Comeapnenamuretoie t aterefiifou mtecremmmmrerhente s w mnmmmimmmmmmnmes mm THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE| j ' neavpmemmeneemequntement | The Bill to Incorporate the Sur-- veyors Discussed. AMENDMENTs MaDE TO IT. Legislation Requested by a De. putation of Grangers. \| | «2222222222222 z. | MR. MOWAT WILL INTRODUCE A MEASURE TO REDUCK THE NUMBER OoF COUN-- TY COUNCILLORS. Toroxto, March 3, 1892. In the Legislative Assembly to--day the usual number of petitions was presented in favor of amendment of the liquor license law. There were also the following :-- Mr, Tait--From the City Council of Toronto, praying for certain amendments to the Mun-- clR;sl Act. Mr. Preston--From the united Counties of Leeds and Grenville, praying for certain amendments to the school law respoecting high schools. Dr, Gilmour--From the (,' Council of York, praying for certain amendments to the Municipal Act respecting the collection of taxes, Mr. Korns--From the County Council of Hal-- ton, praying for the repeal of the bonus clause in the Municipal Act. INTRODUCTION OF BLLLS. The following bills were introduced and received a first reading:-- Mr. E. F. Clarko--lespecting tho 'Toronto Streot lailway. Mr. K. EF. Clarke--Respecting the City of Toronto. Mr. smith (York)--To further amend the law rospecting assignmments and preferences by in-- solvent persons. Mr. Garvow--To separate a portion of the Town of Wingham therefrom and to annex the same to the Township of Turnberry. Mr. Fell----«To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Guthrie--To amend the act respecting municipalities, Mr. Fiecld--To consolidate the dobt of the Town of Cobourg. Mr, Magwood--To confirm a certain by--law of the 'Township of Elma. Mr. H. E. Clarke--To incorporate the Hos: pilal for Sick Children. FOR THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE. Mr. Awrey, in accordance with the reso-- lution of the Public Accounts Committee, moved for the production before the Public Accounts Committee of all orders in Coun:-- cil, extracts therefrom, or letters of instruc-- tion from heads of departments, authorising the payment of any sums to officials of pub-- lic institutions in lieu of rent, water, light, fuel or table allowance from 1881 to 1891 inclusive,. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said he had no objection to the motion. He supposed there was some necessity for going back to the original documents, but the motion was rather comprehensive, and he would not promise that the information wanted could be laid down all at once. Due diligence would be exercised in getting the informa-- tion ready, but he miS'ht, just ns well state that it could not be done in 24 hours, or | even some time longer. But the informa-- tion would be brought down as soon as possible. 'The motion was then adopted. MORTMAIN AND CHARITABLE UsSsEs. The House then went into committee on Bill No. 69, to amend the law respecting mortmain and charitable uses. Iwo clauses were added, one to provide that the bill | shall not be construed to take away any rights now possessed by any corporation, and another to provide that the jurisdic-- tion of the High Court may be exercised by a judge in chambers in a summary manner so as to avoid expense. The bill was then prenorted