l F , i. .7 ' p _ / '/ g) v _ t - '__" , , J l l, ' I ', 4f , I ' ' _ ' . thrown u on the entire count , and the _ r buns". ih, was not aware of such, but"! ( s','rTi,1,vli'ti2", if enacted would give rise to ' ' there 'm any they were extremely emu . i rent dissatisfaction , ' i ii, The public accounts were securste, and the l l g Mr. Clancy Chel d .ths t the county ought ', , g. dithculty arose "'0'" Ay, to 1'i",,'"',l'l'd', i to do more towards the expenses of bridges I i accounts which did not cover t e same d l . " . 'tt th b fit f ti t iod. Althou hhe thou ht the explnu- P" ugnw , , tbs 0 ene ' rom iese pen g g h old , were not merely local but of great general v, ation fully answered t.he che,rcgt, 0- we l value. Mr. Wood (Hastings) took the same . not object to the motion. The motion was I position M Mr. Cluiicey. ' , mg? "timid- If moved for . return l .Mr. Balfour favored n careful considers- r.. I nt uron) . di ition of the mcusure in committee, and it showing the number of pupils atten Ing ( was then read a. second time. the Stoll-tguts' institutes and high aclyy.su l Mr. Guthrieinidviil the second reading of ' for the year'1890, g,iyiry,'r/o far BB pfosillme' his bill " to amend the Municipal Aet." the PrOFBSSthS which Itt "he: li e 59?: It provided, he said, that valuations made . pupils intended to follow. l It) mo u by counties as the basis of taxation might. was adopted. ' be made for ten years, instead of five ears, 1 FARMS WITHIN TOWN LIMITS. . l as at present. Also that cities under $0,000 1 i ' ' Mr. Awrcv moved the second reading oi t population should have power to repeal by. ' his bill " to Amend the Assessment Act.": laws appointing police commissioners. l . He explained that it was to provide for tho 2 l Passed and referred to committee. - l . t' exemption from taxation of farm lands 1; Mr. liobiliurd moved the second reading i _ within the borders of incorporated townit or i I of his bill " to amend thoAssessmeut Aut," I l ' cities. He mentioned several err"? where l, respecting valuations forassesssment. Passed i ' farm property was brought within town ,' and referred to committee. I . limits txgtuttar the desire of the OH hem and Mr. GuthrieU bills 66 respecting limited . , they were compelled to pay for ittlprot partnerships," and tt to amend the act re- : s.' merits from which they received no-bcnelit spouting joint stock companies for supply- ; . whatever. In Whitby, he traid, during t.he jug cities, towns and Vlli igi-s with gas and ' . past tew years the farming coutmuruty water," were read a second time andre, _ within the town limits had to pay th total of ferred to the committees without discus- 590,000, which they would not have had. to "on i b pay if they had only been Ott the other tride riuvnz mus mm: A sscoxn TIME. l I of the to"; ITle: ltl "we in mi Mr. Guthrie's private bill to amend the l " Mr. Ba out upp.o."t 16:. me d tl t l act respecting the public burying ground in t far as towns or villages did not excee it h .. ' fr) 'lrol . 'qh cl l ' M ' . . . , ' . In. t eLity o JUL .)1 nus read a seconi tum, Ci, atrmge whieh tnelaw allowed them. . l l f ll " ' . M g id ', l some chairs the measure if adopted, would l "l wer" u SH t w 0 owing J"--. c. 'P"?,'! , 1. - _ , . bill "to incorporate the Mercantile Fire , do away with half the village oi town. l l . _ "' C F F " . ll 8 ti , F I': Mr. Guthrie said tliitiurni lands could [mu-"hill 1','111,'l), li Elihu: Iis (Urdu!- t be purchased min-h cheaper within the town illimhs l l' ',lifei'rcci#l',f, 'f.'. \luu'lfuit' "lull ; limits than the adjoining farms outside the _ ""9" 1'lfJ. Phlljmlyii r.. iii s n f. limits owin to the ditfureacc in taxation. to 1"c'ore'tt.e tin: leopic 3 Life Insurance g. . Com iany ,, . Mr. Cleland s bill " to consoli- At the same time, however, he did not, sup- I l t lu . l bt ill l' , {Ow S l": _ port the bill. lie asked ifthey would tax the l, I 'l/tlil/l), l? Ill Yr" o , ten but]; , market gardener owning ten acres or loss l I". 'tIll',"'.))'",, ", ', l P' yo??."'" " y- 'ly . llo . 