- v t V , \ told, and 'correciiy, that the estimates of I ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION. timber berths were not public, but that ' - spar; ',gXhit in thu particnhr case, I" DEFINITI sways TAKEN so warm "a can not . iven,asno estimate was mat e _ vi. I . '-- , . of this or anygof the other berths sold at the rum 'dc.ly:ffftT"'os' accuses"; sale of 1872 nor has any been made since of ACTION PROPOSED. . those berum--in faot there never was a da. 0ffieers and members of the Ontario Pro- partm'ental "pinup" of guy oi the berths in winch! Mining Association haves held 'tedt','," hi . . ' . th W d and several meetings and have now decided on s y is Iniull'lOI in 6 cos .. ',., Forests branch 'll was apparent Mr. Matter detinit/r ty 1Sl"l2' steps It: Tt'd the did not icpept. what 1 told him, and it T"'?."."'" NM 'fe" tb - " P" looked as though he contemplated attacking t tiuential membership throughout Ontario. me, 1 at once made a statement of the The objects of the association are to have ttesta. " above given to th°_Pr°"'"l' Com. the royalty on mineral abolished, to secure mt"toner, and requested him to lay t.h.e the development of the mining interest of matter before the Attort"tGu.mrrtu and his Ontario by the obtaining of . liberal policy oU.ty colleagues, Bo Pttt if they were "of for the construction of railroads and roads, op"uon that what I had don.? was ceusarable and the establishment of schools of mines. or that 1 WM considered mornlly The membership fee is 85, which amount culpable my resignation was at their dis- t all members are requested to remit to D. posal. . Ihri matter was submitted and the l Bole, treaaurer, Sum, Ste Marie. Commissioner intormed me that while the Members are requested to perfect the Government duapiy.oved ot clerks tsctiag P' organisation of their local associations at pursuits, yet as nothing Imorallyl TJ,',',",""', "d once. ega or contrar to tie ie an ions in. n . . been done in 'dl%l1t'd2', and! as the trans- l 13201ng will"?! a"??? thlldbe geid action was both isolated and old, no action 'll, 15192 e. " arte, u " n nos By, n y 2',',',l.""""'"" on the par t of thet Govern. in the meantime the association appeals l ' ' , I l have Mr. liarnet's letters ex laining _ l to all Boards of It1t the J. atrons of In. my connection with the matter tx/u",'] such !dustry, thelE'trTe" .Insttitutes t'f, sul other data as will satisfy any reasonable Imus ',,"l"a0l1o'it',t',.f2tl'ltl Ie', ".1 ntano person that l have done nothing illegal, tot '31" l o 'l,Td,'"'l'/', ll. 'Illia G contrary to the regulations. dishonest or at 2"r'"'lt,, f' . (inf, ' ates ov.. dishonorable, and 1 can only regret that trrntnent fl er t rs m utenients to the Mr. Marter has allowed it to be, understood I "y/tl sett I'), bo that] was to be attacked for malfeasance ANI " iereas a lit tltrt.e-h.ture of in otiice. the entire Province of Ontario is still un- Mr. Barnet is a lumberman and a man of settled, f h lihe . wealth. The money he paid to Mr. John- . illiere ore t e. Poe I . ral railway, son and myself was his own, and in no wise mining tund homestead policy should be public money. It was received by me and yio.pu"I to prevent dtlre exodus from On. niade use of as my own private funds. It tario and escure the u elopment f, hor t'e. was neither departmental nor political, V sources "h we Il,'"",',',', mm the latrons of and not a dollar of it was ever di- T Industry t at t 0 public domain should rerted topolirical uses. Mr. Barnet re- ire yyry1....ff..r the homestead settler 18 ceived a large sum over and above his high- fur l". the cireutnstaneea of Ontario wilt est price tor the berth, and thought he Wynn" _ . couu well ali'ord to divide that extra sum Andmould therefore "WW petition between those who were instrumental in the L.emyrti.re Assembly ot Ontario to realising it for him, the more so as he had enact legislation this session as follows c---. , made large profits otherwise upon the sale. ..C.'i.. hat sti'lt?/,"yi'i'T,3 tte 2'lte2'f,fhe of colon. 1 repeat that the whole matter was a 't1'lh8fl,'it2i"'tiu' t'l."rellrt""trfl,1'JJit.lttt/'/ private transaction, one outside of the de- eluding plty.and, mineral per mile in alter- 22,'.',',','1 min which the Government If 'Jtfiu'1'veh'i'l2'e has: tri'l'/t'l'/'/'lt'it 83:"- (eparment is no concern or interest an , . ' . . , n- Ifelt that l was as free to act G' Mr. l, 'dggidd11t1"' Bay Railway in the North. Bamet " a clerk in any bank or loan com. "That the other townships in such railway pan finiglit have been in a like case. a?" gl,tl'ut lui/pug 'f/g',','",!, tiyi,trte,1, tdr ' l have since the transaction in question 10:;va "an. and " c;,,n§°g; Jte, 3:65:30" been appointed Assistant Commissioner of an entry fee of 810 should be entitled to": Crown Lands, anilzl feel sure that members "e4','lt, 1"ig1'.21t/,iat1,tl't' 3511:? t//i, mineral. . Ill 1 t I on but? 'tled th.tr. House P. well. as the tler and_the 'ell/ir companies 'attl',1'fft't',,',11t.' genera pu ic will bear testimony to the Joel, to timber dues of $1 per. 1.000 feet on all fact that! have been upright, energetic pine. payable to the Ontario Government as _ and courteous in the discharge of my du. 1.y.t "w" ill fhe "m; by this "mm" tho present ties, and that I have known neither party 'iSJell'lifi'iiJS2'1'/" plne would not be nor politics in my administration of the " Peh"eltr1'rr---- I fairs of this great department. ---- -__-------, "'----..q- , I Aerial-2r Warm i Toronto, March 12.