C ', prrize sA &#A -- * x# ' they will learn, if t-heg' penlue Lhcldobates probability there will be a somewhat | ? of twenty years ago, that the yearly pay-- | | preater reduction during the current year. S ments to be made in aid of railways were | | 'I'he Province took to itself control of ::VOI' intended to bb° taken out of present | | liquor licenses in 1876. Since that date it | balances of assets, but that they were to be | | has received as net revenuec from licenses J deducted as they became due from the re-- $2,630,515, or $164,407 per year. It has f ceipts of future years. And this is exactly | paid to the municipalities during the same what has been done. Keeping in mind period $3,885,922, or $242,870 per year. what I 1""_0. said as to our is | 'The municipalities have therefore during ];:):b of anuu'lttl:les, bl c'nt' bes; sup-- | ~the last sixtoen years receoived on an aver-- isg my posilion by quoting from & | age $78,463 more per year than the Pro-- speech delivered by the Hon. Edward Blake v!i'ncu from this soulrce. * when the House was in committee on the Mr, Clancy--But you took more from the railway resolutions, and reported in Tiz municipalities 3 a PR s a . Gl_.(l)u.x of February 23rd, 1872 Mr. Blake Hon. Mr. Harcourt--L am speaking of ul\(ll-t;-L hss le tho tasd the fact as it is found--of the record as 1| l at was wanted was to create the fund. find it. The te rance pe > r i | Not a shilling of it could be spent without the | 1 t lf(-', u]n;l)o' e ui p(,u!;l(,l { \.wulcl sanction of the House. 'The Government did Piiy oo my iriend,have time anil agAin CX -- not consider theaddition of $400,000 suflicient, pressed their belief that it would be better :l\lr:l(lrt.l:;:rcr:)lrc b:,'hg question Lley had to c(ln;~ tor all concerned if the municipalities got e as the best way most consistent with f » "enge e the preservation of the surplus to provide a nothing from liceuses, Okpplause ) . . . sum sufficiently large to enable the Govern-- In answer to some press criticisms arising | :I\nccnt Plol carry Qlllt Llieusplriltof lv.lu.- l;uuwa, out of complaints made by a few munici-- | Act. 1ey considered that the plan of grant-- itie s j are of the lic se fee | ing an annuity of $100,000 a year for twenty I)e;lltu.s M. To .Lhur Sh't"' oi the Hoense j 1gu, ] years was the most economical and satisfactory ast yoat pumtvfl out that the """"Cl["l ' p}utr: t.hla't could bulduviscd. ]'l'ho special funds _ revenue from licenses had during re-- of the Province alone would more than pay cent years been steadily increasing ; also | the % <w ie 4 8 'y' I sIng ; Aif . | pllu:lO0.0(XJn year without touching the sur-- _ that their percentage of increasoe had been ; This one extract of itself, taken from ""{r'f'. llh"" double that of the "l"m'""""'. s | such high authority, it seems to me, proves lice '_t"';'f"'l"le""o". in our larger cities | conclusively the truth of our contention icenses have become much more valuable to | ® * the holders year by year, and it may be that | a THE .8000,000 DOMINION BoX Ds. the time has now come when we should con-- | "l he last item of our receipts to which 1 sider the propriety of raising the fee and f | will refer! namely, $500,000 received from | thereby increasing our revenue, ( the 'l)omlnlon Government, calls for some ' f Lhe fees paid in some of the American 9 specn;.l remark. _ Our expenditure for the cities are considerably larger than those we [3 year |pclu(led, as 1 have said, some very ! exact, C | large items, special and exceptional in their | 1t has never been considered inappropri-- s chlrt:ncter. }\9 paid, for example, $100,000 | ate that the State should ask the dealers in Ito Toronto Ll{lversxt)', being part of lhu' ll'!uors as well as the consumers to con-- ' $160,000 unanimously voted to it by the | tribute to the cost of government. | House to assist in restoring the building, | If the liquor traftic is only one--half as | which was piu*tl:ylly destroyed by fire, We responsible tor the serious cost ,incident to also paid $47,115 to. the municipalities on }hc administration of justice as some allege accou;xt of the land improvement fund, and it to be, then these licenseduties which weare $32,750 to county houses of refuge. We | . discussing might be measurably increased. loul}ed $63,000 to dllfcx'cf'b municipalities on | : It will be remembered that nineteen muni-- drz?mug.e (lcbeqtures. The sum given to the cipalities, availing themselves of our license l unl\(rig?:sxty llnnghz call gn emergency ex. legislation of 1890, passed local option by penditure, the ,..,'"' and " we sincerely hope | _ laws for prohibiting the sale of ll;lll(:l% by ' i:le last, of tl'lC kind ever to be made by the | retail. 