"ii/s' / fl / _--" "jf, d- g, "" Mex/é "L . / s ' f) V 7 a , 2mm against cases of a similar kind re- in: sun or OINCIAIA. Ilill . . . " Rh,,,,,,, adjourned at 5.45. bylriliheéixf /elig,'g,fgttt;1fd/"o'r/,':'ggi y _ ------q--- . ' Bl . N by registrars, Surrogate clerks, sheriff R, LEGIbLATLVE NOTES ,others, it should have been stated Ite Ill, DEPUTATMtNg or manure: MES, ransom tte,ui:l',', 't,1ht"u',ct,y, Ae, Pti.d (ill, as» manna, "TIRVWW THE GOV. of the counties in which they'd: b11233? the" ERNXINT. The fees under Mr. Ross' bill will go to the if A deputation consisting of Messrs. James consolidated revenues of the Province to !It Beatg, Q.C., w. C. Macdonald, W. P. Bar. meet the expenses of audit and instruction. , ton (Hamilton), representing the Canada DR. GILMUL'B'S mus. , Life and Standard Insurance Companies, Dr. Gilmour introduced a bill to-day to t and W. H. Orr of the Etna Life, waited amend the Street Railway Act by proViding .1; l upon the Government to-day respecting the I 2'" Email" Lgoxn'f'lls ""Y give . 50-year insurance bill, asking for the insertion of a "13:63; as 'il)fd1,tyt,lvt1',rtUd"lf u',"',,",,' bl. Clause prohibiting rebates, and 3130 Att er. a road to extend to points that mighznupa; planation of some of the technical points of in the first fifusen or twenty ears, but the bill. which would pay in 30 years. Tie also in. 'l \vooouss or we WORLD. 1,"hr,1,.,rtmtbtii1,1, 'tt,gg,1, ttl',', Mrmmpal if, Mr. Wood (Brant) introduced to Mr. ' for lui' i1r','l'ed','l,1"l'l .enb y J, l' tif,',' ' Gibson to-day a deputation consisting of , water mains on the local L, rivemx in lug 'r Hon. J. C. Hoot, Omaha, Nebraska ', W. l tem . by enabling local Ulf,": alga} "a. , A. Rampton, London ; T. H. Luscombe, l realise on lands in arrears for taxis All to i; London ; W. S. Campbell, Dr. Harrison f oi oing to thet Count Council m HEP BC8 ' I and E. R. Laing, Brantiord. Who asked for l (Mot resent . y BC tuery, ' an amendment to the insurance bill so that l, p . . _ , , the friendly society known as "The Wood- l lSlTORS To TUR, "OWL l men of the World" might register under it. The visiting members of the Knights of wr The bill excludes from registration any for. St. John, to the number of about twenty, ' eign fraternal society which began opera- spent an hour this afternoon listening to the is tions here since March 11, 1890. The pioceedingts of the House. .A Woodmen of tne World, which is chartered NOTICES or Marlow ll in Omaha, Nebraska, began a few months t . . . , , St",' that date, and, the deputation gated. Mieirigc1'g.""r-Bil1 to amend the General 7 L, he now sixteen lodges and 700 mem rs in T . . . " Ontario. aie,gJ,lt'd,e'"ti"'-" to amend the a comment: MEETINGS. l I Mr. Whitney-Bill to amend the proof a/tl ' The following committees will meet to- i for registration in PM Registry Act. " 'l, marrow (Tuesday) ..---1uilwtsys 10, Public I I Mr. Gilmour-Bill to amend the Assess. IN I I Accounts 10, Private Bills 10.50. _ meut Act. .. I The following bills will be con- i 1yeeri"tePr.eyeee.ee.?1erU'Pe"-'.'e , , sidered by the Railway Committee:-- C a Bill to incorporate the Niagara Falls I Park and Queenston Electric Railway ' & Steamboat Company, and the bill to in- ' corporate the Ontario Ship Railway Com. pany. NO FEMALE LAWYERS. y, Mr. Gibson presented to-day the corre- ' spondence relatiu to the application oi . Miss Clara Brett glartin, daughter of the E Into Abraham Martin of Toronto and a . graduate in arts of Trinity University , praying for admission to the Law Society of Upper Canada as a student at law. The ' application was referred to a special com- mittee cf the Law Society, which reported t. I that the question, to be determined in not , whether it is desirable that women should P, be admitted as students of laws " is , asked in the petition, but whether the Law " h Society of Ontario is permitted to allow a . - woman to be entered as a student of the " laws asa step to her becoming a member of the Law Society. The committee submitted after an examination of the ' statutes, rules and orders of the society , that aLthority was not intended to be given to the society to admit women as members I thereof, that the statutes, rules and regula- J ' tions do not authorise it, and that the V prayer of the petition should not be grant. ' ' = ed. The report was adopted by the so- t ciety. tit TO PROTECT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS MEN. 3 A deputation from the dry goods section of the Board of Trade, consisting of Messrs. [ G. B. Smith, M.PP., James McMaster, R. ' H. Gray and T. M. Bayne, waited upon the Government to-day to ask for an amendment to the Conditions of Sales Act, chap. 19 of the statutes of 1888. This act they said now protects an innocent pur- " chaser from the consequences of any under. 'tll hand agreement, and they wanted it amend. . u' edsoas to protect innocent creditors in - the same way, by providing that all agree- ments with reference to the sale of chattels . , and future possession shall be in writing and filed with the county clerk. I I , ii I . H H pt: ' "," " t I _ w. l l ti . l ' ,