_ A..l U 4 count. mfl expeni ©$95,-- 000 on colonisation s m estimate for | capital account is $512,884, for current ex-- peoditure $2,936,237, and for other pur-- poses $23,115, making a total estimated ;sgendxmre of $3,472,237, which is $143,-- less than the estimated expenditure of last year. Under the head of *"Public Buildings," however, there is a revote of | ' $110,900, the new vote being $307,456. Under® the heading of "Civil Govern-- ment," the principal increase is that of $1,750 in the Crown Lands Department, the greater part of which is due to the new Bureau of Mines. Under the heading of *'"Legislation" there is $1,800 for one year's salary of the late clerk, Col. Gillmor, and an | _ increase of $1,000 for sessional clerks, writers, etc. Undor the hcading of "Ad-- ministration of Justice" there is an extra expense of $5,700 for the Drainage Com-- mission. Under the heading of "Educa-- tion" there is a new item, $3,000 for public school leaving examinations, an increase ot $3,000 for high school entrance and leaving examinations, etc, a new item of $300 for a teacher of reading and clocution in 'the Normal and Modsl Schools, Toronto, and the same for the Ottawa Normal and Model Schools. At the School of Practical Science the salary of the lecturer of sanitar engineering, Mr. C. J. Marani, is incroaseg from $500 to $1,200, and $500 is asked for expenses of the enginecring laboratory. There are 242 mechanics'institutes, or 19 more than in 1891, causing an increaso of $2,000. Under the heading of * Public Institutions Maintenance " there is a de-- crease of $1,374 for the Toronto Insace Asylum. 'There is an increase of $19,032 for the Mimico Asylum, made up princi-- pally as follows : -- Assistant physician, $800 ; bursar, $1,000 ; attendant at sewnge works, $240 ; gardner,e $300 ; matron,8$350 ; assistant supcrintendent increase,§g300; fuel increase, £7,000 ; and the balance for in-- creased amounts of food and number of attendants, etc. 'There is a de-- crease of $3,406 for the London In-- sane Asylum, an increase of $1,275 for the Kingston Insane Asylum, a decrease of $14,600 for the E{amilton Insane Asylum an increase of $4,8500 for the Orillia Asy-- lum for Idiots, and decreases of $3,905 for the Central Prison, $5,600 for the Pene-- tanguishene Reformatory, $1,420 for the Mercer, The decreases at theso institutions are principally in such expenses as rations, fuel, etec. The largest increass under the heading of '"Agriculture" is $8,7CO0for an ad-- ditional grant to 87 electorak district so-- cieties. 'There is also an increase of $2,000 for special investigations, such as regarding diseasesof animalsand ravages of insects, and $5,600for the expensesof the travelling dairy, The item of $32,750 for county houses of re-- fuge is dropped this year, but there is an increase or $13,000 for hospitals. Uuder the head of * Public Buildings " there is a new voto of $50,212 for Mimico cottages. There is also a new vote of $70,000 for an asylum for eastern Ontario, cottages at Brockville to accommodate 500 patients, the estimated cost of which is $250,000, of which $70,000 will be required for this ear's operations. There is a now vote of '20.000 for six new dining roome in the London asylum, and at the Central Prison there is £15,500 for a new building for ox-- tension of industries and $25,000 for machin-- ery for the same, Students h"i"fi; uprooted the old wooden fence around the Normal School grounds, Toronto, there is a vote of $6,500 for an iron fence. Under the heading of ** Miscellancous " there are $2,500 gratuity to Mrs. Notman, widow of John Notman, late Queen's Printer ; $2,000 grami&fi to D. R. Clarke, taxing master, Osgoode Hall ; $2,000 to H. 8. Crewe, late inspector vital statistios ; gratuity of $680 to widow of Robert Mc-- Callum, engineer ; $200 special grant to George Simith, injured in the public sorvice; $500 Dominion Teachers' Association ; $100 0 Canadian MEitary loatitute, for priating papers; $:5,00) for tho Cotumb'a Exhibition at Chicago : 89,020 for removal expenses to | new buildings, wuad $2,030 for titting up the l new library.