w . SATURDAY: MARCH 12. 18981. , mdUa2LuG----uc---------'-'-- "~- mi. on renew ,mdt-shi 1997. e763.- (llifhfil(] LEGISLATURE ooo-, in 1tm, W16,000t " ' 1890, 'd more; in 1891. $1,282,00& In New . ------_l- York the revenue was as follows t 'r.Tki _ --rn 1886, $323836 'iaethnttlr.' "a . . m? l ' e s s ' c. Bill Respecting the Fees of mo. dag? ttgt, 1391390,?" lt ' b . . . was not ex t a n to, or some Certain Officials. an " We the fhptre would m... ----- high. It was not proposed to devote this . revenue to any particular fund, tt" was 'r A x o N L E o A o I E S. felt that this sum could be applud..in com. . psnetiott to the very large expenditure of (: --.--.-- the Provinee inl I,'tl'.1llth,ttitiih, ' Mall. E.Clar - "til 0m" The Alleged Discrepancy in the of "huomhip exempted'. l Public Accounts. Mr. Mowaf--at is [WOW to arxempt " r' to 3100.000 where the money goes to ---_ father, tttp, highly. 'ttig','." daugh- . " ter, m-in- aw or tor-in- w. he urnareits' assocu'riox mortars Mr. Hardy movedusthe third reading on . .. answer LEGISLATIOX or A smote the bill to incorporate' the Minion Of l f ', T ax truism)! Ontario Land Surveyors, and to amend the l _ w . . act res cting land surveyors and the euro ' l ------- vey orchids. This was carried without tr discussion, it being It, flmt bill this session ,'-', Tonox'ro, March 11,1892. to receive itsiina N" itsg. . In the Legislative Assembly to-day the . Mr. Monk ask ed whether itisthe intern. . ,', . tion of the Government during the present ; wing pu were introduced and received session to make u, alterations in the ' t reading '.- prison and reiortnatory system, in accord- _ r. Rosa-dt-sting the fees of certain ance with the sixteen recommendations l lie officers. contained than report of e',htc,'o,','zl,11o,','i , _ . - . era a in to inquire into t e rison an i . I": Dryden For the further protection 1'Jfr'2otl','r'; system of Ontario ,3"? y ' I. Mr. Mowat stated that the subject was l ' r. Stratton-To amend the Assessment still under consideration. ' k MR. H. r. etanxc's msraxl. "Mr. SUrp--To amend the Municipal Mr. H. E. Clarke (Toronto). in moving I . 'W' for a return sliowilpg i,,',ug"e,,t. form the 's, v r. Bi --ro amend . .. expenditure in t e pu lie institutions of , rte his" the Division the Province from the year 1883 to the year l v) r r hiow.t-T id t th 1891, both inclusive, said his object was to l a r . . . , pron . or . payment ascertain where the discrepancy existed u. "a , ccession duties. tween the accounts of the public institu- l _ up r. Mowav-Respoeting Courtof Algoma tions as returned by the burears and the M" _ Thunder Bay. . accounts 11. 1tirpt1treli," the pluhlic ac- - , . ' counts. esai that t e ex n itnre on [4 Sittin'?,', enable M"? Soden to public institutions as reported. by the in- , sin an in theCity of Guelph. lpoctor in 1890 "$731,125, and by the , . r. Iait--To authorise the Synod of the public accounts $769,901; in 1889 by the in. , . - " e of Toronto to sell certain lands; also spector 8739,105,and by the public accounts l , incorporate the Toronto Transfer, Ware- 87%.904: in 1888by the ins ctor 3711.545. i , '. uni: Railway Company. and by the public accounts 'Wall, and so l A tr... 1eyrRespeotiitg the collection of on. The totals for the past eight years i . . es in yualroU and Parry Sound. were by the inspector t25,199,4'r0, and by l I r r. Gibson presented the report of the the public! accounts 85,293,471, a discre . t't,W/,',',tlt.ti',htigeg,'i', she',',,'"?,', the ancy of 894,000; or omitting the 819,066 , municipai esw ic ave passed s at on Mi ico . . Bl -laws relating to the business tax. £3000. m m 1889, . ditcreplncy of l,,.'.' ' . A."X ON Lzuacms. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said there were sun introducing the bill to provide for the two "7' of accounting for the "PM _ ment at succession duties, Mr. Mowat discrepoe.r. There Will the 819,148 spent that it had been considered advisable for maintenance at Miinico which appears . t a duty should be imposed on att estates in the public accounts and which was not persons dying hereafter. it was not pro- taken into account 'in the bursars' state- l Elf to tax estates under tho value of ment as originally compiled by Mr. Clarke. , 000. it here an estate goes to remote But the second and chief way wasthis: tronsaduty of 5 per cent. would be The fin-tint ear of public institutions posed on amounts up to $100,000, ends on September 30, but that of the o. tho at." exceeds 8100,000 even lie accounts on December 31. The It A eel descendants would be required tol months ending December 31, 1882, are in. y a duty of 25 per cent, while others I cluded in the bursars' statementsascom- uld be assessed 5 per cent. If the estate piled, but not in the statements made oat hed $200,000 a 5 per cent. duty would rom the public accounts while the stats- _impc-sed. This heritage duty," he ex- merit compiled includes three months of the .ined, while new to this country, was not public accounts ending December 31, 1891 ".Poput as "huge revenue was raised the expenditure for which is not included I England, as well Y. m New York and in the bursars' statement. The expenditure ttrtilgy,ft, from this Source. In Eng- on public institutions for the three months i lnd t ere was a scale of" duty, according to ending December 31, 1882, W" 8128,469. 'l l nearness of the relation to the deceased. But since that time the expenditure on pub- ierybody there paid a portion-not am... he institutions has increased largely. The tr remote but lineal deacendaua-trom 1 rtpenditure for the three months ending per can... up to 6 per cent. for lineal and 10 December 31, 1891, was 8204,396. Now percent. for remote relations. It could the 1litterenms between these two l easily u understood that a substantial amounts u 375.927. or just about ' al' enue would be derived in this way. In tho same " the, $75,000 dis. , ennsylvania a duty of 5 C,', tent. w" im. crepancy of which Mr. Clarke spoke as poaed_ .on nearly all sums, ut m this Pro. , existing between the bursars' accounts and 1'l"d', " was thought advisable to exempt : the public accounts, leaving out the 819 148 » a amounts Hrto86,.000. In New York ti spent at Mimico. The additional his-l per Tgi/et was imposed on all sums crepancy. if any. might he caused in thisl aver b" going to consign] relations, and way: 1reoaaiomuly ex mlitures for public i, near relations 1 per cent. It was not institutions are paid dig-ea from the a. any to ascertain the total revenue from Eminent. and advice is given to the to" source in England, but it would in- rears of such payments. It might bo rest the House to know that in Pennsvl- that "m small accounts '°"° id ltr the .dspartrnsnt and not enters? by the