0 oxcm m the lar e farmer. l No. endotthe lounship' yf Elms ', Mr: ands " tog l g . l Cl c hill "to 'ousolidate the debt ot The bill savored too much of clusslcgisln- vhlthryt" l " L'l'il H»; M F I ' tit.yifh.eltoeedtUt it would l.rt greatly in? "iii-m3... {ML J,r,l'iylnd', modihedwhcn tt got to the commuter. h (hi,Uiin Waterworks l(.'mzipzuiy 'p Mr. l Mr. IN ood (Hastings) pointed out t e l Unrrow's bill 't to consolidate the debt ir r ' ctusowltero It mun sells Gli his iiirmat boom 1 ' 'l' . f U , . . .1 ,, l M ll ' , bill b prices and then, when tho property does I '1. to ahihiidlvc [73912;] J/"/d'(dd,t"fo ll" . i not become productive, cxcmpuon was . iel . t 'f lieu fdel ii Lhifiir! l _ asked for. Whitby, he thought, was uni sue h" ',"l) tires fl Al 0 L', lrd' a Li: exceptional instance, and might perhaps be 1 ill"; 'll IU92. if?. ouhde we" 3 Jourat" I . specially dealt with. i M D. 5. ---r-r----- ', Mr. Waters supported the measure, and I LEGieil ATI VF, NOTES . said that it was quite rensonablc that farm l " " qs ---- . lands should be cscnipt from pziyiiients for ? "rur R.tTrPAYERs' ASSOCIATION ALARMED AT ' ' waterworks, sidewalks, scorers, lighting f . . _ , . . . ' . A f' p and watering streets, which wore the points ' WliAT 't'yir.Y ItEGAttD AS SINGLE-TAX Li providn-d form the bill. . Ini'l:iLA'1'loN. Mr. Whitney favored the bill, believing A deputation from the Ratepayers Asso- .' that there were many persons siiliering cial ion consistincrof ex-Ald William Cur- ; , under the law as at present. It was a ' ' ' g ' . . . grievance that could be remedied without lyle, president; 1Jr. Herrick, chairman of 1, hurtingr other interests to any ex tent. the Executive ; Robert Jatfray, Alexander v _ , Fr, The bill was then read a second time. Running. ex.Ald. Steiner, s. Whitt, D. H. , . (mum mus. Watt, It. Skinner, C. A. Young, ti. Softly, g l Dr. McKay (Oxfordy moved the second Dr. Show], A. Wheeler, John Ogden, T. , I radius of his . bill "to amend the general Christian, s. Crane, A. Willis, nonunion. y Road Companies Act." llllS bill, he ex- "on, John i'soland, M. 1:3380, Malcolm i pinned. has .inrtudcd to sweiwwer to Gibbs, I). W. McIntosh, \Villiuin l.smb,i '. "tun.ieipaliehavittg "_ laiu',y, "WW0" in w. L. Huddart, George Faulkner, R. Mc- ', road C'0tnuantc'd to "PPM!" directors Other l l)onell, James Stuart, John Watson, James l '. than the Teve, or howl Phil": municipality, Thompson, J. Enoch 'rhotuptson, W. Gilioy, I l BO as P give. Sh" "y1tyclpaut.y larger fel'.?" w. Elliott, John 1' ester, and others waited . sentstlon. 1hu bill passed without dis. upon the Government this afternoon to pro- cussion. - test against features of several bills now . Dr. MUKPY "l'fo moved the second resd- before the House. which they regarded as mg of his bill Ill' amend thu Assessment discriminating against real estate owners. Act." pro.vi.di.ng for the construction of They iirst, objected to BillNo. 38, clause 8, bridges or high" hy'." by tho yhole county which they declared to be in substanr ' and instead of by the loesl towtylip. . facts single-tux clause, purposin" to re- yr. 'lutys .uiy',".d a careful coutsidoration move the tax on income, newer "ts) and _l'et/,"/s, Wi80 legislation on tins point wt" re- buildings and place the whole burden on Fiii,"s,'.i. . . Mad values. The present assessmcn: of . Mr "ardytraid ho hopedthehon. menr Toronto is nbout:~~l.und S82 000 OOO: . parlor Union! had carefully considered this buildings, t?49 000 000 l 1,0}s,,;,,,i{y 3.10 : ,mject More he proposed to throw them 000,000, and iiicoiiie, 35.000300. it; ii. track into the vortex which they lcct of tho single-tax clause would be that, were in before the not on this the rate of taxntion on hind would be 20 point was enacted. Ille only knew of mills on the dol or. The burden would be three case.s.whem a difficulty M058 between thus liltcd Irom income, personally rich tyyoyysltips and the county, but these corporations, extensive buildings elc'. and ',i,,it.it'e,.'ie1t were adjusted yevweers thei plsced on the many hundreds of, Lic/iT, ar ies. wuss very swce in measure . ' ' a, Propose that these Ll1"l'Jd Eben" be strauUatutru, artisans, clerks, on... who haw _ / i _ - " .. _ P. :'A 'ttlt' i r I A _ . rr l . is "d oi ( . I