3 .19:'""& The payment to the munici-- | JOur act of 1890 (53 Vic., chap. 66) simply | palities on account of the land improve-- restored to the municipalities the power | ment fund is an advance made for thei trev former : powers | Donehit and retles. 1 } made for thclr' they formerly possessed, re--enacting as it | will be re'ore 13, l:,;r which the Province | d_nl provisions which were in force out the | feEween t(ixeur)(:;mi';i:n tl(nle a];)enPuccoumg tnlm; of Confederation as a part of the Con-- , . a an e Provinces solidated Municipal Act l whic! are adjusted. _ 'The payment to t y o pat Act, and which were * 4 . e county also contained in the Tave M J houses of refuge is also C cennes | | ie Javern and Shop new and exception-- License Act of 1868, 1 hi al. s t a se A 808, but which were after-- Qur expenditure on capital account wards omitted in subsequent consolidat | on the new asylums at Orillia and Mim; i l nammeganeg o and Mimico of the Municipal and Liquor License Act and on the now lnrlmmom, buil li h * 's 4 l4 lcense Acts, also exc"puon&n lar 1(Amgl' was Sllflllut' provisions as to local l'IUhl]!lUn-ul 68 y Jlarge, reaching in all being contained in the Tem erance Ac | $368,937. _ Because of all this extraordinar 1864 (Dunki Do aporande. sA06 rof [ outlay we asked the Dominion Gover Y ']' (Dunkin Act ) \\'l!lch act had been re-- | [ ro muke to the Provigt rument pea ed, where not in foree, by the Canada , t e a payment Temperance Act x | on account of the debt due us, The mat The validi f F | | ters in dispute between the Provine ds le ik idity of the clauses of our statute | the Dominion have been narrowc:j"ef'-'"d ;m which the lugul option by--laws were | time to time, and there is adintt d'l.om )aseq lml.nb' questioned in the c urts, Chief | large sum due us. Our request wl ediy a _ | Justice Galt quashed some of these by--laws, | a friendly, business.like l u.s l:{lul in and held that the Legislature had no | promptly received from the' Dan _ we authority to empower tho municipalities to | $500,000 in 4 per cent. bonds wtl)"mlmon ""our aof } | disposed of at par, . We dis[lohc'(l Ufmt; we Our act of last session respecting local , at par without paying a single doll lo.l'm option (54 Vic., chap. 46) explained L: wol way'O-f brokerage or commission ce of the preceding session and provided for a ' While on this subject I may saY Hist for ruferuu(-e_ of the question of its validity, | | obvious reasons we have made but 'tl'l n construction and effect to the Court of Ap. | , further progress in the settiement o lul.c Pr*'ul for OUntario, under the authority of the | M(Imum'lm"h the Dominion, ur :; t;)r c\p'edumg' })x(. decision of c nstitu-- 5 ' am glad to say, however, as I said lagt fom; questions. _ The opinion of the Court | year, that there is no sitemp; of 4 ppeal was given in September last ' quarter to defeat or postpone a sumu any | | Chief Justice Hagarty, after reciting tl} 6| \Vh'fu the préseut isturbed c'mdhtemcut. | | the municipalities had from an earl ?] 1at ' affairs at Ottawa and Quebes .con ition of at least as far back as 1849 rh(: hy 4 'flt-, | end, real and, I have no c | ies to an regulate tavern licenses and + : PoWwer to | k4 > doubt, satisfactory ises and to limit their | and rapid progress in the direct; u or y number; that section 249 of the a -t. t 18 v¥ settlement will be made ction of a full ' contained a clause identical '\\ill( t'l'r P3 * iHitart a f y ENCME i the pro-- | THE LIQUOR Lt0ENSE ruxp ;1;338.0;1\ 4lun:-u_ (clause 18) of our .~u-ll of } Our receipts for the ow | 0905 that a similiar clause in like terms j lic m o 1¢ year from 1j found in the Tave oi o 18 icense fees amounted to $29; , "ANot | Act of 1866 fC s ud Shop License estimate was $300 000. : ~..4Jd.~1'/ 6. Our | Nok 809; that it was omitted in the act it . ,000, and not $310,000 ; of 1874; that municip®l institutiane "/L.C was printed owing . 0V us | pai institutions are The number of hge.u' to & clerical error the class of subjects within exclusi o Pro. t io > Conses issued . during the vincial regulation; that ; Cl e Iro« t license year was 22 logs thap fue pressly disclaimed that in our act we ex. l duriog the previc £ l1an that A y aisclaimed any exercise of jurisdi ous year, and in all | tion ')t'}'()n(l the revival of l ew juris l0 1 force at date of Confeder provisions in deration; that clause | l Pew ~@pe h i t l k < » d L