pi 4 CoMMITTEE MEETINGS,. The Public Accounts Committee will meet -- morrow (Wednesday) at 10 a. m. and the ivate Bills Committee at 10.30 a.m. | ~{ > PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTRE. _At the meeting of the Public Accounts Committee this morning the accounts of the various asyluims, asked for by Mr. Keras, brought down, but as Mr. Kerns was t present they were not inquired into. r. Waters stated that he wished to ascer-- in something of the system of p.yil:f of-- ficials who reside in the asylums, and the inspector, Mr. Christie, was sent for. In the course of his examination he stated that in some cases where officials did not reside in the building they were given an extra al-- lowance for rent, light and fuel. With re-- gard to the general cost of maintenance in the asylums of Ontario, he said they were conducted much more economically than in the United States,in addition,as he believed, to being more efficient. In the States the average cost per capita for maintenance was %227 838 per aunum, while in this Province it was $133 60, leaving a balance in favor of Ontario of $94 28. After some further inquiry it was decided to resume the consideration of the a;)'lums accounts at 10 o'clock to-- morrow (Wednesday), and Mr. Christie was requested to bring down | any instructions he bad received from the } head ot the department as to the payment i of officials and allowances for house rent. KOTICES OF MOTION. ! Mr. Tooley--Address to his Honor the Lieutenant--Governor in Council, praying that he wili be pleased, in accordance with a resolution passed by the County Council of Middlesex at its last sitting, to appoint ' Robert Boston, ex--warden, to the position of registrar of the county. | _ Mr. Whitney--Bill to amend the law ro-- lating to witness fees, Mr. Biggar--Bill to amend the Division Courts Act. s Mr. Allan--Bill to amend the Municipal ct. dovmpennonmnnmeenmencemmenenenes