stters, ; [ 1884, said that in all fairness he was do., | ition in regard to railway MASOTS «| | nolled to approve of the policy of the &v. | m-w had the member for Kent 'f 857| ~ ermment on this point, as he did notise, about the $1,500,000 which the cesent | . why the present generation should burljc,, Government had committed the 'm'! itself wibg taxation in order that gene»;. Administration to for railways? from | _ tions to come might reap the benefit,. (Ap. amount _ had to be deducted from plause.) The hon. member for Kent s.;i the $4,000,000 in the treasury when they were compelied to make a raid u) ... this Government came into power in the Dominion treasury to get money, 1 ,; 1871. It was said that the former he would like to ask him where they evor Government had left vast timber limits that advocated a raid upon the treasury. };; | should have been husbanded A but the hou, contended that this Province had nop . member and the whole Province iknew th&Ab | | S;o 59 j/Q piiw' share of the amounts |; | the present Government had been "°";13 which it was entitled, and that if the ter,, this for the past 21 years, and at t. © | : of the Interprovincial Conference had beep | same time relieving the people of the | . (| _ ;" q ; 70 effect this Province would |;| burdens of taxation in every way. (Ap-- receiving to--day a much larger sum frm;.\ lause and hear, hear.) Not oniy had thady the Dominion Government. The men. | Rmbanded the zesources, but they had add-- i | for Kout said that there was a debt agai~:; | ed to them. The timber resources of "h:l' the Government of $3,107,000 for annuities, | Province instoad of being diminished lmd but this could hardly be classed as a deby, | been increased, and the (,ovo!-nment ha as it was not --presently payable, and even if preserved to whe country the'disputed t,or; they were to capitalise it g2,000.000 in cash ritory with its vast resources in spite o would pay it .fl off, and 'this was only the opposition of the party at O"t"wl:' $500,000 more than when this Govemmentt supported as they were to some extent DY | | hima into power. He proceeded to point nio Opposition in this Houes: . CAPPIARSS! | | out the dispositioh that had been nigkie of ) The Opposition could not point cut an item | . ,, / $500,000 received from the Domimon in the expenditure that could be cut dow_'n. Government during the past year, showin ' Where, he asked, was money to be obtain-- | . ,j" °/ NA expenditures were for wise 5o ed to carry on the business of the Province beneficent purposes and in the best interests if not from the "i"'b°.r limits, real estate | | of the Province. Complaint was made that and other assets? Did the hou. member the Ciovernment had incurred large expen-- for Kent think they could run this | ditures without the authority of the House, country on wind* (Laughter.) He believed | | but the speaker pointed out that they had that even if the Government erected * 5. d-- been empowered to dispose of the asylum mills for the purpose of running the Pro-- grounds and other property for the purpose vince they would have the hon. members on of providing funds ?or the new Parliament the other side going forth to do battlc buildings. It would not be a judicious against the windmills (Renewed laugh-- thing to tie the Government down to time ter.) The member for Kent af uo 6928 | | sud manner of raising funds since they had the Government only had some $17,000 to so many resources. iesides, they had the the (f°°d' but what about that $725,000 surplus to draw upon and could issue annui-- for drainage sureties, and also that $4,500,-- ties also. (Laughter.) In conclusion, Mr. ! 000 that the Dominion Government were | \Balfout pointed out the weakness of the | aunxious to be relieved from looking after | Opposition's case, and suggested to Mr. and had asked them to take over, giving Clancy that in future when (Fealin with the ©000,000 as an earnest of their willingness budget he should endeavor to%.\e a little | ( oo pageo;erdthqdfl:lll a;xll]oull:t? ; Th: sh::' fairer and give the Government credit for | member had said that the Province was un-- o & able to meet its liabilities, but he could as-- wl?g:;")' economy and forethought, (Ap surehim that this Province hasnever been in . P Mr. A. F. Wood (North Hastings) fol-- | that position. Thef had large assets and lowed Mr. Balfour, and remarked that al-- | a surplus that would meet every lisbility though that gentleman said he was going to fox . many years . to come., Lappinus®. ) deal tenderly with Mr, Clancy he %nud not Then with regard to the jicense _ ques. spared him to any great extent, The mem-- tion the hon. member for Kent had said b':: for Essex sometimes made good that the municipalities used to have control speeches on'municipl.l matters, but on this of their own funds and receipts, but did not occasion he did not think his speech had epupmol Nim now,. Did s mean to 54 | added much strength to the Government's that the Government had lntorfcred'wnfx ition. They had been accused of mak-- the right of.mun!cnpahtles't'o raise and con-- ip:gblno.-ruin speeches, but it was due to trol money in this way ? 'The hon. member th try that they should seek to aster-- had endcavored to convey the impression _ecsun w# t sil,io{; of affairs, . He then that the Government had interfered with _ !**'D :leex:c po 1 instances in which he the municipalities, and that the muni-- |; 03 flw'tme osition had not been cipalitiee had received only a fraction of | Fofi'" eref ";e uo. P the money they should have received. It §) tubdy set forth, was a fact that the municipalities received 4 THE COUNTRY SATISFIRD. more from this source than ever before, | Mr, W. B. Wood, member for North and a very small proportion of them had Brant, said that he was satisfied with the levied the full amount to which they were speech of the last member, as there was entitled under the present law. Unly four | really nothing in it that reflected upon the cities had imposed the full amounrt, and in! Administration or budget of the hon. all only 39 municipalitiee had taken full | Treasurer. This House and the country at advantage of the measure to increase their | large was too well satisfied to find fault revenue from this source, thus showing that I with the budget statement, and the chief no grievance existed in this respect. |, fault found by the Opposition seemed to be CAPITAL Accogsr with the skilful and masterly way in which a } Cane east * it had been presented. If the hon. mem-- Then the member for Kent said the CoY-- || bers would join with them in congratulatin ernment had drawn upon capital account, the l'r"vincje on its aplendid uugta he di3 that they were doing so every year, that || s 'F f 2 s th s is tounig: | not think they would fall in the estimation e capital account is growing less cvcry' year, and that twenty years hence there | oi the people, T'hue hesots hs unglerst.oud would be no account to d}ruw upon. _ \Well |: were now supplying t,he. country with from s s es ; _ one--quarter to one--third of the annual ai ali events they could rest easily for the revenue, _ With regard to li he claim-- preaent.t:nd c(';""y ?t !e)"tot,we'llly _ylgiars °f | ed that the muni:ibpalities \:l::e'nob'cc;m- rosperity, mwughter, the $17,0 , * git A x &)0 E):at. Zad beeugrcceiv(ed from the salgoof p].'":"'"f'l,'nd lhe ;°~"'eld the OI'P"'""'"'"'f Crown lands, over $1,000,000 had been eX. wit l Of( ing the ; act that any moneys «dle-- pended on colonisation roads, and the Gov. . 'Y* a l;;'"! !'13 1 sources huad been wisely ernment had siimply invested this money in | ©XP°00¢4 in advancing the "'3"'°"""";"l- other ways for the general benefit of this | @I4UCation@l and other interests of the Pro-- Province. 'The hon. member found fault vmtl:e. Whi k with the iuuinfi of annuities and said that Mr. iItney, member for D'!'d"' fol-- sno man in this building would ever see them | 12W®4 and occupied the attention of the paid. | In saying this he was evidently not | House until adjournment at 6 o'clock, _ He in accord with the hOl:l. member for To. ,:fi:'&:::';tegi:lru}:::'u"r v;ry higbly 0': ¢ 3 C in Fa get s s n pas runto, Mr. H. E, Clarke, who in I'cbxunry. years they had been accumed Lo qulpt.: %