.w ' r-i-T-u-------------------:: _-------" t a "ca=t=iF'i'?fi' D - RY 27 1895). W will ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. ll " , w..-..--------""" r , . I . , sk for i, lunperance ll enters A. l Some Radical Legislation. I -.----------"" F , , Y. UN'VIELDLX COUNCIL i ----------" of' Bill to Reduce the Number Councillors. _ 7 gr I THE HOTELKEEPEKS OF TORONTO PROTE l AGAINST ANY INCREASE IN THEIR 2 LKILNSE FEE. i _ _-------" -e------ I 'l'oitoNTO, Feb. M, le??. l In the Legislative Assembly this stirs!" l o . .. . e noon the Speaker read the cert,incate o Li returning oiliecsr 1'",',"11c11'e," the election Mr. Burr for North Renfrew. tl 0 l Among the petitions presented were t ' following P"- . . . Mr. Comneu--rrout the muuicipaliry of Nccbiug, praying for an act donning Its l, position in the separation therefrom oi the 7 Town of fort William. . . , Mr. Wood (l'tant)---Frorn the Municipal Corporation of North Oxford, praying tor _, the repeal of the bonus clauses of the Muni. l cipsl Act. f M r. Caldwell-From Bennett Rommond and others of Almonte, praying that an act may puss to incorporate the Carp, AlInonte & Lausrk Railway Company. Mr. 1hClcary---l"rotn John T. James and others of Victoria (Welland County), pray- ing that an iii-t may puss to Incorporate the Village of Victoria. Mr. bl. F. Crarlur--Fvotn Messrs. lilnke, I Lush, Cassells and others, praying that the registry and sheriil's othces, Toronto, be unipowertd to close on Saturday after- noons. . Mr. Willvughby introduced a bill to amend the Municipal Act, which was read 1 " tirst, time. i' Mr. Miscumpbell moved for a return I showing (I) on Inventory of the chattels at each of thepublie institutions in the Pro: viucr. ; (2) the prices paid foreach article ot the same ; (3) the present value of each ur- ticle of the, sumo to the (Shit of December, l8'Jl. lie said that, in the post four years the principal institutions had spent$278,150 in this way, or b00,000 annually. Without, iinputing anything wrong, he said he thought such inventories would be a sort of l chi-eh on the expenditure. Air. Gibson (Hamilton) said he had no doubt the object was it proper one, but he I thought the mover had not considered the I amount of labor it would involve. During ' the past year minute inventories were made at most of these public institutions, and the wyk was still going on in case of other in. stitutions. in a short, time there would be complete inventories. They had such iii- vcutotOs now for all the asylums but one. These inventories may be examined in the department or before the Public Accounts Committee. But to bring them before the House would be useless. No one would dream of printing them because they were too voluminous. It west the intention of the Government to have these inventories made at stated intervals, if not every year, It least every two years. Hetherefore sug- gested that Mr. Mucampbell should with- draw the motion. _ .\lr..i\l'.scampbell adepted the suggestion L and withdrew his motion. '