4 l, Mr. Meredith, in seconding the motion, "I; l'risoii Re'trin L Comma"? will said that for his side of the House end the the Fish and Home Cotmmseion , with people whom it hel the honor Pf represent- . exvici-scs up to date . report (if [the ing,he most, heartily concurredinthe resolu- Ontario Institution tor the laducution and "1.2:2,?(Lil-1:5?"u{13:33::twglllifighzflgr:r Instruction of the Blind, and a. report upon , .: I i' . . ' . . r the lakes rivers waterways and watcr- ceptions Circumstances to evoke the sym- ' owe" of. the l'rtivinc- path}; of this country in the death oi the p u, on tnotion of iii; Attorney General unfortunate Prince, which bereaved the em- , ' . A " . a . v . . special comiiiittcr compacted of 1lctssrs: pire. No doubt ll great deal of feeling was Awrcv Bnxtcr h ii." Clarke l'iin 3 also evoked owing to the respect in which . I , . d. __ , _ i V... ' . J . ' Dryden, 1iibsoa (Hui-om, "an", Meredich her Majesty is held. In?) was glad that . Monk. 1'c0lahon Wood (irUstings) and this sud 00")"me luu rough) out from the tumor was appointed to select tho the..people of .c'artyy an expression ot their l ataudin I cottmuttec_ oi the Hot feelings, which evidenced the fact that tho ' ff " ' ' ..e IBC. _ muss of the people were sound supporters J in.» 1'AP.LIA51F.NTi'.r l.ll'.l'.Al'.Y. , of British connection. He believed that .. Hon.. Mr. Mowat moved that uselcctI the day would be long distant when the . committee of ten members be appointed to connection between Canada and the empire act with the Speakcr in the control and l would be broken. , management of the library, and that it be , The motion was unanimously carried. . compoacd us follows :--The Attorney- i A motion by the Attorney-General thud. (learn I, and Messrs. Cliiiicy, Guthrie, l an humble address be presented to the J Gibson (Huron), Harcourt, Meredith, l.ieut.-Uovernor praying that, he would be f) Connor, Preston, Ross and Wood (Hust- pleased to transmit the addressjust adopted mgr". to her Majesty, was carried. Mr. Meredith said thut he disliked very l, INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS. much saying anything that might reflect l .. - , upon any oiiieerts of the House, but he dc. ' ea I:on.fml\:r. dowt,t.eg'.r.ea'eep,V T,,'] t sured to call attention to the way the fre. I . . . lihrarv WM comm " td 'yr, ' . l 1 tanning the estimates of stuns re- , been -bx_"_u'zm lo all" u.?')"),,',,),?,',?'"',,", a; quired until the estimates of 1892 ' . Library Committee in u. Ilrerious 393- were. fr't,2' "phrased. The total amount ' lion. but he regretted tiint desirable i'f,",ll1/..r11'd'li'i' r,t1ey,leart1t0 'll), '.."uol. ' changes had not, been brouirlit about. . . -- g . . ' . , '. g t. While over" ullowxncc tttttttt who: ad '.f . lotion, 'iri5,000 3 administrntiou of Justice, 1 , . J p . . . . " " (lt fi'S0,000; public institutions, 8126,000 ; the condition n. the building and the ditli. sundr ur 0383 8100 000 cultics attendant thereon, he had very They Illouge ":ebt i'nto. committee tusd serious ground to complain of the scundnl- passed these estimates ' ' 3:11:23" m which the library wad con- Hon. Mr. Gibson laid upon the table the . . 111,; \lr Mowat promised to mal c in public accounts ot the Province for 1891. , . A . A I A . i i _ . . . 'quiries and remedy anything that, was Hon. ' Mv. Mownt atatod tliut'tlie estld "mm mates wouldbe delivered t.o-m.o.rrew, on iid/motion w" adopted that the Treasurer would make his tinuneitd ' " . _ statement on 1'hursd" r. AN" Anomxe or "oNDOLr".Nic. _ MAJOR ',Crdt,,, BILL. Hon. Mr. Idownt said that. he desired to ' . 7 i . . . move nul address of condolence to he Major Rorlre has given notice of tin-m. Najeaty and the Prince and Princess all trouuction of a bill to amend the Municipsl . Wdje. in reference to the great grief into Acts in two important particulars. As the P, ' ',5 J. , I -,-= . - "' o ' e . n _ , d, .- J" . I . '.ar. . in ' __' I - [l - vfi' . A _